Block D was wooded with oak and an understory of saskatoon and hazelnut with a thick ground cover of poison ivy and sarsaparilla. Root and rodent disturbance was extensive.
Based on the recoveries from Test Unit 22 during the survey, further excavations were carried out. Two units 87 and 93 were excavated in 1987. A further four units were excavated in 1988. There appears to be a pre contact occupation and a protohistoric feature within the block.
Diagnostic lithics included a chert Plains Side-notch projectile point, and a large Woodland side-notched point. The lithic materials from Block D are primarily local cherts followed in abundance by Knife River Flint and Tongue River Silicified Sediment – both of which are exotics imported from the southwest. Faunal remains were primarily bison.
Thin-walled obliterated fabric impressed pottery with grit temper was recovered in all units. Diagnostic ceramics included two rims, one with a fabric impressed exterior and the lip notched with dowel impressions, and a second thick walled rim was fabric impressed to the lip. The ceramic wares appear to be essentially a Woodland complex with overtones of Plains influence.
RC date: 230/90 BP.
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Lovstrom Block D 1987 and Lovstrom Block D 1988.