See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of financial records of the central office of MPE:
1-7 Audited Financial Statements 1968-1997
8-9 Capital Budgets 1979-1997
10. Annual Returns
11. Miscellaneous Financial
12. General Expenses 1930-1977
The Manitoba Wheat Pool and Manitoba Pool Elevators kept and preserved a chronological record of the meetings of the MPE Board of Directors and annual delegate meetings. The minutes were typed and bound, then placed in the MPE reference library so that employees and members could access them.
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of minutes of organizational meetings and later meetings held by the Central Office of the Manitoba Wheat Co-operative Producers, Ltd (later known as the Manitoba Wheat Pool) from 1923 until it went under in 1934, and of meetings held by the central office of Manitoba Pool Elevators from 1925 until 1997.
A copy of a Local Associations (later the Local Pool Committees) would be sent to the Central Office, where it was stored until a microfilm copy could be made. Records were only transferred to microfilm until 1957.
Custodial History
Local Association records recieved by the Central Office dating from 1925 to 1957 are on microfilm. Records subsequent to 1957 are hardcopies.
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.3 consists of Local Association records from the formation of the association until 1993 or said association's closure. See Box level entries for B.3 for detailed contents of records.
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2009). Records contained in Series B.3 on microfilm or in hardcopy may also be contained in Series A.
Box contains bound volumes of Manitoba Wheat Pool and Manitoba Pool Elevators central office meeting minutes. Volumes in this box include:
Manitoba Wheat Co-operative Producers, Ltd. July 1923 – May 1929; Manitoba Wheat Pool June 1929 – June 1934
MPE Minute Book May 1925 – July 1937
MPE Minute Book Sept 1953 – July 1959
MPE Minute Book August 1946 – July 1953
Box contains bound volumes of Manitoba Pool Elevators central office meeting minutes. Volumes in this box include:
MPE Minute Book Sept 1953 – July 1959
MPE Minute Book Oct 1959 – July 1964
MPE Minute Book Oct 1964 – Oct 1968
MPE Minute Book Oct 1968 – July 1971
Box contains unbound Manitoba Pool Elevators central office meeting minutes including MPE Board of Directors minutes January 15-16,1985 to July 17,1996.
Box contains unbound Manitoba Pool Elevators central office meeting minutes. Folders in this box include: unbound minutes of MPE Annual and Special Meetings 1976-98; Prospectus Nov 28 1997; MPE Annual Meeting Minutes 1990 and 1991; MPE Delegates Meetings 1989-1998; MPE Board of Directors Meetings July 16 1997 – May 19 1998; MPE Board of Directors Meetings August 20 1996 - June 18 1997; Agricore / AWP / MPE Board of Directors Meetings June 12 1998 – Oct 30 1998.
Series A is comprised of the records of the local co-operative elevator association as established in the period 1925 - 1968 under the Co-operative Associations Act. Until 1968 the local associations were the main administrative unit of Manitoba Pool Elevators. Subsequent to 1968 Pool Elevators became a direct membership top down organization. The central office was at the top, and the province was divided into seven administrative districts, which were in turn each divided into six sub-districts. Each sub-district would usually contain approximately five "locals". Please note that local associations were not obliged to become part of the new structure of Manitoba Pool Elevators, and as late as 1975 there were still 29 locals that did not belong to a sub-district. The records of each local within the Series may, but do not necessarily, contain the following: organizational papers, minutes of executive board, minutes of shareholders annual meeting, financial statements, correspondence, membership lists, miscellaneous. Series has been divided into 233 sub-series.
This series contains records for both local associations and for sub-districts. Item number does not correspond to sub-district number, so an item number and sub-district number may be the same and correspond to two seperate records.
As the Manitoba Pool Elevators grew as a co-operative organizations and later a corporation, it aquired subsidiary companies and became involved with other co-operative organizations. These various companies were usually acquired or formed to either reach out to other types of producers in Manitoba or to assist Pool members. MPE was also involved with larger umbrella or subsidiary co-operative organizations.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This series has been divided into nine sub-series, including: (1) Border Fertilizer Ltd., (2) Co-enerco, (3) CSP Foods, (4) Co-op Farm Implements, (5) Co-operative Life Insurance Co. & Pool Insurance Ltd., (6) Livestock Co-operative Division, (7) Poultry and Dairy Pools, (8) The Wasagaming Foundation, (9) North Cypress-Langford Weed Control Districts
For biographical information onf Angus McPherson and Mrs. (Ella) Johnston McPherson see the description for Box 6 of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection. For biographical information on Thomas and Annie Pentland see the descrption for Box 10 of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.
Scope and Content
Contains the following files:
14.1 Account books [1906-1916]
14.2 Farmers pocket ledger [1935]
14.3 Mrs. Johnston McPherson - field book [1921-1944]
14.4 Account day book 1913-1915
14.5 Annie I. Pentland - miscellaneous records and accounts 1916-1934
14.6 Thomas Pentland account book 1917-1932
14.7 Thomas Pentland blacksmith account book 1882-1883
14.8 Angus McPherson account book 1916-1941
Part of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.
For biographical information on Hugh and Margaret McPherson see the description for Box 5 of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.
For biographical information on Johnston and Angus McPherson see the descrption for Box 6 of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.
For biographical information on Murray McPherson see the fonds level description for the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.
Howard Johnston McPherson, the oldest son of Angus and Ethel (Pentland) McPherson, was born on July 6, 1920. He graduated from Brandon Collegiate in 1938 and joined his father on the farm. In 1941, he joined the R.C.A.F. and trained as an air engine mechanic. Returning from Europe in 1945, Howard continued to live with his parents until his marriage to Jessie Walsh (b. March 21, 1922) of Sceptre, SK on June 18, 1955. Together they had three children: Muriel Ruth (m. Cody Johnson); Nancy Carol (m. Dennis Mauthe); and Donald Howard (m. Ann). The family farmed in the Brandon Hills district. Howard died on May 2, 2005.
Scope and Content
Contains the following files:
16.1 Hugh and Margaret McPherson account book 1879
16.2 McPherson Farm cash book (Hugh, Johnston, Angus) 1906-1912
16.3 McPherson Farm account book 1890's
16.4 Cash book 1953
16.5 Cash book [1943-1949]
16.6 Angus McPherson - Canadian Wheat Board emergency cheque correspondence 1949
16.7 Angus McPherson - insurance documents 1948-1950
16.8 Murray McPherson - agreement between SC Area #1 and District Association 1951
16.9 Angus McPherson - Canadian Wheat Board permits (8) 1944-1954
16.10 Angus McPherson - cattle inventories 1951-1952
16.11 Howard and Angus McPherson miscellaneous farm correspondence 1950-1953
16.12 Documents re: Angus McPherson estate 1951-1954
16.13 Income tax forms and documents 1945-1953
Part of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.
Student activity: Sticks of office used by Senior Stick and Lady Stick. c. 1919 – 1966 and later, housed in a display case in the Robbins Library Reading Room