The Lovstrom surface collection came from small fields cleared within, and adjacent to, the major portions of the site which were excavated. The Lovstroms initial collection has since been added to by field personnel from Brandon University. The initial collections consisted of lithics and ceramics. A collection of faunal remains from the cultivated area was made by a Brandon University zooarchaeology class in 1986 which yielded specimens of elk, canid, mussels, and sucker, in addition to an expected abundance of bison. Since these materials were in a surface context, it may be that some of the faunal remains were historic.
The high biodiversity and evidence of pre-Europeon contact prompted the decision to test the Lovstrom locale. Nine 1m2 units were excavated in 1985 and, in 1986, an additional 15 1m2 units were excavated for a total of 24 test units. This testing indicated the presence of a large precontact locale with lithics, woodland ceramics and large amounts of reasonably well-preserved faunal materials.
The lithics indicated a late Prehistoric occupation (Nicholson 1986:35). However, the ceramics were more useful in that they identified the presence of Late Woodland cultures (Blackduck and Duckbay) and a single Middle Missouri vessel. It is believed that the Middle Missouri vessel was imported since the paste and construction/decorative technology differ distinctively from that of all other vessels recovered from the site. It was on the basis of an examination of these surface finds that the decision to test the Lovstrom site was made. These test excavations were conducted during the summers of 1985 and 1986.
Field investigations through shovel tests, excavation units, and examination of rodent mounds, indicated that the cultural deposits at the Lovstrom locale extend approximately 500m north from the edge of the Souris channel and eastward for over two hundred meters from the escarpment along Jock’s Creek. The presence of dense forest vegetation covering much of the locale, and the subsurface nature of the archaeological deposits obscured surface indications.
Radiocarbon dates: Test Unit 4: 1215/320 BP and Test Unit 8 1280/190 BP
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Lovstrom survey 1985 and Lovstrom survey 1986