Published by Western News Agency Ltd., Winnipeg, (46 pp.)
Physical Description
9.25" x 6.75" (b/w)
Material Details
Small pamphlet containing photo essay
History / Biographical
Established as Sewell Camp in 1909, it was renamed after Major-General Sir Sam Hughes, Canada's Minister of Militia and Defence, in 1915. During World War I (1914–1918), more than 38,000 troops of the Canadian Expeditionary Force trained there. Many of the soldiers later distinguished themselves at the battle of Vimy Ridge, in April 1917.
Extensive trench systems, grenade and rifle ranges, and military structures were built in 1915 and 1916. A variety of retail stores on a double-avenued area close to the main camp formed a lively commercial midway. Camp Hughes was dismantled in the 1930s as part of an unemployment relief project.
The Camp Hughes Military Training Site, located at NE 34-10-16 W, 10 kms west of Carberry,
R.M. of North Cypress, was designated Manitoba Provincial Heritage Site No. 82 on April 18, 1994.
Custodial History
Donated by Earl Johnson, publisher of the Baldur Gazette, through the "good offices" of Fred McGuinness.
Scope and Content
Item is a small pamphlet containing 50 black & white photographs in a photo essay entitled: Ready for Active Service, Camp Hughes Manitoba.
McGuinness wrote about Camp Hughes and how he acquired the pamphlet in a Viewpoint column in the November 1, 2001 edition of the Brandon Sun. A copy of the article is with the pamphlet. History/Bio information taken from the Manitoba Government Exlpore Our Heritage Website at: (December 14, 2009).
Postcard shows two men in WWI Canadian military uniform. One soldier is seated on a piano stool, the other stands behind him. The men have Canadian General Service cap and collar badges on their uniforms.
Photograph possibly of the Pope brothers, George Campbell and Roy Clendon Pope, uncles of Fred McGuinness.
Gerry Beaubier was born in Wainwright, Alberta to Beatty and Babe Beaubier. He completed his high school in Saskatoon, before receiving a BSc in Geography from Brandon University.
Before attending university Gerry served in the army as a special reserve, while working as a night clerk at the Bessbourough Hotel in Saskatoon. His post-graduate career consisted primarily of work for Canada Agriculture, under the PFRA Branch (Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration). Later he would work as an Executive Manager, helping develop forage and range management programs for several post secondary schools, including, Assiniboine Community College, as well as schools in Red Deer, Lethbridge, and Saskatoon.
Gerry Beaubier married Joyce Abercrombie, of Saskatoon. Together they had two sons: Neil and Dean. Neil, an Account Advisor for the Royal Bank, was born in Regina, and currently works in Swift Current. Dean was born in Swift Current, received his PhD in Education and currently lives in Forrest working at Elton Collegiate.
The Beaubiers, who were originally from Ireland, emigrated to the Canadian West, making Gerry part of the fourth generation of his family to call the region home. His great-grandfather, along with his grandfather and great uncle were amongst the first one hundred settlers in Brandon. Together they first built the Beaubier House, a boarding house for early settlers and travellers. After it burnt down they began construction on the Beaubier Hotel, which stood at the corner of 8th Street and Princess Avenue in Brandon until August 17th, 2008. His grandfather, David Wilson Beaubier, continued to build and operate hotels throughout the prairies, including the Empire Hotels (of Brandon and Saskatoon) and The Park (Moose Jaw).
David Wilson Beaubier served as a secretary of the Orange Lodge of Manitoba. As an Orange Lodge Colonel, he worked with other Orange Lodge members, to recruit throughout the prairies for the purpose of World War One. For his efforts , David was promoted to Leftenant Colonel, and later Captain of the 99th Manitoba Rangers. David's sons (Gerry’s father, at University of Manitoba, and uncle at McGill), were both working towards undergraduate degrees when war broke out in 1914, and each would leave school to join their father at Camp Hughes.
Custodial History
Gerry Beaubier collected these photos primarily in the years 2000-2011, largely
from family and friends who knew of his interest in the topic. They were donated to the S.J. Mckee Archives in 2011.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of digital photographs of those who trained for battle in World War I at Camp Hughes and in Brandon, Manitoba. It also includes a digital copy of the cover of the Nominal Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, who departed from Brandon in 1917.
