This series contains five sub-series: I: Up to 1945, II: 1945-60, III: 1961-70, IV: 1971-80, V: 1981-2000. All sub-series consist of random shots of students at Brandon College and University, participating in various activities such as graduation banquets, dances, winter carnivals, and Shinerama, or just relaxing together. This series also contains a large photo album donated to the McKee Archives by Lenore (Gusdal) Dinsdale.
Library: Students working on Brandon and the Great Depression project. L to R: unidentified female student, Bruce Stadfeld, unidentified female student.
The department of Student Services was established in 1968 under the name Student Personnel Office. In 1968, it was renamed Student Affairs. The name was changed to Student Services in 1984 or 1985. In 1999, the position of Dean of Student Services was amalgamated with the University Registrar, becoming Dean of Students/University Registrar. The Dean of Students position was separated from that of University Registrar in August 2008.
Student Services is presently located in Room 115 of the A.E. McKenzie Building. Its purpose is to assist students in their intellectual, vocational, personal and social development. Various services such as counselling and learning skills are made available to students requiring assistance.
Scope and Content
Series has been divided into two sub-series, including: (1) Director's files - correspondence/minutes; and (2) Impacte/Core.
Administrative information in the History/Bio field was taken from Brandon University Calendars (1967-2006) and the Student Services webpage at (December 2005).
R. BRUCE MCFARLANE (1968 - 1976)
No biographical information yet.
CAM CONNORS (1978 - 1982)
Campbell Connors was born in England and raised in South Africa. He came to Canada in 1963, and attended the United College in Winnipeg (now the University of Winnipeg). Connors had planned to return to Zimbabwai, but after the Declaration of Independence in 1966, he was unable to. Subsequently, he became a United Church minister in Russell, Manitoba for four years. In 1971, he was invited to head a special Mature Students project at Brandon University, and in 1976, he became that institution's Dean of Student Services.
TOM MITCHELL (1985 - 1989)
See RG 6 Brandon University fonds, Series 5 Office of the Registrar, 5.1Registrar's files for biographical information on Tom Mitchell.
BETH WESTFALL (1989 - 1992)
Additional biographical information for Beth Westfall is located at RG 6, series 9 (Office of Extension).
On September 1, 1989, Westfall became the first female dean at Brandon University when she accepted the position of Dean of Student Services. Westfall left Brandon University in 1992 to accept a position as President of Keewatin Community College, in The Pas, Manitoba. At present (January 2007), Beth Westfall Davies is the Senior Education Administrator of Northwest Community College in British Columbia.
DARCY BOWER (1994 - 2005)
See RG 6 Brandon University fonds, Series 5 Office of the Registrar, 5.1Registrar's files for biographical information on Darcy Bower.
JANET S. WRIGHT (2005 - July 31, 2008)
See RG 6 Brandon University fonds, Series 7 Faculties and Schools, 7.2.1 Dean of Science for biographical information on Janet Wright.
DAVID ROWLAND (August 1, 2008 - July 31, 2013)
David Rowland is a native of Toronto, ON. He obtained his B.Sc. in Physical Education from Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina in 1997. He completed his Master of Education degree in Special Education at the University of Charleston in 1999.
From 2000-2005, Rowland was the Assistant Dean of Students at the College of Charleston before taking the position of Dean of Students at Mount Allison University in 2006. His term as Dean of Student Services at Brandon University began in 2008.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of correspondence and minutes.
History/Bio information on Cam Connor was taken from Connexion December 1971 and an article in "The Quill" (September 27, 1979). Biographical information for Beth Westfall was taken from articles in "The Quill" (August 30, 1989) and from the government of British Columbia's Board Member biography page on Beth Westfall Davies located at: (January 2007). History/Bio information for David Rowland taken from the September 1, 2008 issue of the Quill.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 12: Student Services
The Brandon University Student's Union (BUSU), Local 37 of the Canadian Federation of Students, was incorporated in 1969 as the students' organization of Brandon University. Its predecessor was the Brandon College Students' Association, which was established in 1899. BUSU is a not-for-profit society that serves to represent the students of Brandon University; all regular full and part-time students at Brandon University are members of the Students’ Union.
BUSU has several broad functions: they are a service provider that offers programs and support services to students throughout the year; they act as lobbyists on behalf of the student body at the local, provincial and federal levels, working with the other member locals of the Canadian Federation of Students, Canada’s national and provincial student movement; they represent the student body within the important, decision-making bodies at BU, such as the Board of Governors and Senate; and they provide funding for student clubs and organizations. BUSU is bound legally to the Brandon University Sudents' Union Constitution and Bylaws and the Universities Act of Manitoba.
BUSU draws on collected student fees to operate. Its administrative structure consists of a board of directors consisting of 11 voting members. Students elect representatives to relay their issues and concerns to the University community, the community at large, and all levels of government. A democratically elected council, made up of members from various constituencies on campus, oversees the work of the Students’ Union. The council includes four executive officers (the President and three Vice Presidents – Academic, Finance, and Student Activities), numerous commissioners, and one liaison. The work of the Students’ Union is also powered by the efforts and dedication of countless campus and community volunteers and staff. BUSU also has a voting student representative on the Board of Governors and Senate.
BUSU holds annual and semi-annual general meetings, full council meetings, and council committee meetings throughout the year. All meetings are broadly advertised to the membership and are open to students. As BUSU members, students have full speaking rights at any meeting of the Union, as well as voting rights at general meetings.
Custodial History
The records in accession 25-2003 were stored by the Brandon University Students' Union until they were donated to the McKee Archives.
Scope and Content
Series consists of records of Executive meetings, correspondence and financial records of the Brandon University Students' Union, as well as club records and copies of "The Sickle," "The Quill," and Student Handbooks. It has been divided into five sub-series, including: (1) BUSU Executive and Council; (3) Correspondence; (4) Clubs; and (5) Publications.
BUSU is a separately incorporated organization from Brandon University's Board of Governors, but for administrative purposes it has been incorporated int RG 6 Brandon University fonds. Administrative information in the History/Bio field was taken from the BUSU website at (December 2005).
View is northeast, taken from the John R. Brodie Science Centre. Photograph shows: the Brandon College Building, the Student Services H-Hut, the Education Building, and the Student Union Building (Citizens' Science Building), as well as 18th Street and some houses. The trailer to the south of the Education Building was a Canada Manpower office in the 1960s. It was latter moved over by the Gymnasium, where it became the Quill office.
Photograph is looking west and shows the new Students' Residence Complex, consisting of Darrach Hall, Flora Cowan Hall, and the Main Dining Room, funded by the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation. The grassy area in the photograph is now occupied by the John R. Brodie Science Centre and McMaster Hall.
The Student Services H-Hut was located between the Brandon College Building and the Citzens' Science Building. It was placed there c. 1950 and it was removed sometime in the 1990s. Originally the H-Hut in this photograph was the Geology Depatment, housing offices, classrooms and the lab.
Scope and Content
Photograph is looking west and shows the entrance to the Student Services H-Hut.
History/Bio information from Tom Mitchell and Harvey Young.