File consists of a request for approval in principle for financial assistance for special capital project to the Universities Grants Commission, correspondence, and tenders.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 2: Board of Governors
2.6 Board Projects
Box 1
The Office of the Bursar was created in 1910. As head of financial affairs, a Bursar was more compatible to the administrative framework of other universities in Canada. The initial duties of the Bursar were the collection of all fees, control of funds and disbursements, donations, purchasing, supervision of grounds, and progressive measures in the investment of funds and the enlargement of finances. By 1913, the Bursar was also in charge of the book department, boarding, grounds and gardens, buildings and heating plant.
By 1924, the Bursar had become so involved in the management of College affairs that the Board established a committee to examine the functions of the President and the Bursar “with a view to readjustment for efficiency.” The committee presented its report later that year, clearly defining nine functions of the Bursar. These functions were the keeping of books, banking, general handling of student fees and accounts, general handling of all trade accounts, handling of maintenance and extension movement pledge cards and receipts, general responsibility for the purchase of all supplies, supervision of fireman and janitor, supervision of buildings and grounds and the submission of a monthly report to the Secretary of the Executive. In 1929, the Bursar took on the role of Secretary to the Executive.
At several times during the history of Brandon College the Bursar and the Registrar were combined into one job.
R.J. KENNEDY (1910 - 1911)
No biographical information yet.
S.J. MCKEE (1911-1913, 1914-1915, 1919-1920)
Information about S.J. McKee can be found under the heading MG 1 Brandon College Teaching and Learning.
C.W. JACKSON (1913 - 1914)
No biographical information yet.
JOHN HARRIS MCKEE (1915 - 1918)
J.H. McKee was S.J. McKee’s son. He was born in Ingersoll, Ontario. He moved to Rapid City in 1881 with his family. In 1890 he moved to Brandon where his father opened McKee’s Academy. Harris attended Brandon College, graduating in 1914. When the war broke out he was not medically able to participate. He then took a position as Brandon College Bursar. In 1918, Harris resigned from his job to take up farming. He had several bouts of bad luck: drought, grasshoppers, frost, and other farming catastrophes, and was not too successful, having a list of 50 creditors at one point.
GEORGE H. ROSS (1918 - 1919)
Little is known so far about George Ross. He was a teacher before coming to Brandon College. He taught in Chatham, Ontario for a while, as well as at the Rider Moore College of Business in Trenton, NJ. From 1914-1919 Ross was also the Director of the Business Department at Brandon College.
S. EVERTON (1920 - 1923)
No biographical information yet.
E. SCOTT EATON (1923 - 1931)
E. Scott Eaton was born in Auburn. He graduated from Acadia University in 1903 and the Maritime Business College in 1904. Eaton then taught at the Maritime Business College and the Charlottetown Business College. For a time he was head of the Business Department at Alberta College. Eaton was the owner/manager of the Success Business College in Vancouver before coming to Brandon College. He occupied this position from 1923 until 1931. In 1931 he became purchasing agent and the superintendent of buildings and grounds at Acadia University. He became an accountant at H.T. Warne Ltd. in Digby, NS in 1940. Around 1953, Eaton became the Town Clerk of Digby. Eaton died at the age of 80 around 1962.
M.S. DONOVAN (1931 - 1936, 1939 - 1948)
No biographical information yet.
N. KEITH MCKINNON (1936 - 1939)
Keith McKinnon was born in Weyburn, Saskatchewan. After working in Weyburn he attended Brandon College, specializing in Political Economy. He was very active in all aspects of students affairs and was elected Senior Stick in his final year. He was appointed to the position of Registrar following his graduation from Brandon College.
D.R. MACKAY (1948 - Brandon University)
Information about D.R. MacKay can be found under the Office of the Registrar.
Scope and Content
The Bursar series revolves around the finances of the school. There are invoices from general accounts, letters from businesses, and receipts for payments. There are also numerous student accounts, wage lists and letters regarding teachers’ salaries. The Bursar did a lot of the correspondence regarding mortgages, estates, property, and other legal matters. The series is mainly correspondence to and from the Bursar regarding accounts, overdue accounts, pleas for financial support and numerous other matters. As well, there are financial statements, fundraising lists, and subscription lists. The series is not broken down by Bursar, but instead is grouped together chronologically.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 3: Office of the Bursar
Series has been divided into seven sub-series, including: (1) R.J. Kennedy; (2) S.J. McKee; (3) C.W. Jackson; (4) John Harris McKee; (5) George H. Ross; (6) S. Everton; and (7) E. Scott Eaton.
This is an artificially created body of records dealing with four firms acquired by A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. An administrative history for each company can be found below.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
Included within the sub-series are financial records, correspondence, merger documents, miscellaneous documents and records. Not all of the companies contain the same categories of information. This series is sub divided into each of the major companies acquired by McKenzie Seeds throughout its years of operation. The sub-series include: (1) Brett-Young/Sabetha Seed Companies; (2) Steele Briggs Seed Company; (3) Pike and Co.; and (4) McFayden Seends.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 3 Acquisitions
The Brandon University Teaching and Administration series is an artificially created collection. It contains the private papers of former Brandon University faculty and staff.