The photos, taken primarily at Camp Hughes, are of a number of battalions, including the 34th, 100th, 108th, 181st and 214th. The photo, PT in England, is a postcard sent home from Beaty Beaubier. The Massey Harris building seen on the right side of, WW1 B parade0001, was used to house troops throughout the war. The man standing alone at the front of the parade in, 181 Parade, is David Wilson Beaubier.
Information for the biographical and custodial histories was provided by Gerry Beaubier on September 25, 2013. Description by Dustin Lane (October 2013).
Hubert Clayton Weidenhamer was born near Dand, Manitoba in 1926. He was raised in Dand and attended school in the Dand Consolidated School District. Weidenhamer enlisted in the Canadian Army in 1943. He became a member of the Priness Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Following training in Canada and England Weidenhamer was sent to Italy. He was badly wounded in battle in mid-September and died of his injuries in November 1944 at age 21. He was buried in the Ancona Military Cemetery, Ancona Italy.
Custodial History
These records were in the possession of Bea Chapin (née Weidenhamer) following their creation in the 1940s until they were donated to the S. J. McKee Archives in January 2011.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of correspondence from Hubert Clayton Weidenhamer to his sister Bea. The letters begin in the spring of 1943. Weidenhamer had enlisted in the Canadian Army in January 1943. His letters detail his induction into miltary life in Fort Garry, Winnipeg and his training experience in Canada, principally at Camp Ipperwash, Lambton County, Ontario. He relates his experience of travels on leave to Detriot. Weidenhamer left Canada from Halifax in late 1943 and arrived in Great Britain in December for additional military training. In England, maintaining his morale, waiting for deployment, and coming to terms with British currency were challenges. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Weidenhamer was deployed to Italy in March 1944. The letters dating from March 1944 to September relate in oblique fashion his's experience of military life on the Italian frontier as the Canadian Army fought its way north - "hard fighting" - and the impact of the war on Italian cities and the countryside. He was "proud" of his conduct in action. Weidenhamer's last letter is dated September 11, 1944.
Collection also includes correspondence on Weidenhamer's behalf from his military Chaplin; two press clippings dealing with his military career, and several facimiles of telegrams and correspondence from the Canadian government officials related to Weidenhamer's death and burial in Italy.
Frederick Gallagher McGUINNESS (b. 1891 – d. 23 May 1968) was born in Ottawa, Ontario. While in Brandon, he was a student (1911) and secretary of Boys’ Work for the YMCA in 1913. He moved to Winnipeg where he graduated from the Manitoba Medical College in 1917. On 3 December 1917, Lieutenant F.G. McGuinness enlisted with the Canadian Army Medical Corps in Winnipeg. He served in France with the Royal Army Medical Corps and was a Medical Officer attached with the Ninth Royal Irish Fusiliers. Lt. McGuiness survived the war and returned to Winnipeg where he married Myrtle Eva White in Winnipeg on 12 September 1922. They would have a son Jim “Jimmy” and a daughter Elizabeth (Shannon). Dr. McGuinness practiced in Obstetrics and Gynecology and taught at the University of Manitoba’s Medical School from 1923 onwards. He was instrumental in helping his nephew, Frederick George McGuinness return to school after he was injured in the Second World War. Dr. McGuinness died in Winnipeg at the Deer Lodge Hospital following a lengthy illness.
Scope and Content
Photograph shows a WWI portrait of Frederick Gallagher McGuinness (Fred McGuinness' uncle) in a Canadian Army Medical Corps (CAMC) officer's uniform.
For biographical information on Sarah Persis Darrach see RG 1 Brandon College fonds, Series 9: Clark Hall women's residence.
Custodial History
See collection level description of the Maureen Johnson collection (10-2009) for custodial history.
Scope and Content
Group photograph of four nurses and one male military officer standing in front of a brick building in England where Sarah Persis Johnson was stationed. Johnson is standing on the far right.