File contains registration cards for the following students: Annie Allen, Adelaide Dacres Anderson, William J.(?) Anderson, Alison Tait Andrews, Eliza Andrews, Mary Andrews, May Andrews, George Wesley Ardington, Leslie Arnot, Charlie Roy Bailey, Charles Baker, Miss ? Ball, Thomas Hugh Ballantyne, Robert Charles Barnfield(?), Norma Bates, William B???hup, John Edward Bennett, Sara Ellen Bennett, Myrtle Bolger, Florence May Bourke, Roy Bourke, Beatrice Boxer, Russell Ernest Boyle, Edna Jane Brandon, Isabel Albina Brandon, William Archibald Branton, L.E. Braugh, Beatrice Brigders, Stella Jane Brimacombe, Vera Leola Brisbin, Wallace Broatch, Eva L. Brooke, Florence Bruce, Margaret Adeline Bulloch, Daniel N. Buntain, Edith Nelie Burchill, Mary Olive Burchill, Ida Agnes Burke, Charles W. Burns, Adelaide M. Butchart, Elsie Gray Cambridge, John Laurin Campbell, Evely(?) R. Campbell, Axel Carlson, Cecil Lorne Carrick, A. Margaret Casey, Isabell Walker Castell, Arthur Caswell, George Herbert Calhoun, James Kerfoot Chambers, H.M.S. Chambers, Alice Chapman, A. Maude Chapman, Lucy May Chapman, R.G. Chapman, Arthur Roy Clarke, Ernest Henry Clarke, Geraldine Clarke, Norman M. Clarke, Irene Mildred Code, Katie B. Cole, Rossie Marie Colquhoun, Kathleen Cornell, W.M. Courtice, Amy Lillian Craig, Marion Crawford, Rubina May Hunter Stevenson Crawford, Adah Croley(?), Hannah E. Cronquist, Louise Julia Cross, Gordon Clark Cumming, Miss G.(?) Curry, Joseph John Curtis, Lulu Dean, William James Deans, Bert de Mille, Carolyn de Mille, Ora de Mille, James Wesley Dempsey, Henry Holling Dennison, Etta E. Dorsey, Emma(?) Dorsey, J. Wallace B. Doucette, Charles Elmer Dovey, Isabel Drummond, A. Ainslie Duncan, Lavina M. Duncan, Philip Duncan, Vera Duncan, Vernon Lewis Dunning, Reginald G. Edwards, William Morris Elliott, H. Erlandson, John Robert Evans*, Alice Farr, Vera Fawcett, Gladys Ferrier, Russell T. Ferrier, Henry Parry(?) Finch, Beatrice Abigial Fletcher, Florence Forest, Mabel Fraser, Flora A. Fraser, John Edward Gentner, Ethel M. Gimby, Chilvers Gooch, Archibald Gordon, Irvine R. Graham, Gen. Middleton Grant, H. Elmer Gunn(?), Evelyn Gunn, Constance Gunn, Jean Stuart Guthrie, Bella Hall, Flossie K. Hall, Helen E. Hall, Isabel M. Hamilton, Mary Hanbury, Pauline Hanson, Lester Harper, Ella Harris, Herbert C. Harris, Tom Hare Harris, William Bowley Hartie, Robert Harvey, Ralph Hawkes, Norman Hilliard Haworth, Evelyn Hector, K. Muriel Henderson, Gordon D. Herbert, Rossie Herbert, Essie Hindorff, Mary Kathleen Hollies(?), Jane Ethel Holt, Campbell Hooper, Mary Hooper, Percy Cooper Hughes, Ruth Hughes, Alphonse Ovide Huguet, Albert Reginald Hurst, Ruth Hutchinson, Vincent S. Irvine, Wesley W. Irvine, Eileen Margaret Irwin, Lily Isman, Katie Jackson, Charlotte Jackson, William Robert Jamison, Bertha Jefferson, Axel Helge Johnson, Gertrude B. Johnston, Mable Annie Johnson, May Johnston, James Jordan, F.H. William Kahlo, Greta Kelly, Donald Kennedy, Hazel Muir Kennedy, Jack Kerr, Roland H. Kilfoy, Hazel M. Kirkwood, Theodore Kochan, D.C. Kyle, Joseph W. Kyle, Jenevieve H. Laidlaw, Bessie Lane, Elma Gladys Lane, Robert James Lang, Ole Larson, Jane R. Latimer, Annie Langhton, Fred James Lawson, Alexander Howard Leask, Jack R. Lee, Vera Leech, Alfred E.D. Lines, Frank W. Linnell, Charles Edward Little, Grace E. Little, Ruby Little*, Vonnie Claire Littler, J. Estelle Long, Kathleen L. Longworth, Byron A. Log??, Harry Luraas, Jack Maley, Letty Morrison Manzer(?), Ida Marie Matheson, Cornelius Kelly Mathewson, Gladys