Photograph includes members of the Lodge including (listed on reverse of photograph) Joe Irwin, Bob Hastings, Dr. Dickson, Johnny Montgomery, Joe Robinson, John A. MacDonald, P.C. Duncan, A.B. Mcleod, Baptist Minister?[sic], Dr. McDiarmid, Lisle Christie, Rev. Flewelling, Mr.[sic] Burns.
The Brandon University Photograph collection is an artifically created collection. It includes photographs from both Brandon College and Brandon University.
Custodial History
The custodial history is varied. Some photographs were created by officers of the College and the University, or were produced at the request of the institution. Many, as well, have been donated by former faculty members and students. We have tried to record the custodial history for photographs that have been donated by faculty members and students at the item level.
Scope and Content
Fonds has been divided into eleven series, including: (1) Convocation, Scholarships and Awards; (2) Campus Buildings; (3) Library Activities and Archives; (4) Faculties and Schools; (5) Student Activities; (6) Administrative and Support Units; (7) Sports; (8) Portraits; (9) Oversize; (10) Special Events; and (11) Documents, Diplomas and Certificates.
Brandon University received its charter on June 5, 1967, on the occasion of the visit of Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra and the Honourable Angus Ogilvie. The institution has its roots in Brandon College, which was established in 1899, by the Baptist Convention of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories and was administered by that authority until 1938. During these years it was an affiliate, first of the University of Manitoba and, from 1911 to 1938, of McMaster University. In 1938, it became a non-denominational affiliate of the University of Manitoba, under a board of directors elected by the Brandon College Corporation, and it continued as such until it was made a provincial university in 1967.
1967-1968 was the first year of operation as Brandon University.
The University is a co-educational, non-denominational, government-supported institution within the Province of Manitoba. It is a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).
As stated in The Brandon University Act (1998), the purposes and objects of the university are: (a) the advancement of learning and the creation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge; and (b) the intellectual, social, ethical and physical development and improvement of its students and employees and of society. To further its purposes and objects the university may: (a) establish and maintain such colleges, faculties, schools, institutes, departments, chairs and courses of instruction as the board considers appropriate; (b) give instruction and training in all branches of learning; (c) grant degrees, including honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency; (d) provide facilities for original research in every branch of learning, and conduct or facilitate the conducting of such research; and (e) generally promote and carry on the work of a university.
The mission statement of the University is to shape the whole person and enable students to make a positive difference as citizens and leaders. In a welcoming and supportive setting, the University emphasizes research, scholarship, critical thinking, performance, artistic creation, communication and participation, as a means of imparting value and meaning to society and contributing to the public good. The University nurtures and develops excellence in its programs, attracts an outstanding faculty, defends academic freedom, preserves knowledge and sustains a scholarly community where cultural differences are valued. The University strives to complement its primary mission of teaching and research by sharing the expertise of its staff, its information resources and its facilities with the greater community.
1967 Brandon College became Brandon University with authority to grant degrees
1998 The Brandon University Act was passed by the Manitoba Legislature, replacing the Brandon University Regulations
1902 First Arts graduates
1975 B.A. (4 year Specialist) degree
1983 B.A. (4 year General) degree
1990 Major in Business Administration
1991 Minor in Women's Studies
1992 Minor in Aboriginal Art
1996 Major in Business Administration (4 year)
1997 4 year Bachelor of Business Admin
1975 B.Sc. (4 year Spec)
1983 B.Sc. (4 year General)
1986 Post-Diploma degree for Registered Nurses and Registered Psychiatric Nurses
1995 4 year degree in Psychiatric Nursing
1952 Ed courses offered for the first time
1967 B.Ed. (5 year)
1969 B.Teaching (3 year)
1972 Project for the Education of Native Teachers (PENT) initiated
1974 Brandon University Northern Teacher Education Program (BUNTEP) initiated
1978 B.Ed (4 year)
1981 B.Teaching (3 year) discontinued as at October 17, 1981
1988 Concurrent B.Music/B.Ed (AD) degree program
1990 M.Ed.
1994 Brandon University Hutterian Education Programme (BUHEP) initiated
1906 Dept of Music (Conservatory) established
1973 B.Mus. (4 year General)
1977 B.Mus. (5 year Music Education)
1980 Master of Music Degree offered for the first time in Manitoba
1988 Concurrent B.Music/B.Ed (AD) degree program
Health Studies:
1998 School of Health Studies created and assumes responsibility for Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Mental Health and Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing
Interdisciplinary degree programs:
1972 B.G.S.
1998 Masters degree in Rural Development
1998 Bachelor of First Nations and Aboriginal Counselling degree program
On December 19, 1985, the Board of Governors approved a set of recommendations regarding the administrative structure of the university. The recommendations renamed, abolished and instituted a number of positions at Brandon University.
