Einar Egilsson graduated from Brandon College with a BA in 1937 and was ordained a United Church minister in 1940. After serving as an Air Force Padre for two years, he returned home and married Anne Campbell in 1944; the couple had three children. Egilsson retired from the Ministry in 1980 after 52 years of service. Einar Egilsson died on April 21, 2010.
Custodial History
Materials were in the possession of Einar Egilsson since his departure from Brandon College in 1937 until their donation to the Archives in 2006.
Scope and Content
Consists of copies of The Sickle from 1934 through 1937. There is also a letter to the members of the Class of '37 from the class secretary Helen Welliver and an invitation to the Flag Tea (1937).
History/Bio information taken from the "Alumni Grandstand" column of the Fall 1992 edition of Alumni News and the "In Memoriam" column of the Spring/Summer 2010 Alumni News. Description by Christy Henry.
Storage Location
MG 2 Brandon College Students
2.14 Rev. Einar Egilsson