McKenzie Building, 2nd Floor, Library Reading Room. Naming Ceremonies: John E. Robbins Library. Front Row L-R: A. L. Dulmage, John Robbins, Mrs. Georgina Lightbody Whitman, -, Dr. D. N. Wheeler (standing), W. H. N. Hargreaves - Mawdsley (Top of Head), M. V. Naidu, Glenn Sutherland (Alumnus), C. Kennedy, M. Angel (Pres. Man. Library Association), Dick McDonald (Alumnus), ?, L. D. Whitehead (Publisher-Brandon Sun) Background: H. V. Vidal, Cathy Robbins, R. B. Inch, Jos Hardy
Series has been divided into five sub-series, including: (1) Faculty of Arts; (2) Faculty of Science; (3) Faculty of Education; (4) School of Music; and (5) School of Health Studies.
W.M.C.A.Convocation (fall '75). L to R W. Wong, L. Watson, R. Pippert, J. Tyman, M. Blanar, L. Dulmage, S. Knowles, L.H. Perron, H. Hawthorn, D.L. Johannson, ?, H. Burmeister, background: ?,?, Elwood Gorrie (Mayor), H.V. Vidal
W.M.C.A Convocation, Spring 1979. L to R (front row) A. G. Dinsdale; P.C.M.P. (Brandon Services), K. A. Cosens; M.L.A. Min of Education, McGill, Ed., F. L. John, Lt. Gov (stg), R. Beamish, G. Longphee Background (clear) H. V. Vidal (glasses) Earl Davey (beard) P. Letkeman (glasses), B. Parsons, E. Pepper, A. Loreridge, Prin. A.C.C., C. Kennedy.
W.M.C.A. Convocation '76 (a.m.) - outside the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. Jean Chiaw Jin Heath (Arts General) and Family (?) pose for a picture. Photograph is looking north.
W.M.C.A.Convocation 76 (?) Graduates proceeding into the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium. Faculty L-R (Front Row): Prof. Constans, E. McFadden, Pat Gonzales, ?, J. Mendenhall, Ken Nichols. Centre Row: H. Vidal leading the graduates: (to the right of centre row) Glenda Brethour (lower part of face hidden). Photograph is looking southwest-west.