Primary exercises in arithmetic : no. 5 : fourth year, first half : exercises on the simple rules : multiplication by factors and two figures : division by factors without remainders : sight exercises on the tables of time, length, etc. : notation and numeration up to six places : abundance of sight work
Primary exercises in arithmetic : no. 6 : fourth year, second half : simple rules : multiplication by two and three figures : division by factors with remainders : long division : notation and numerotation up to nine places : sight work
The elements of pedagogy : a manual for teachers, normal schools, normal institutes, teachers' reading circles, and all persons interested in school education
The united and much admired system of arithmetic and mental calculations of Doctor Willcolkes and Messrs. T. and T.W. Fryer : being the result of many years' study
Euclid's Elements of geometry : the first six books, chiefly from the text of Dr. Simson, with explanatory notes, a series of questions on each book, and a selection of geometrical exercises from the Senate House and College examination papers, with hints, etc., designed for the use of the junior classes in public and private schools
A primer of map geography : for pupils preparing for promotion examinations; pupils preparing for entrance examinations; pupils preparing for intermediate examinations; students preparing for teacher's certificates, and all offical examinations with recent departmental examination papers from the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia