"With introduction, notes, maps and illustrations, appendices with hints and exercises on translation at sight and on re-translation into Latin, and a complete vacabulary to Caesar"
A compendium of modern geography : with remarks on the physical peculiarities, productions, commerce, and government of the various countries; questions for examination at the end of each division and descriptive tables in which are give the pronunciation, and a concise account of every place of importance throughout the world
Cooperative democracy through voluntary association of the people as consumers : a discussion of the cooperative movement, its philosophy, methods, accomplishments, and possibilities, and its relation to the state, to science, art, and commerce, and to other systems of economic organization
A course of elementary reading in science and literature, compiled from popular writers : to which is added, a copious list of the Latin and Greek primitives which enter into the composition of the English language
Dictionary of quotations from ancient and modern, English and foreign sources : including phrases, mottoes, maxims, proverbs, definitions, aphorisms, and sayings of the wise men, in their bearing on life, literature, speculation, science, art, religion, and morals, especially in the modern aspects of them