Mathie, Jessie Mathieson, Edna E. Maxwell, Violet E. May, Alastair Forbes Menzies, Marie Nesta Middleton, Alfred John Dennis Milton, Jim Mitchell, George E. Moffat, James A. Moffat, James Ernest Moffat, John A. Monson, Bernard A. Moon, Alice Mooney, Etta M. Moore, William Alexandra Morden, Oscar Wentworth Morrison, Ina Mumby, Thomas Murphy, Janette Neta Murray, Jennie McArthur(?), Muriel Vivian McCamis, Eva G. McCaul, J.W. McCormick, E. Muriel McDiarmid, David McDonald, Jennie E. MacDonald, Helen Marjorie Macdonald, Margaret Jane McDonald, James McEwen, Florence Eva McFadyen, Hamilton McFadden, Nora McFadden, Mary McGregor, John McGregor, John Fouler McGregor, Marjorie Evelyn McGregor, Lawson McKague, Jas. R. MacKay, Christina Evelyn McKechnie, James Harris McKee, William Carey McKee, Finlay McKinnon, Fraser R. McKinnon, Gertrude McLaughlin, William Roy McLachlan, George Corbett McLeod, Maggie McLure, Glennie McNeil, Hattie McNicol, Ritchie (Archie Marquis) Macpherson, Jean McPherson, Violet Macpherson, Robert McQueen, Gertie McRae, Willie Findly McRae, Maud Kathleen McTaggart, Irene G.S. McVicar, John Edward McVicar, Lillian Ann McVicar, Ole Nordine, Arvid J. Nordlund, John Buckley Nield, Selma Emeline Olstad, David L. Orriss, Arthur Orris, Ethel Winnifred Osborne, Hugh Stanley Osborne, Vera Lillian Palmer, Ilea(?) Parker, Arthur Owen Parry, Vivian Pascoe, Olga Pachal, Dorothy Paterson, James Albert Peaslee, Miss C(?) Pelton, Edward E. Perkin, Mrs. A. Peterson, Abe Peterson, John Peterson, Laura Philllps, Ralph A. Phillips, H.B.O. Phillpott, J.W. Pickard, Bertha Pilling, Albert Pinder, George F. Pinkess, Mary Popowa, Jennie Popowa, Samuel Howard Potter, Livina(?) Jane Power, Beulah Preston, Jessie May Purdon, Marjory Douglas Purdon, Agnes Purdon, Arthur J. Radley, Annie Ramshaw, Helen Raymond, Lottie E. Reeder, Charlie Reeder, Arthur Benjamin Reeder, Kathleen Resser, Edward Stanley Riggs, Olive Mary Robertson, James Robinson, Stanley Robinson, William Yates Roddick, Sadie Beatrice Rogers, F.H. Rogers, William Hubert Rogers, Nettie Ross, Roy Wait Ross, Blanche Edith Rowles, Miss Lena Rudd, Hugh McGilliviray Rutherford, Andrew Rutherford, Mrs. George H. Ruttan, Doris Rymph, Lily Scott(?), May Ella Selman, Janette Burnet Shanks, Mamie Shaw, David John Shory(?), Elizabeth Simonson, Evelyn J. Simpson, Clara Louise Sinclair, John W. Sleight, William C. Smalley, Annie Beatrice Smith, Laura M. Smith, Marion Alexandra Smith, Myrtle E. Smith, Ethel Sopp, Alfred John Sparks(?), Florence Speers, Bertha Speers, Russell West Speers, Gillian(?) Wilhelmina Speers, Muriel Kathleen Steeves, Adne Stuckey, Margaret Helen Strang, Charles Merle Strome, Bedford Tingley, Dorothy Trotter, Hilda M. Trotter, Meryl Trumbell, Nellie Tucker, Vivian Tucker, Amelia Umbach, Ruth Underhill, Flossie M. Underhill, Oz?o Edwin(?) Underwood, Percy W. Underwood, Herbert Harper Valens, Emma Vickberg, Eric Vickberg, Ernest Harold James Vincent, Arthur Herbert Vizard, William John Wade, Stella A. Waite, Gladys M. Ward, Frank E. Watson, Lily M. Watson, Nellie Watson, Fanny Evelyn Whitman, Henry Fredolf Widen, William Ezra Wilkin, Margaret Williams, Katherine Winton, Reginald Wood, Ida Atkinson Wright, Ola Wright, Alfred S. Young, John A. Young, and Vera Claire Zink.
*J.R.C. Evans: Future President of Brandon College (1928-1959).
*List of classical music pieces of backside of Ruby Little's registration card.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 4: Office of the Registrar
4.11 Registration cards
Box 1