The By-laws and Nominating Committee of the Board of Governors is a standing committee that meets as required to discuss matters relating to the by-laws governing the Board of Governors and, when appropriate, to present a slate of officers and committee member to the Board. The membership of the By-laws and Nominating Committee consists of the Secretary of the Board as Chair and up to four members of the Board of Governors, one of which is a student. Elections take place at the August meeting of the Board of Governors every year.
The By-laws and Nominating Committee is responsible for: developing the terms of reference for the standing committees of the Board of Governors; developing and recommending by-laws for the operation of the Brandon University Board of Governors; maintaining Board policies and making reocmmendations to the Board of Governors on such matters; preparing a list of nominees for membership on each of the standing and ad hoc committees of theBoard of Governors; and identifying potential Board appointees as required from the internal and external community.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series consist of 1 file containing reports, executive and committee lists and correspondence.
History/Bio information takend from Board of Governors By-law No. 11 - Committees of the Board of Governors, Section IV - By-laws and Nominating Committee (revised November 23, 2006).
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 2: Board of Governors
2.5 Board of Governors' committees