Archie Cleveland Miller owned and operated a farm near Roland, Manitoba from 1918 to 1938. Miller was engaged principally in a commercial grain operation.
Custodial History
This fonds was accessioned in 1997 by the McKee Archives. Prior custodial history is unknown. .
Scope and Content
Fonds contains legal documents from A.C. Miller's farm near Roland, Manitoba from 1916 to 1938. They include mortgage documents, lease agreements, and bank receipts.
Adelene Monica Bailey was the wife of J.R.C. Evans, president of Brandon College (1928-1959).
Custodial History
Records were donated by Keith Evans, Adelene Bailey's son.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of Bailey's diploma awarded by Victoria Avenue Methodist Sunday School (1911), and her diploma certifying her completion of the post-graduate course of study prescribed in the Pianoforte department of Brandon College (1924)
The Brandon College diploma is signed by Franklin Sweet. Description by Christy Henry.
Storage Range
Reading room oversized drawer with Brandon University Photograph collection series 11: Documents, diplomas and certificates.
Information that accompanied the photograph: Born Wilcox Lake, Ontario, 1870. Died 1964 in Brandon, MB. A long-time member of a number of boards at the College. Played a role in re-establishing Brandon College through Brandon College Inc. and the McKenzie Foundation by donating 90% of the shares in his company to the MB Government to support higher education, specifically Brandon College.
Albert Edward McKenzie was born in Wilcox Lake, York County, Ontario in 1870 to Francis Bethel McKenzie and Maria (Carley) McKenzie. In 1882 he moved to Brandon, Manitoba with his family, where his father established a Flour, Seed and Grain business. At the age of twenty-six, following his father’s death, A. E. took over the family business and transformed it into a seed institute. As the President of The Brandon Seed House, and, later, A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd., Mr. McKenzie played a central role in the daily operations of his company up until three weeks prior to his death on September 25, 1964.
In 1901, Mr. McKenzie married Laura Bell of Carmen, Manitoba, with whom he had two daughters, Marjorie and Kathleen. Kathleen married Walter C. Roberts and became a member of the Board of Directors of her father's company. Marjorie graduated from Brandon College, and received additional degrees from the Columbia College of Expression, and from Northwestern University. From 1927-1930 she taught at Brandon College, then resigned to do post-graduate work. She returned to Brandon College in 1935 as Instructor of Public Speaking and Dean of Women in Clark Hall. Marjorie resigned as Dean of Women after one year, and eventually relocated to British Columbia. Both Kathleen and Marjorie survived their father. Laura had passed away in 1943. At the time of his death. A.E. McKenzie was also survived by had one grandson: David McKenzie Roberts.
In addition to building his company into one of Canada's foremost seed institutes, McKenzie was also involved with many community projects. He was affiliated with the YMCA, YWCA, Salvation Army, and Community Chest. He was a charter member of the Kiwanis Club, and a long-term officer of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce. However, McKenzie's major interest was Brandon College, for which he served as a governor and as chairman of the board of governors for the College.
A central figure in the fight to save Brandon College, McKenzie was instrumental in the formation of Brandon College Inc., and, in 1945, he established the A. E. McKenzie Foundation, for which the Government of Manitoba was the sole trustee. His gift to the
Foundation was securities valued at $1 million, which ensured the survival and re-establishment of Brandon College and later Brandon University.
In 1941, McKenzie received the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa from the University of Manitoba. In 1962, he was honored with a certificate of merit for exemplary citizenship in commerce and in every aspect of community life from the City of Brandon.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of correspondence created and received by A.E. McKenzie during his years as President/General Manager dealing with the operation of his company. This includes construction estimates, and correspondence with the company's lawyer, Wm. Johnson. A letter from Gairdner & Company Limited regarding McKenzie's attempt to reacquire ownership of A. E. McKenzie Ltd. from the Province of Manitoba.
The sub-series also contains material relating to legal matters: one file concerns a successful legal action against the A.E. McKenzie Seed Company by the Canadian Alfalfa Association. The action arose following the sale of seed to a seed company located in Berlin, Germany in 1938. A second file deals with the prosecution of the company in Bismarck, North Dakota for mail fraud. The company lost both cases. Patents secured by the company are also included within the sub-series.
Also contained within the legal sub-series are records dealing with A.E. McKenzie's passing. These include correspondence with the National Trust Company and Miss Jean MacKay, and a summary of A.E. McKenzie's will. There are also some documents dealing with McKenzie's stocks and shares in the Company.
Documentation relating to the 1918 By-Law Campaign, in which McKenzie tried to secure tax relief for his company in relation to the construction of its new plant, is also included within the sub-series.
The sub-series is divided into six sub sub series, including: (1) Secretary; (2) Legal Matters; (3) Correspondence; (4) Patents; (5) By-Law Campaign 1918; and (6) Miscellaneous.
* "Tapes" in the Related Material field refers to hard copy written summaries originally provided on tape for typing. Organization by tape number was found to be more efficient than listing these items by title.
Language Note
Within McS 2 1.3, the correspondence sub sub series, there are some documents written in Gregg shorthand. No translation is available.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 2 Office of the President/General Manager
Related Material
Regarding sub sub series McS 2 2.2 (Legal Matters): The court pocket for the alfalfa case involving McKenzie Seeds at the Court of Queen's Bench in Regina, Saskatchewan may be available through the Saskatchewan Archives Board. John Diefenbaker acted for the Alfalfa Association in this case.