Custodial History
Records in the fonds were in the possession of the President's Office until 1980, at which point they were transferred to the McKee Archives upon its creation. Subsequently, additional records have been transferred from the President's Office, the Senate Office and some faculties. Most records transferred after 1980 have separate accession numbers.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of sixteen series, including: (1) Office of the Chancellor; (2) Board of Governors; (3) Office of the President; (4) Office of the Vice-President; (5) Office of the Registrar; (6) Brandon University Senate; (7) Faculties and Schools; (8) Library Services; (9) Department of Extension; (10) Office of Development; (11) Brandon University Foundation; (12) Student Services; (13) Miscellaneous Publications; (14) Brandon University Students' Union (BUSU); (15) Brandon University Faculty Association (BUFA); and (16) Brandon University/College Artifacts.
Information for the History/Bio field was taken from Brandon University calendars 1967-2006, the Brandon University website (December 2005) and an article in "The Quill" (January 9, 1986). Description by Christy Henry, unless otherwise noted.
A: College Librarian's office as initially furnished and arranged looking out onto the Reading Room. B: College Librarian's Office, main Floor Library, 2nd Floor Library and Arts Building L. to R. Donald Axford, Cora Fisher, John Shushelnitsky, Colleen Anderson, Bill Peters, Eileen McFadden. Meeting with students of the International Relations Club
Original office furnishings of College Librarian's Office. L. to R. Barbara Ritchie (library staff), Ray Hegion (Library Staff), Professor Norma E. Walmsley (poli. sci., Chairman, Faculty Library Committee), Eileen McFadden (College Librarian), Lee Finch (Library Staff)
The Board of Governors of Brandon University is a body established by the Brandon University Act (1998), a statute of the Province of Manitoba. The Act vests in the Board the authority for governing Brandon University. The members of the Board of Governors, as trustees, hold the University in trust for the people of the Province of Manitoba. Responsibilities for maintaining this trust include: selection of a president, monitoring his/her performance, providing guidance to the University via its policies, and often delegating authority to the administration.
The Board of Governors is a collective representing the entire community (both internal and external of the University). As a collective, the Board of Governors is responsible for ensuring the financial stability of the institution and for seeing that the overall plans of the institution are consistent with the institution’s philosophy, goals, and financial resources.
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of records generated and collected by the Brandon University Board of Governors in the course of perfoming its functions. The fonds is divided into six sub-series, incuding: (1) Documents; (2) Board Executive; (3) General Board agendas, minutes and packages; (4) Correspondence and subject files; (5) Board of Governors' committees; and (6) Board projects.
The information in the History/Bio field was taken from the Brandon University webpage ( on December 2, 2005.
Access Restriction
All files in the series are restricted. Researchers are required to contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Governors to obtain written permission to access the records. Contact:
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building. Tour of library by members of St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church associated with gifts of funds. L Father Rudachek, 2nd from L Helen Harris, front row: girl on left ___ Zwednicki
book stacks on mezzanine. Tour of the Robbins Library by members of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church (associated with presentation of funds) L to R 1) Helen Harris, 2),3),4),5), Father Rudachek, etc.
Periodicals section as equipped in the early 1970's. Basement Floor, MacKenzie. Tour of Robbins Library by members of St. Mary's Roman (sic) Catholic Church – associated with a gift of funds to the Library
In accordance with "The Brandon University Act (1998)" the Brandon University Senate consists of the following members: (a) the chancellor of the university; (b) the president of the university; (c) the vice-presidents of the university; (d) the deputy minister of the department whose minister is responsible for The Council on Post-Secondary Education Act, or his or her designate; (e) the deans of each faculty and school in the university; (f) the director of the Educational Technology Unit or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions (g) the chair of the Bachelor of General Studies degree program or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (h) the University Librarian or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (i) the Dean of Students or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions; (j) one member of the board appointed by the board; (k) one representative from each faculty or school who has been on the staff of the university for at least two years, elected by and from the staff of that faculty or school; (l) six professors or associate professors of the university, elected by the professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers; (m) two assistant professors or lecturers of the university who have been on the staff of the university for at least two years, elected by the professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and lecturers; (n) one member of the rank of professional associate of the university elected by the members of that rank; (o) eight students elected or appointed as follows: (i) one appointed by the executive of the Brandon University Students’ Union who is a member of that executive. (ii) one elected from each faculty or school of the university, (iii) the remainder elected from the student body of the university at large.
