Linklater Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1928 - 1977 Certificate of incorporation, 17 January 1928 Memo of Association, 17 January 1928 Lease between MPEL and Linklater CEAL, 1 August 1928 Memo re: Agreement between MPEL and Linklater CEAL, 12 November 1929 Directors meeting, 27 July 1931 Shareholders meeting, 27 July 1931 Application for one share of stock, 27 July 1931 By-law nos. 12 and 13, 27 July 1931 By-law no. 14, 16 November 1931 Agreement between Linklater CEAL, MPEL, Manitoba Wheat Pool and The King, 1 August 1931 Agreement between Linklater CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Special meeeting of Board of Directors re: By-law no. 15, 2 March 1933 Agreement between Linklater CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 By-law no. 16, 8 November 1939 By-law to authorize cancellation of capital, 6 November 1940 Memo re: By-law no. 16, 24 March 1941 Memo re: cancellation of capital, 24 March 1941 General By-laws and By-law nos. 18, 19, and 20, 1 July 1941 Motion for By-laws 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, no date Letter re: Agreement, 9 June 1944 By-law no. 21, 13 November 1947 Memo re: General By-laws amendment, 6 May 1949 Memo re: General By-laws amendment, 19 May 1949 By-law no. 22, 22 November 1949 Letter re: By-law no. 22, 7 March 1950 Agreement between Linkater CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1951 General By-laws and covering letter, 8 January 1953 Memo re: By-laws, no date Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Letter re: closure, 7 June 1977 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 8 March 1928 - volume 6, 15 November 1978 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1930 - 1958 (19 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1932 - 1955 (15 reports) Final statements, 1932 - 1952 (20 reports) Auditors' reports, 1959 - 1968 (10 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1957 - 1962 (6 reports) Auditors reports, 1929 - 1959 (28 reports) Allocation of surplus, 1946 - 1950 (4 reports) Pool deliveries and non deliveries, 1929 - 1930 (9 pages) Directors' Resolutions, no date (2 reports) Memo re: Working Capital Requirement, 1952 Correspondence, 1929 - 1968 Membership list, 1928 - 1968 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1949 - 1950 (1 report) Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Pipestone