Scope and Content
The series has been divided into the following sub-series:
MG 3 1.1 Errol Black
MG 3 1.2 John Mallea
MG 3 1.3 John Tyman
MG 3 1.4 Lorelei Cederstrom
MG 3 1.5 William Morrison
MG 3 1.6 Ken Hanly
MG 3 1.7 John Welsted
MG 3 1.8 Henri Francq
MG 3 1.9 D.R. MacKay
MG 3 1.10 R.B. Inch
MG 3 1.11 Dale Lakevold
MG 3 1.12 George MacDowell
MG 3 1.13 Donald Wheeler
MG 3 1.14 W.Leland Clark
MG 3 1.15 Bev Nicholson
MG 3 1.16 John Everitt
MG 3 1.17 Michael Blanar
MG 3 1.18 Christy Henry
MG 3 1.19 May Yoh
MG 3 1.20 Francis Chaplin
MG 3 1.21 John Weldon Grant
MG 3 1.22 Harvey Young
MG 3 1.23 Lorne Watson
MG 3 1.24 Lawrence Jones
Storage Location
MG 3 Brandon University Teaching and Administration
Photograph of the Neelin High School float travelling east on Rosser Avenue during Brandon University's Homecoming parade. The float won "best entry from the Westman community." Individuals on the float include: Rick Piche, Lynn Nicol, Susan Anderson, Karen Ashby, Jill Stewart, Jill Habing, Susan Medd, Felicity Adams and Wendy Muirhead.
Names and float information provided by Susan Medd.
Edwin Association Minutes 1928-1981; Sub-district #101 Minutes Oct 6 1969-July 18 1978; Agent's Letters Dec 24 1928-July 15 1947; Cirrculars Spet 19 1969-August 15 1978; Correspondence Nov 7 1960-Sept 8 1978; Memo of Association and By-laws 1928-1953; Member Certificates 1947-1953; Newsletters Jan 1976-August 1978; Attendance records 1946-1962; Financial 1929-1983; Miscellaneous (correspondance, Grain Handling Commission, Crop Development and Seed Clubs, publications) 1951-1978; Membership Lists 1955-1978
Description by Jill Sutherland (2010)
The records for Edwin Association are unique in that more that just minute books were sent to the McKee archives
Forrest Association Minutes 1927-1991; Circulars April 21 1965-Oct 19 1981; Correspondance May 22 1927-May 25 1981; Documents Feb 11 1927-July 31 1969; Financial 1928-1968; Membership 1948-1969; Miscellaneous 1952-1980
Description by Jill Sutherland (2010)
The records for Forrest Association are unique in that more that just minute books were sent to the McKee archives
This box contains minutes generated by local MPE associations, collected by the central office. Records include the following:
127. SD #405 (Alexander, Beresford, Souris) June 27 1996 - July 12 1999
128. SD #404 (Hartney, Elgin/Fairfax) April 19 1996 - July 2 1999
129. SD #403 (Waskada, Deloraine, Goodlands/Medora) Dec 14 1995 - August 17 1999
130. SD #402 (Melita, Pierson) Nov 23 1995 - Oct 12 1999
131. SD #401 (Erikson, Cromer, Sinclair)
132. SD #503 (Elkhorn, Virden, Kirkella, McAuley) Dec 1 1995 - June 28 1999
133. SD #504 (Oakner, Quadra) July 31 1997 - April 14 1999
134. SD #301 (Killarney, Ninga, Dunrea, Boissevain) August 14 1996 - August 9 1999
135. SD and Local Miscellaneous
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of financial records of the central office of MPE:
1-7 Audited Financial Statements 1968-1997
8-9 Capital Budgets 1979-1997
10. Annual Returns
11. Miscellaneous Financial
12. General Expenses 1930-1977
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of records produced by MPE meeting and workshops:
1-7b Spring and Annual Meetings 1988-1998
8 Annual Meeting Agendas 1931-1967
9a-9e Resolutions 1988-1998
10 Information for New Delegates
11 Board and Management Meeting 1997
12 Local Association Meetings 1998 (regarding transition to Agricore)
13. Sunrise / Sunset (transition to Agricore) 1998
14. Spouses Program 1995
15. Miscellaneous Meetings 1993-1995
16. New Committee Members Workshop March 2-3 1998
17. Report of Committee Appointed by Meeting of Representatives of the Provincial Pools & the Farmers Companies February 2 1925
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of records concerning the organization, democratic structure and various policies of MPE:
1 Branch Line Abandonment March 1970
2 Rail Line Abandonment 1978-1979
3 Grain Transportation 1969-1975
4 Elevator Statistics by Rail Line 1971-1973
5-7b Democratic Structure Review
8 Amalgamation 1988
See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of records from various clubs and departments of MPE:
1 Minto Canola Club 1986
2 4-H Careers
3 Pool Co-operative Seed Association 1966-1967
4a Field Pea and Oat Variety Development Annual Reports 1988-1990
4b. Field Pea and Oat Variety Development Annual Reports 1991, 1992, 1994