Elected and appointed members of the senate, other than student members, are to hold
office for two years, beginning on July 1 of the year in which they are elected or appointed. Student members of the senate are to hold office for one year, beginning on the first day of July of the year in which they are elected. Ex officio members are to hold office until they cease to hold the position that qualify them for membership. An elected or appointed member of the senate is eligible for re-election or re-appointment, but the senate may set a maximum number of consecutive terms of office that any member may hold.
The president of the university shall be the chair of the senate. If the president of the university is absent or unable to act as chair, the vice-president (academic and research) or, in his or her absence, an academic dean appointed by the president, shall be the chair at meetings of the senate. The registrar of the university or, if there is none, the person exercising comparable functions shall be the secretary of the senate.
The senate shall meet at least four times a year and may meet more often if its rules so provide. The secretary of the senate shall call special meetings at the request of the chair or at the written request of at least four members of the senate.
The senate is responsible for the academic policy of the university. The senate may (a) establish rules and procedures for the conduct of its proceedings, including fixing a quorum; (b) elect the chancellor of the university; (c) appoint any standing and other committees that it considers necessary; (d) consider and determine all courses of student, including requirements for admission, examination and graduation; (e) recommend to the board the establishment of additional faculties, school, departments, chairs and courses of instruction; (f) determine the degrees, honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency to be granted by the university, and the persons to whom they are to be granted; (g) award scholarships, medals and prizes; (h) make rules and regulations respecting the academic conduct and activities of students; (i) consider and make recommendations to the board about any other matters that the senate considers appropriate for achieving the objects and purposes of the university.
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into six sub-series, including: (1) Senate minutes; (2) Committees of Senate; (3) General Faculty Council; (4) Ad Hoc Committees of Senate; (5) Convocation services, Baccalaureate services, Banquets; and (6) Brandon College/University calendars.
Information in the History/Bio field was taken from "The Brandon University Act (1998)" at (December 2005).
The University Calendar is the authoritative statement of the institutional structure, faculty and staff, and academic program of Brandon University. Since the creation of the College in 1900, calendars have been produced annually, with only a few exceptions, by the Registrar's Office.
Up until 1991-1992, the calendar was called the general calendar. In 1991-1992, it was called the undergraduate general calendar. Beginning in 1992, the calendar was produced every two years instead of annually, except for 1998-1999, until 2003. The 1992-1994 calendar contains both the undergraduate and graduate general calendars, and starting in 1994 a separate undergraduate and graduate calendar was produced.
Custodial History
The Brandon College/University calendar was produced by the Registrar's Office. Individual copies of the calendar were held by the Registrar's Office until their transfer to the University Archives.
Scope and Content
The sub-series consists of general calendars, general undergraduate and graduate calendars, as well as calendars for the School of Music, the Faculty of Education, and for spring and summer sessions. It has been divided into three sub sub series, including: (1) Calendars - bound archival copies; (2) Calendars - researcher's copies; and (3) Calendars - miscellaneous.
The Registrar, acting in his/her capacity as Secretary of Senate, is responsible for the production of the University calendar.
When the Department of Music was founded in 1906, it offered only conservatory-type instruction under the direction of Abbie Helmer Vining (1906-07). W.L. Wright, after four years' study in Berlin with Leopold Godowsky, took over in 1907 and remained director until 1947. During the 1920s and 1930s, the department attracted students from across Canada to work with Wright, Esther Magdalene Moore, Kathleen Moffat Fairbairn (piano), and Ruth Morgan (voice) towards graduate and post-graduate diplomas. During the Depression and the Second World War, music education at Brandon College declined as a result of financial woes facing the College and the departure of students to the war.
