The cairn was constructed in 1999 as part of the University's centennial activities. It was built by Mike Brewer, a local stonemason, using stones taken from the original site of Prairie College, which was located one mile north of Rapid City. The project was inspired by President Dennis Anderson, who wanted to povide a physical symbol on campus of Prairie College, as it was linked through the McKee Academy (located in Rapid City until 1890 and then in Brandon until 1898), Brandon College and Brandon University.
Scope and Content
The cairn is located in front of the Original Building east entrance. A time capsul, containing a list of the items enclosed, as well as copies of the 199-2001 Brandon University General Calendar, the 1998-1999 Brandon University Students' Union student handbook, the 1999 Brandon University Spring Convocation program, a Brandon University at a Glance fact sheet, the Spring 1999 edition of Alumni News, the March 17, 1999 edition of the Quill, a 1999 Mini University program, the Prairie College archaeology project abstract, a Prairie College archaeology project poster, the July 2, 1999 edition of the Brandon Sun, the 1999-2000 City of Brandon Tourist Guide, a Brandon city map and a Canadian Federation of Students pamphlet, was sealed inside the cairn on July 2, 1999 as part of the 100th Anniversary celbrations of Brandon University.
Part of BU 16.3 Artifacts - other. History/Bio provided by Tom Mitchell (April 10, 2007).
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series16: Brandon University/College artifacts
16.3 Artifacts - other
East side of the Original Building
Related Material
Photographs of the cairn dedication ceremony are located in the Brandon University Photograph collection under series 10 (Special Events) in the 100th Anniversary sub-series. Thomasin Playford's "Archaeological investigations at the Prairie College site (EaMA-9): a Baptist College in the Canadian Northwest (final report for grant 98F-W149)" and John Edwin Davis' "The life story of a leper: autobiography of John E. Davis, Canadian Baptist missionary among the Telugus." Both are available in the John E. Robbins Library.
Edward Walker was a native of England. In 1895, he left his home in Stockport England and traveled to the village of Millwood, Manitoba where, with three of his five children, he began a new life on the Canadian settlement frontier.
Walker was a professional photographer and his fonds contains a variety of images of Millwood and the surrounding agricultural community, its people, and life. These images were produced from gelatin dry plate negatives, a process introduced around 1880 to replace the wet collodin process in which a photographic solution was applied to a glass plate just prior to exposure. Edward Walker’s pictorial account of life in and around Millwood Manitoba circa 1900 is an important photographic legacy of pioneer life on the upper reaches of the Assiniboine Valley.
The village of Millwood was - and is - located in the Assiniboine River valley close to the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border just a few miles northwest of Binscarth and a similar distance southwest of Russell. It came into existence in 1887 with the construction of the Manitoba and North-Western Railway, a road that ran diagonally through the new West from Prince Albert, North West Territories to Portage la Prairie Manitoba.
Custodial History
These photographic images are drawn from the Edward Walker fonds held at the S.J. McKee Archives. They were used in an exhibit entitled "Millwood on the Assiniboine circa 1900" in 2005. The exhibit was located on The Curve Gallery in the John E. Robbins Library and curated by Tom Mitchell.
Scope and Content
Consists of 22 photographic prints mounted on foam board used by the Archives for the display.
A selection of thes images are on display in the S. J. McKee Archives. The balance are in storage at RG 6 Brandon University fonds, Series 8: Library Services, 8.2 S.J. McKee Archives.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 8: Library Services
8.2 S.J. McKee Archives
File consists of correpondence, blueprints, by-laws, standing committee lists, contracts, notices of amendment and intention, and financial information.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 4: Office of the Vice-President
4.2 Office of the Vice-President (Administration & Finance)
Box 5
Fonds consists of minutes, the pages of the charter dinner guest book, "Go for the Gold" membership marathon instructions and poster, and a scrapbook containing photographs, momentos and a history (summary) of the Priarie Horizons Toastmistress Club 1976-1982.
Name tags and pins culled. Description by Christy Henry.
In celebration of Brandon's 125th Birthday, the McKee Archives organized the photo exhibit "Wonder City of the Northwest," on display from June 28 until the end of August 2007 in the Curve Gallery, located on the second level of BU's John E. Robbins Library. The photographs in the exhibit marked various passages in the history of Brandon from 1882 to the beginning of the Great War in 1914. A special opening for "Wonder City of the Northwest," sponsored by the President's Office, was held on Thursday, June 28 at 2:00 p.m. in the Curve Gallery.
Custodial History
These images were selected from the collections of Lawrence Stuckey and Alfred Fowler held in the S. J. McKee Archives. The exhibit was curated by Tom Mitchell and Christy Henry.
Scope and Content
Consists of the 8 information display boards used by the Archives for the Wonder City of the Northwest exhibit.
The actual photographic prints used in the exhibit were sold via silent auction at the close of the exhibit in August 2007.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 8: Library Services
8.2 S.J. McKee Archives