In 1973, the Board of Directors of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba along with various farm representatives around the area began to feel the need for another, this time purely agricultural, exhibition. The issue was raised in the form of a report written by Donn Mitchell, the chairman of the livestock committee. Because of the growth of both the winter and summer fairs, there was little time and room to properly show the livestock that farmers brought into Brandon. A fall show and sale was thought to be the best solution to the pressing need for both time and space.
After receiving support from the provincial government and the Manitoba Beef Growers Association, the Board decided to hold a fall exhibition. While the Board was wary that the show would succeed, the strong support from producers, government and agri-business virtually ensured success. The first AgEx was officially opened on 3 November 1975. Although the first year was not a financial success, the concept of an agricultural exhibition was, and AgEx continues to thrive in Brandon.
While no minutes are held in this collection for either the Board of Directors or committees, it is evident from the prize lists and programs that the following committee structure existed. There were several committees created by the Board of Directors of AgEx. By 1984 the committees included the AgEx Chairman, the Executive, Aberdeen Angus, Blonde d’Aquitaine, Charolais, Hereford, Holstein, Limousin, Maine Anjou, Salers, Simmental, Steers, Swine, and 4-H/Junior Activities. A Shorthorn committee was added by 1985, and by 1988 there was a Commercial Classic committee.
Custodial History
The sous-fonds was housed at the MEA until c1986 when it was transferred on a continuing basis to the S.J. McKee Archives located at Brandon University.
Scope and Content
The sous-fonds contains textual records and photographs pertaining to AgEx. The textual records include prize lists, programs, administrative files, original results, and news releases. The photographs include animal events and shows, dignitaries. entertainment, and various other events.
The sous-fonds has been divided into five series, including: (4) Administrative files; (5) Prize lists and programs; (6) News releases; (7) Original results; and (9) Photographs. In keeping with the numbering system used for the series in the other sous-fonds in RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association, the series in RG2SF3 maintain the same numbering system, therefore there is no series 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, or 3.8.
Storage Location
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds