Record of site excavation unit 6 at Graham site 2005.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 6 at the Sarah site 2003.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Radiocarbon date reports have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
North Lauder Radiocarbon Date report by Beta Analytic Inc. for Flintstone Hill #109900.
Radiocarbon dating
The technique of radiocarbon dating was developed by Willard Libby and his colleagues at the University of Chicago in 1949.
Radiocarbon dating is used to estimate the age of organic remains from archaeological sites. Organic matter has a radioactive form of carbon (C14) that begins to decay upon death. C14 decays at a steady, known rate of a half life of 5,730 years. The technique is useful for material up to 50,000 years. Fluctuations of C14 in the atmosphere can affect results so dates are calibrated against dendrochronology. Radiocarbon dates are calibrated to calendar years.
Dates are reported in radiocarbon years or Before Present. Before Present refers to dates before 1950. The introduction of massive amounts of C14, due to atomic bomb and surface testing of atomic weapons, has widely increased the standard deviation on all dates after A.D. 1700 causing these dates to be unreliable.
Accelerated mass spectrometry can more accurately measure C14 with smaller samples and can date materials to 80,000 years.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series contains radiocarbon dates from: Atkinson site and Flintstone Hill.
Record of site excavation test unit 6 at the Lovstrom survey 1985.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 6 at the Crepeele site 2004.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of excavation unit 6 at the Atkinson site 2004.
Scope and Content
Site excavation records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Minitonas Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1926 - 1953 Minutes of the provisional Directors' meeting, 30 June 1926 Minutes of first permanent Directors' meeting, 30 June 1926 Minutes of first General Shareholders' meeting, 30 June 1926 Lease between MPEL and Minitonas CEAL, 1 August 1928 Shareholders meeting, 21 July 1931 Directors meeting, 21 July 1931 By-laws no. 12 and 13, 21 July 1931 Agreement between Minitonas CEAL, MPEL, Manitoba Wheat Pool and The King, 1 August 1931 Agreement between Minitonas CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Minutes of special meeting of the Board of Directors, 10 February 1933 Agreement between Minitonas CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 Letter re above, 19 June 1944 Agreement between Minitonas CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1951 Agreement, 1 August 1953 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 6 August 1926 - volume 5, 15 November 1983 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1928 - 1967 (7 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1946 - 1947 (1 reports) Auditors' reports, 1928 - 1967 (37 reports) Correspondence, 1946 - 1967 Membership list, 1929 - 1966 Miscellaneous Speech - Hon. T.A Crerar Replies, 26 August 192(?) Directors Reports, 1962 - 1966 (3 reports) Minitonas Wheat Pool minutes, 1929 - 1931 Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Minitonas
Gilbert Plains Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1936 - 1955 Agreement between Gilbert Plains CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 By-law no. 16, 30 October 1939 By-law no. 16 (signed later), 1 November 1939 By-law to authorize cancellation of capital, 28 October 1940 Agreement for sale between MPEL and Gilbert Plains CEAL Memo re to authorize cancellation of capital, 24 March 1941 General By-laws and By-laws 18, 19, and 20, 4 July 1941 Memo of repeal By-law no. 19, no date Letter re Agreement for sale, 14 March 1944 Letter Agreement, 19 June 1944 Draft resolutions for special meetings (By-law no. 21), 13 November 1947 By-law no. 22, 14 November 1949 Letter re By-law no. 22, 7 March 1950 Agreement between Gilbert CEA and MPE, 1 August 1951 Agreement between Gilbert Plains CEA and MPE, 1 August 1953 Agreement between Gilbert Plains CEA and MPE, 1 August 1955 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 21 August 1926 - volume 5, 3 October 1968 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1947 - 1963 (3 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1938 - 1955 (7 reports) Final statements, 1931 - 1947 (12 reports) Auditors' reports, 1941 - 1957 (10 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1953 - 1962 (3 reports) Surplus Repayment, 1933 - 1936 (1 report) Financial Statements, 1952 Correspondence, 1946 - 1957 Membership list, 1946 - 1961 Miscellaneous Building costs - Montgomery House, 1964 Bills from Gilbert Plains Consumers Co-op, 1964 Lumber supply estimates, rough sheets Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Gilbert Plains
Margaret Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1910 - 1981 Transfer of land, 16 November 1910 Certificate of incorporation, 24 November 1927 Memorandum of Association, 24 November 1927 Minutes of the provisional Directors' meeting, 5 January 1928 Minutes of first Shareholders' meeting, 5 January 1928 By-law nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, 5 January 1928 Certificate of Indebtedness, 5 January 1928 Lease between MPEL and Margaret CEAL, 1 August 1928 Memorandum of Agreement, 12 November 1929 Agreement between Margaret CEAL, MPEL, Manitoba Wheat Pool and His Majesty The King, 1 August 1931 By-law nos. 8, 9, 10, and 11, no date By-law no. 14, 3 November 1931 MPE one share of authorized capital, 1 December 1931 Agreement between Margaret CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Special Board of Directors meeting, 8 March 1933 By-law no. 16 (not completed), 1939 General By-laws and By-law 18, 19, and 20, 5 July 1941 Agreement, 5 August 1946 By-law no. 21, 5 November 1947 Memo re amendment to General By-laws, 6 May 1949 By-law no. 22, 2 November 1949 By-law no. 23, 19 November 1951 General By-laws, no date Resolution, no date By-law no. 74, no date Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Agreement between Margaret and MPE re: Companies Act, 11 June 1969 Agreement between Margaret and MPE, 31 July 1969 Letter re: closure, 19 December 1977 Letter re: closure, 24 October 1978 Notes from Margaret Annual meeting re: closure, 30 November 1978 Letter re: closure, 23 March 1981 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 6 November 1946 - volume 6, 11 November 1981 Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1939 - 1955 (12 reports) Final statements, 1939 - 1952 (9 reports) Auditors' reports, 1929 - 1962 (10 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1951 - 1960 (8 reports) Analysis of Operating Results summary, 1951 - 1952 (1 report) Crop year information, 1976 - 1978 Proposal for office addition, 26 November 1966 Correspondence, 1975 - 1981 Membership list, 1946, 1959, 1968, 1977 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1980 Short course in Agriculture and Cooperation, ??? Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Riverside
Austin Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1940 - 1967 Application to Province for members of company, 23 July 1940 Memorandum of Agreement, August 1940 First General meeting of members - rough draft and typed copy, 18 November 1940 Provisional Board of Directors meeting - rough draft and typed copy, 18 November 1940 Agreement between Austin CEA and MPE, 15 December 1966 By-law no. 11, 27 March 1967 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, November 1942 - volume 4, 20 October 1967 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1941 - 1966 (39 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1941 - 1943, 1952 - 1957 Final statements, 1940 - 1943, 1945 - 1952 (10 reports) Auditors' reports, 1953 - 1955 (2 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1952 - 1957 (5 reports) Allocation of Surplus, 1951 - 1952 (2 reports) Detail of grain earnings, 1964 - 1966 (2 reports) Capital Expenditure, 31 July 1951 Analysis of Operating Results summary, 1951 - 1952 (1 report) Correspondence, 1940 - 1962 Membership list, 1944 - 1950, 1954, 1961 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1946 - 1965 (7 reports) Officers and Directors list, 1951 - 1952 Officers and Directors list, 1952 - 1953 Officers and Directors list, 1955 - 1956 Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of North Norfolk; local Pool Committee mintues November 13, 1967 - January 19, 1981.
Justice Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1928 - 1969 Certificate of incorporation, 9 February 1928 Memo of Association and General By-laws, 9 February 1928 Memo re: Pool Elevator Policy and letter, 27 March 1928 First General Shareholders' meeting By-law nos. 1-7, 30 March 1928 First Provisional Directors' meeting, 30 March 1928 Lease, 1 August 1928 Elevator correction clause, 12 November 1929 Letter re: Lease, 23 November 1929 By-law nos. 8-11 and covering letter, 17 November 1930 By-law nos. 12 and 13, 22 July 1931 Application for stock, 22 July 1931 Shareholders meeting, 22 July 1931 Directors meeting, 22 July 1931 Agreement between Justice CEAL and MPEL, Manitoba Wheat Pool, and The King, 1 August 1931 By-law no. 14, 23 November 1931 One share of stock certificate, 1 December 1931 Agreement between Justice CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Special meeting of Board of Directors, 25 February 1933 Agreement between Justice CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 By-law no. 16, 28 October 1939 Directors meeting, 28 October 1939 Shareholders meeting, 28 October 1939 By-law to authorize cancellation of share capital, 2 November 1940 Memo re: By-law no. 16, 24 March 1941 General By-laws and By-law nos. 18, 19, and 20, 27 June 1941 Memo on repeal By-law no. 19, no date By-law nos. 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, no date Memo re: Agreement Justice CEAL and MPEL, 19 June 1944 By-law no. 21, 10 November 1947 Amendment to General By-laws, 6 May 1949 By-law no. 22, 19 May 1949 Agreement between Justice CEA and MPE, 19 February 1960 Letter re: above agreement, 3 August 1961 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Agreement between Justice CEAL and MPEL, 15 December 1966 By-law no. 26, 29 March 1967 Arrangement between Justice CEAL and members, 27 June 1969 Transfer agreement, no date Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 20 April 1928 - volume 6, 7 March 1972 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1938 (1 report) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1938 - 1944 (5 reports) Final statements, 1931 - 1944 (10 reports) Auditors' reports, 1929 - 1968 (40 reports) Detail of grain earnings, 1965 - 1968 (3 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1962 - 1967 (3 reports) Annual financial statement, no date Correspondence, 1954 - 1974 Membership list, 1961 Miscellaneous Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Elton
Linklater Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1928 - 1977 Certificate of incorporation, 17 January 1928 Memo of Association, 17 January 1928 Lease between MPEL and Linklater CEAL, 1 August 1928 Memo re: Agreement between MPEL and Linklater CEAL, 12 November 1929 Directors meeting, 27 July 1931 Shareholders meeting, 27 July 1931 Application for one share of stock, 27 July 1931 By-law nos. 12 and 13, 27 July 1931 By-law no. 14, 16 November 1931 Agreement between Linklater CEAL, MPEL, Manitoba Wheat Pool and The King, 1 August 1931 Agreement between Linklater CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Special meeeting of Board of Directors re: By-law no. 15, 2 March 1933 Agreement between Linklater CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 By-law no. 16, 8 November 1939 By-law to authorize cancellation of capital, 6 November 1940 Memo re: By-law no. 16, 24 March 1941 Memo re: cancellation of capital, 24 March 1941 General By-laws and By-law nos. 18, 19, and 20, 1 July 1941 Motion for By-laws 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, no date Letter re: Agreement, 9 June 1944 By-law no. 21, 13 November 1947 Memo re: General By-laws amendment, 6 May 1949 Memo re: General By-laws amendment, 19 May 1949 By-law no. 22, 22 November 1949 Letter re: By-law no. 22, 7 March 1950 Agreement between Linkater CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1951 General By-laws and covering letter, 8 January 1953 Memo re: By-laws, no date Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Letter re: closure, 7 June 1977 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 8 March 1928 - volume 6, 15 November 1978 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1930 - 1958 (19 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1932 - 1955 (15 reports) Final statements, 1932 - 1952 (20 reports) Auditors' reports, 1959 - 1968 (10 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1957 - 1962 (6 reports) Auditors reports, 1929 - 1959 (28 reports) Allocation of surplus, 1946 - 1950 (4 reports) Pool deliveries and non deliveries, 1929 - 1930 (9 pages) Directors' Resolutions, no date (2 reports) Memo re: Working Capital Requirement, 1952 Correspondence, 1929 - 1968 Membership list, 1928 - 1968 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1949 - 1950 (1 report) Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Pipestone
Crystal City Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1928 - 1969 Petition, 1928 Minutes of the provisional Directors' meeting, 6 March 1928 Minutes of the permanent Directors' meeting, 6 March 1928 Minutes of the Shareholders' meeting, 6 March 1928 By-law nos. 1-7, 6 March 1928 Lease MPEL to Crystal City CEAL, 1 August 1928 Share certificate, 12 January 1929 Memorandum of agreement, 12 November 1929 Letter re: lease, 23 November 1929 Application for share of stock, 25 July 1931 Agreement between Crystal City CEA, MPE, Manitoba Wheat Pool and The King, 1 August 1931 Certification of approval for By-law no. 14, 1 December 1931 Letter re: By-law nos. 12 and 13, 30 January 1932 Letter re: application for stock, 14 January 1932 Letter re: Director and Shareholders meeting, 25 July 1931 Agreement between Crystal City CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Special meeting of Board of Directors re: By-law no. 15, 24 February 1933 Agreement between Crystal City CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 By-law no. 16, 1 November 1939 By-law authorizing cancellation of share capital, 30 October 1940 By-laws 18, 19, 20, and General By-laws, 10 November 1941 Draft resolutions re: By-laws amending General By-laws, 31 October 1947 By-law no. 21, 31 October 1947 Memo re: By-law no. 21, 27 August 1948 By-law no. 22, 16 November 1929 Memo re: By-law no. 22, 7 March 1950 By-law no. 23, 12 November 1921 Agreement between Crystal City CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1951 Memo re: above agreement, 13 June 1952 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Building permit, 8 May 1965 By-law no. 26, 25 April 1967 Building permit, 2 November 1967 General By-laws, 16 April 1969 Arrangement, 18 June 1969 Transfer agreement, no date Memo re: local Elevator Association By-laws, no date Motion for By-laws 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, no date General By-laws, no date By-law re: members equities, no date Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 16 March 1928 - volume 7, 1 October 1984 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1929 - 1968 (31 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1938 - 1955 (15 reports) Final statements, 1930 - 1952 (20 reports) Auditors' reports, 1929 - 1968 (34 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1951 - 1963 (9 reports) Detail of grain earnings, 1965 - 1967 (2 reports) Auditors reports, 1929 - 1968 (34 reports) Delivery sheets season, 1929 - 1930 (3 sheets) Growers ledger, 1933 - 1934 (2 sheets) Review of Operating Results, 1965 - 1966 Agents monthly expense accounts, 1928 - 1929 Delivery statistics, 1956 Highlights, 1969 Correspondence, 1928 - 1970 Membership list, 1928 - 1969 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1951 - 1969 (15 reports) List of Officers, Directors, and Delegates, 1966 - 1967 Requisition for payment of Director's fees and secretary's honorarium, no date Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Louise
Snow Flake Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1928 - 1969 Memo re: General By-laws, 20 March 1928 Minutes of the provisional Directors' meeting, 9 April 1928 Minutes of the permanent Directors' meeting, 9 April 1928 First General Shareholders' meeting, 9 April 1928 By-laws 2-7, Indenture, 9 April 1928 Lease between MPEL and Snow Flake CEAL, 1 August 1928 Directors meeting, 21 July 1931 Shareholders meeting, 21 July 1931 By-law nos. 12 and 13, 21 July 1931 Agreement between Snow Flake CEA, MPE, Manitoba Wheat Pool and The King, 1 August 1931 Letter re: acceptance for share of stock, 14 January 1932 Letter covering five above items, 30 February 1932 Agreement between Snow Flake CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Special Board of Directors meeting, 22 February 1933 Letter re: agreement, 17 July 1933 Agreement between Snow Flake CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 By-law no. 16, 31 October 1939 By-law to authorize cancellation of share capital, 23 October 1940 Resolutions for local annual meetings, 23 October 1940 By-law nos. 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, 13 November 1941 Letter re: four above items, 6 August 1942 General By-laws, no date Memo re: agreement, 19 June 1944 Motion sheet, 31 October 1946 By-law no. 21, 30 October 1947 By-law no. 22, 13 November 1949 Agreement between Snow Flake CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1951 By-law no. 23, 9 November 1951 Letter re: agreement, 19 August 1952 Letter re: General By-laws, 8 November 1954 Memo re: agreement, 8 November 1954 Memo and By-law nos. 1961-148, 149, 150, 151, 12 October 1961 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Agreement between Snow Flake CEA and MPE, 15 December 1966 By-law no. 26, 21 November 1966 Letter re: two above items, 23 February 1967 General By-laws and covering letter, 19 October 1967 Memo re: arrangement, 5 June 1969 Arrangement, 16 June 1969 Transfer agreement, 31 July 1969 By-law re: members equities, no date Motion sheet for By-law nos. 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, no date Motion sheet, no date Letter re: closure, 29 October 1980 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 27 April 1928 - volume 11, 12 October 1976 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1931 - 1975 (39 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1938 - 1955 (17 reports) Final statements, 1933 - 1952 (19 reports) Auditors' reports, 1929 - 1952 (39 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1951 - 1963 (11 reports) Detail of grain earnings, 1963 - 1967 (4 reports) Review of Operating Results, 1961 - 1967 (4 reports) Analysis of Operating Results summary, 1951 - 1952 Statement of Granin account and Handle, 24 June 1931 Record of sales and savings, 1 November 1955 Capacities of Elevator, 29 October 1959 Breakdown of renovations, 18 July 1968 Memorandum re: Working Capital Requirement, 1952 Correspondence, 1973, 1975 Membership list, 1959 - 1968 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1951 - 1963 (6 reports) Directors reports, 1950 - 1968 (13 reports) Summary of salaries paid, 1947 - 1971 Brief to the Board of Transport Commission, no date Clipping - Snow Flake official opening, no date Miscellaneous Statistical information, no date Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Pembina
Fisher Branch Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1951 - 1962 Planning meetings and canvasser's reports, 17 December 1951 Application to Province of Manitoba for Incorporation of Fisher Branch CEA, 18 April 1952 By-law nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, 13 June 1952 Agreement between Fisher Branch CEA and MPE, 1 August 1952 By-law re: Members equities, 15 November 1966 Letter re: Directors meeting, 15 August 1957 Report on resolutions at Annual meeting, May 1958 Letter re: Board of Directors meeting, 14 October 1958 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Organizational meeting, 21 November 1962 General By-laws, no date Resolution granted and allocation of surplus, no date Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 20 June 1952 - volume 3, 8 October 1969 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1952 - 1968 (17 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1953 - 1955 (3 reports) Final statements, 1951 - 1952 (1 reports) Auditors' reports, 1952 - 1967 (15 reports) Analysis of Operating Results, 1951 - 1963 (11 reports) Final statement, 1951 - 1952 (1 report) Details of grain earnings, 1963 - 1967 (4 reports) Review of Operating Results, 1963 - 1965 (2 reports) Capacities of Elevator, 29 October 1959 Auditors' report, 31 July 1968 Calculations re: plumbing, August 1965 Tax statement, 1952 Analysis of expenses, 1961 Statement of Operations, 1961 Correspondence, 1951 - 1969 Membership list, 1952 - 1966 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1952- 1962 (6 reports) Officers and Directors lists, 1960 - 1961 Note: Additional information cross reference Arborg Sub division 805 Corporate Name: Local Government District - Fisher