The first Manitoba Women's Institute was formed in 1910, in Morris, Manitoba. In 1919, existing institutes joined to form the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada at Winnipeg. In 1929, the Associated Country Women of the World was formed with it headquarters in London England; the Canadian Women's Institute affiliated with this organization. As of 2001, the Manitoba Women's Institute still exists, with its headquarters in Winnipeg.
Custodial History
This fonds was donated to the McKee archives by Wilma Bell of Harding, Manitoba in 1997. Prior custodial history is unknown.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains minutes, attendance records, financial records, and annual reports of the various women's institutes in the Southwest A region of Manitoba.
Related women's institute collections in the McKee Archives include:
Manitoba Women's Institute; Minnedosa Women's Institute; Cordova Women's Institute; Clanwilliam Women's Institute; Rathwell Women's Institute; Strathclair Women's Institute; Crocus Women's Institute; Southwest A Region - Manitoba Women's Institute; Douglas Women's Institute
Some of the pages and photographs in the scrapbooks have become loose
History / Biographical
Southwest B "Region" Women's Institute is a regional board within Manitoba Women's Institute.
According to their website, Manitoba Women’s Institute (MWI) operates under an umbrella structure of a provincial board and regional boards as directed in the Constitution and Bylaws. The provincial board serves to co-ordinate the activities of the organization on a provincial scale and link with other provincial, national, and international organizations. Regional boards are responsible for activities within their regions and for assisting with communication between the provincial board and the membership. Local institutes serve members in local communities or local geographic areas.
The Southwest B "Region" Women's Institute covers the area south of the Trans Canada Highway and from Killarney west to the Saskatchewan border. Historically it has encompassed locals from the follwing areas: Bardal, Boissevain, Broomhill, Dand, Deloraine, Dublin, Ebor, Elgin, Elva, Hartney, Kemnay, Lauder, Lyleton, Medora, Melita, Napinka, Pierson, Regent, Souris, Springvale, Tilston, Wakada and Whitewater.
Custodial History
Records were in the possession of the Southwest B Region Women's Institute until thier donation to the McKee Archives in 2014.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of records created by the Southwest B Region Women's Institute during the course of their activities and operations.
Records include: eight minute books (1926-1997); a small scribbler listing Convention and some Board meeting attendance (2001-2013); and two Treasurer's/cash record books (1940-1944 and 1951-1992). The photographs are portraits of the Women's Institute Leadership Class (1961 and 1962), attendees on stage at the F.W.E.C Convention, Wolfville NS (July 1964) and the Manitoba delegation to Wolfville NS (July 1964).
History/Bio information was taken from the records and from the Manitoba Women's Instutite webpage ( Accessed January 2017). Description by Christy Henry.
Finding Aid
A detailed list of meeting dates for the minute books was provided by the donor. It is located in the donation file.
Storage Location
2016 accessions
photographs in RG 5 photograph drawer by accession number
The International Toastmistress Club was officially organized in October of 1938, in California by Ernestine White. White thought that communication was the key to success in government, business, and community service. The purpose of the club was to help women gain communication and leadership skills. The North Central Region of the International Toastmistress Club began with the formation of the Winnipeg Toastmistress Club in 1946-47. This club was the first Toastmistress Club in Manitoba and the second club in Canada. The idea of forming a Toastmistress Club in Winnipeg came partly from some members of the Toastmaster Club in the city who had heard of the women's club formed in California. Other North Central Toastmistress Clubs soon followed, including more clubs in Winnipeg, and others throughout southern and central Manitoba, such as the Yellow Quill (Portage), Fort La Bosse (Virden), Colleen (Killarney), Cornucopia (Neepawa), Dauphin, Prairie Horizons (Brandon), Valley Echoes (Swan River), Urban Acres (Brandon), and Kinrossie (Souris) Toastmistress Clubs. The North Central Region was renamed the Land O'Lakes Region in 1966. In 1985, the International Toastmistress Club became the International Training in Communication organization.
Custodial History
This fonds was deposited at the McKee Archives on June 2, 1995 by Marlene Brichon of Brandon, Manitoba.
Scope and Content
Fonds includes a scrapbook made by the Urban Acres Toastmistress Club of Brandon, which spans the years 1963-1977. The scrapbook includes pictures, newspaper clippings, and programs. The fonds also includes the minutes of the Urban Acres Club from 1973-1986 and the club's reports from 1964-1986. A large number of newsletters such as the C4 News, Land O'Lakes Schooner, Ten-Talk, The Communicator, Pieces of Eight, and The Gavel, running from 1967-1990, as well as the official newsletter of the International Toastmistress Club "Toastmistress" from 1963-1972 are included. Fonds contains a history of the Winnipeg Toastmistress Club, as well as a history of the North Central Region, which later became the Land O'Lakes Region. There are also brief histories of the Yellow Quill, Urban Acres, Greenmantle, and Nellie McClung Toastmistress Clubs. Included in the fonds are bylaws and standing rules of the Land O'Lakes clubs, as well as the charters of the Yellow Quill, Colleen, Cornucopia, Fort La Bosse, Dauphin, and Prairie Horizons Clubs. A large part of the record consists of the minutes from international and regional meetings for the years 1969 to 1988. The fonds includes a public relations survey from the Land O'Lakes Region 1977-78, evaluations of various council meetings, Land O'Lakes' agendas and budgets from 1980-1985, and lists of Land O'Lakes executives. Finally, the fonds contains reports from various Land O'Lakes clubs from 1968-1992, as well as Land O'Lakes rosters from 1979-1985.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
W. Dowling, President of Provincial Exhibition 1919
Mr. Stuckey originally placed 32 negatives in one envelope labeled “M – Presidents of Fair Boards 1882 – 1972”; We have separated and renumbered these negatives as M30(1) to M30(32) inclusively; Records of the Provincial Exhibition Association are held in the S.J. McKee Archives (RG2) including photos of board members.
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
W. Davidson, President of Provincial Exhibition 1943 - 1946.
Mr. Stuckey originally placed 32 negatives in one envelope labeled “M – Presidents of Fair Boards 1882 – 1972”; We have separated and renumbered these negatives as M30(1) to M30(32) inclusively; Records of the Provincial Exhibition Association are held in the S.J. McKee Archives (RG2) including photos of board members.