Photograph of the Brandon College champion football team. Back Row (L to R): Gordon, McLeod, Campbell, Orris. Middle Row (L to R): Freer, Ross, Evans. Front Row (L to R): McQueen, McInnis, Smalley, Poole (Captain), Neild, Ferrier.
Portrait of the Brandon University football team taken in Kinsmen Stadium. Back Row (L to R): Doug Magee, Don Smith, Eldon Montgomery, Dean Boyd, Jim Ziegler, Keith Hummel, John Graham, Gerry Titus, Hellar Nakonechny. Second Row (L to R): Pete McGregor, George Kunyckyj, Boyd Van Aglen, Al Scott, Bill Yard, Doug Sawle, Doug Sawyer, Stan Furman, Stu Farnell. Front Row (L to R): Doug Steeves, John Spak, John Ross, Barry Ejolfson, Jim Haynes, Guy Savoie, Pete Hunter, Bill Wesley, Harry Sutcliffe, Bill Myers, Ken Webster.
Portrait of the Brandon College football (soccer) team. Back Row (L to R): L. Hunter, A. Vining, D. McIntyre, G. McKee, F. Barber, T. Fenwick. Middle Row (L to R): B. A. Tingley, J. Dickson, Mr. Young (Referee), E. Hopper, T. Mitchell. Front Row (L to R): H. Cross, J. Fraser, P. Couling
Portrait of the Brandon College men's basketball team. Back Row (L to R): Ross George, Peter Prokaska, Ron Bell, Dave Brodie, Keith McCulloch, Blair MacRae. Front Row (L to R): Gordon Hunter, Johnny Miller, John Blackwood.
Item consists of portraits of the members of the Brandon College AAA soccer team. Players include: F.J. Barber (Ct. Fd.); A.W. Vining (C. ½ Back); P. Couling (3/4 Back); D. McIntyre (Rt. Fd.); J.G. Dickson (Back); A. Bell (Left ½ Back); L.M. Mead (Spare); G. Moggridge (Goal); W.M. Graham (Spare); B.A. Tingley (Rt. ½ Back); F.H. Fenwick (Left Fd.); F.W. Bell (Left Fd.); and H. McDonald (Rt. Fd.).