Under directors Peggy A. Sharpe (acting director 1947-48), and Lorne Watson (1948-1981), most instruction was given to elementary and high school students from Brandon. Through the encouragement and support of successive university presidents, the music faculty and university music credit courses were expanded to make possible a music minor within a B.A. or B.Sc. degree. By 1963, the college offered the first B.Mus. program (music education and applied) in Manitoba. In the same year, the Department of Music became the School of Music with two areas of activity: one continuing the conservatory tradition, the other leading to university degrees. Watson continued as director while Sharpe assumed the new position of supervisor of the conservatory. She was succeeded by Watson in 1981.
When Brandon attained university status, the School of Music became a member of the Western Board of Music (WBM), now Conservatory Canada. Later a B.Mus. (general) was added and, in 1980, the M.Mus. (music education and applied). In 1981, Watson was succeeded as director by Gordon Macpherson (1981-87), during whose tenure the position was re-named dean. In 1987 Lawrence Jones became dean. Jones was followed by Patrick Carrabre and Glen Carruthers.
Originally housed in Clark Hall, in 1963 the School of Music moved into a new building, officially opened by Sir Ernest MacMillan, on 28 October 1963. It housed a music library, electronic music studio, classrooms, rehearsal hall and studios. Increased enrolment in the 1970s necessitated the acquisition of three adjacent houses. On 5 October 1984, Queen Elizabeth II opened the present music building, which is named after her.
The school's reputation as a centre of string pedagogy dates from Albert Pratz' appointment to the faculty in 1964 and the engagement of the Halifax Trio (Brandon University Trio) as artists-in-residence in 1966. The Wawanesa Insurance Co. in 1964 established a string scholarship program, which has since been carried on through the Carl and Lyle Sanders Grant and the R.D. Bell String Scholarships. A Suzuki string program was set up in 1977, directed by Alison Ryles (B.Mus. Brandon, 1978) who was followed in 1981 by Gerhard Ginader.
Besides the Brandon University Trio, school ensembles have included the Brandon University Orchestra, Concert Band, Chorale, Jazz Bands and Guitar Ensemble. The Collegium Musicum, formed in 1973 by James Mendenhall, has a collection of replicas of early instruments. The school frequently produces an opera (or musical theatre work) directed by Sylvia Richardson.
Student pursuing a major in music education have founded an active organization known as the Brandon University Student Music Educators' Association (BUSMEA), which is, in effect, a student branch of Manitoba Music Educators Association (MMEA). Annual summer schools enhance the program. In the 1960s, under the direction of Peggy A. Sharpe, recitals and workshops were given by visiting artists. In the 1980s, the emphasis was on graduate courses, including the offering of a Kodaly specialist diploma.
In the conservatory, music for children classes, the Suzuki string program, and classes in the Alexander technique are offered. The conservatory offers courses for gifted students. It also sponsored annual workshops for teachers. Clinicians have included Lawrence Jones, Lorne Watson, Gordon Macpherson, Sydney Young McInnis, Shirley Yip, Elizabeth Grant and Irma Toews.
The School of Music acts as a musical focus for southwestern Manitoba. Beginning in the 1960s, it co-sponsored (with the MMEA) an annual choral/orchestral workshop in January attracting up to 300 music educators and students from Manitoba and beyond. Rehearsals of the Brandon Community Chorus and Community Orchestra take place at the school, as do most events of the Brandon Festival of the Arts. It is also the home of the annual S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatte competition for the Performance of Canadian Music and the annual Brandon Jazz Festival. One reason for such constant activitiy is the excellence of the Queen Elizabeth II Music Building, which includes an advanced electronic studio, rehearsal halls for orchestras, bands and choirs and a 200-seat hall with recording facilities and ideal acoustics. On the occasion of Lorne Watson's 40th anniversary at Brandon that hall was named the Lorne Watson Recital Hall in his honour.
The music school's first graduate (1966) was Jack Spalding. Honourary doctorates in music have been awarded to W.L. Wright (1969), S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatte (1970), Murray Adaskin (1972), Jon Vickers (1976), Kenneth Winters (1989), the Guess Who and Tom Cochrane.
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into three sub-series, including: (1) Dean of Music; (2) Music Faculty Council; and (3) School of Music publications.
The history/bio note was taken from the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada at (January 2006). The entry was written by Lorne Watson. Peggy A. Sharpe died in 2005.
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 7: Faculties and Schools
Related Material
A file of miscellaneous newspaper clippings etc. assembled by Eileen McFadden for the period 1979-1985, is located in the Institutional Files in the Reading Room.