File contains registration cards for the following students: John A. Gillis, Ethel Gertrude Glenn, Gordon R. Glenn, Arthur Oswald Glinz(?), John Francis Goodwin, Wilson M. Graham, General Middleton Grant, Marjorie Guy, Muriel ?, Robert Harvey*, Edward Thomas Hardman, Allen Ira Harkness, Reuben Elmore Ernest Harkness, Rich. R. Harkness, Dewart Johnson Harrison, William Bowley(?) Hartie, Leslie Hilton Head, Albert H. Hearn, James P. Hood, George Linden Jackson, Jesse K. Johnson, William Edward Jones, W. Edge Jopp, James L. Jordon, Isabel Kelly, Howard Kilfoyl, Harold Arthur Kinniburgh*, D.P. Lamont, Daniel Russell Lamont, Peter O. Lee, Theodore Lee, Chary E. Leonard, James Liggett, Albert Linton, Julia Lloyd, William Henry Martin, Amos William Mayse, Eric Montague Miller, Charles Henry Mitchell, Philip J. Moon, Jeaurtte(?) Anur(?) Morrison, Susie Munn, William J. Munn, Gordon V. McArthur, Robert McCaul, Lizzie McDonald, Roy Gordon Macdonald, Robert McLaren Johnstone McDougall, Alver McKay, James George McKenzie, Jessie Mary McKenzie, William Langel McKenzie, Findlay W. McKinnon, William Mackintosh, Thomas John McLay, William Alfred Neff, Lisle Neilly, Annie Priscilla Newton, W. Ogilvie, George W. Orris, Ernest Clayton Osborne, Ray P. Pearson, John Alexander Perdue, Alexander James Perrie, Sidney Sourisford Pocock, S.H. Samuel Potter, Barbara L. Purdon, Arthur James Radley, Francis George Ratcliffe, Henry Williams Retallack, George Alfred Reynolds, Harold H. Reynolds, William W. Reynolds, Malcolm Walker Rourke, Percy Abner Ruth, Alexander Lees Rutherford, Herbert Sellar Rutherford, Roy Byron Sackville, Nellie Sanderson, Robert Bruce Sharpe, James Sinclair, William Cameron Smalley, F.E. Clarence Shore, Hazel Smith, Wilbert Smith, Herbert S. Sneyd, Richard Hoe Standerwick, James N. Start, Charles Ira Stewart, Thomas Collier Struthers, Percy Ingram, Ezra A. Thompson, Bedford A. Tingley, Charles Tulloch, Joseph Turner Tunnicliffe, Effie Turnbull, Roland Turnbull, Clarence C. Umbach, George Clarke Valens, Sidney West, W.J. Westwood, Lulu Whitchelo, William Fred White, Idella Whitehead, Leslie C. Whitelaw, William Ezra Wilkin, Isaac Walker Williamson, Arthur Milton Wilson, Richard Edwin Wilson, Hugh Winton, Myrtle Acton*, John Earle Agar, Frank Roy Alexander, George Perry Armstrong, Lorne M. Bucknam, M. Helen Bartholomew, Morley Bell, John M. Bergstrom Jr., Launcelot John Blight, Arthur James Browbrick, Eber G. Bradley, Edward Brice, George Nelson Broatch, Wallace Broatch, R. Gordon Brown, Fred N. Burke, William B. Butchart, Archie Peter Cameron, Lyle John Cameron, John L. Campbell, Leslie Campbell, James William Carrick, Jessie Chambers, Ethel May Cheasley, James Hamilton Gordon Cheyne, Emma R.M. Clark, Charles E. Clyde, Annie Cochlan, William Edward Coldwell, Stanley Carson Coutts, Christopher Croft, Francis Linsey Crossley, Katharine Carrah, John George Dickson, Frank Ross Dodds, Lenore Doupe, William Franklin Eagle, Jean T.(?) Elder, Mary Belle Elder, Arthur Lorne Elliott, Charles Spurgeon Elsey, William Engdahl (Engdhal), John Erb, Fred Gordon Fawkes, Charles Herbert Fee, Lottie R. Fleming, Arthur Ivon Foster, Digby O. Frith, Ernest Frith, John Herbert Frith, and Cornelius Gale.
*Dr. Robert Harvey fonds.
*Harold Arthur Kinniburgh fonds.
*Also reference 1907-1908 registration cards.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 4: Office of the Registrar
4.11 Registration cards
Box 1