Historical Topics under A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. fonds, Series 2 (Office of the President/GM), sub-series 2 (J. Lasby Lowes) contains some information regarding McKenzie's patents (file 16, Tapes 29 and 30), and a legal case in Bismarck, North Dakota in 1957 regarding the violation of mail fraud statutes involving the sale of seed wheat (file 11, Tape 26)*. Information regarding the sale of Alfalfa seed to a German seed company is available in file 2. There are also a number of files containing information about A. E. McKenzie.
Photograph is looking southwest from the back steps of the Education Building and shows the northeast corner of the A.E. McKenzie Building, which housed the Library and Faculty of Arts.
The J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre and the A.E. McKenzie Building were both completed in 1960. The Evans Theatre is named for John Robert Charles Evans, who served as president of Brandon College from 1928 to 1959. The A.E. McKenzie Building was originally the Library and Arts building, and was named for A.E. McKenzie, a local businessman and supporter of the College. The George T. Richardson Centre, which includes the Evans Theatre and the John E. Robbins Library, was completed in 1993.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of photographs of the A.E. McKenzie Building, the George T. Richardson Centre, the J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre, the John E. Robbins Library and the link between the Evans Theatre and the McKenzie Building.
Photograph is looking either north or south into the A.E. McKenzie Building (Library and Arts Building) during construction. A number of the members of the construction crew are visible.
Photograph is looking east northeast and shows the construction of the A.E. McKenzie Building (Library and Arts Building). Clark Hall is in the background.
Photograph is looking southwest and shows the A.E. McKenzie Building under construction. In black lettering above the building are the words: "Brandon College Cornerstone Laying." In white lettering below the building are the words: "Sat. May 28 - 3 pm CKX TV"
The Winnipeg Tribune is stamped on the back of the photograph.
Photograph was taken at the opening of the A.E. McKenzie Building (including the Evans Theatre) and shows the J.R.C. Evans Lecture Theatre doorway. L to R Dr. John E. Robbins, Mrs. Olive (Freeman) Diefenbaker (Class of 1923 and wife of Prime Minister John George Diefenbaker)
The opening of the A.E. McKenzie Building took place the same day as the installation of John E. Robbins as President of Brandon College.
Photograph is looking north northwest from 9th Street and shows the McKenzie Building underconstruction. Many of the workers have posed on the third and fourth floors for the photograph.
Corresponds with negative 1-2002.3.9.K2.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.
Postcard was sent to Chuck Wilson's aunt, Mrs. W.M. Wilson in Creelman, SK by the McKenzie Seed Company in 1912. Chuck Wilson found the postcard in some of his aunt's papers in 2009 and mailed it to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Item consists of a colour postcard of the McKenzie Seed Company building located on the west side of the 100 block of 9th Street. The card was sent to Mrs. W.M. Wilson of Creelman, SK to acknowledge her order.
Writing on the front of the card reads: A.E. McKenzie Co., Limited, Seedsmen, Brandon, Man
Photograph shows a group of nine people surrounding an elderly man, likely A.E. McKenzie, who is wearing a black suit. The group appears to be photographed in residential yard.
This sub-series is artificially created and contains records that did not fit into any of the preceding series or sub-series.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
The records in this sub-series concern A.E. McKenzie's personal life. It contains a number of documents created by his father, F. B. McKenzie, including land deeds, financial records, and a grant of probate. The sub-series also includes documents concerning the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co., the dissolution of partnership between A.E. McKenzie and George. E. McKenzie, the release of F.B. McKenzie's estate to his son and a copy of A.E. McKenzie's mother's last will and testament.
Also included within the sub-series is a file or correspondence between McKenzie and R.B. Dessert, a former employee of McKenzie Seeds who established his own seed company in California after leaving Brandon. The correspondence is almost entirely personal in nature.
Thank you letters regarding Brandon College and scholarships, as well as minutes from meetings of the Education Advisory Board can also be found within the sub-series.
In 1945 the A. E. McKenzie Trust of 1939, which led to the formation of Brandon College Incorporated, was cancelled. As a result A.E., who was still trying to solve the College's financial problems, set about attaining a special act of legislature that would enable him to transfer 90% of his company's stockholdings to the control of the Province of Manitoba to benefit the College.
See fonds level administrative history description.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series includes correspondence regarding the McKenzie Foundation between Brandon College Inc., McKenzie Seeds, William Johnson and the Government of Manitoba. It also contains records dealing with Educational Advisory Board. A substantial amount of this correspondence is in regards to the payment of Brandon College Inc. from the McKenzie Foundation. In addition, there is also correspondence generated by the Comptroller-General and Wm. Johnson regarding Foundation Account, as well as some other financial information.
Various documents are also present within the sub-series, including Bill 87, amendments, an authorization provision for variation in agreement and an agreement between McKenzie, Brandon College Inc. and the National Trust. A collection of prepared statements or briefs, many written by A.E. McKenzie regarding the purpose and future of the Foundation are also included.
Information regarding the A.E. McKenzie Foundation can be found in Series 2 (Office of the President/GM), sub-series 2 (J. Lasby Lowes), Historical Topics file 1 (Tape 9).
Series 5 (Photographs), oversized drawer #4 contains newspaper clippings dealing with the establishment of the McKenzie Foundation.