The series was created by the committee involved with the financial aspects of the winter and summer fairs, as well as the committee formed in the mid1960s to look into the feasibility of creating a complex that could house both fairs
Custodial History
The records were housed at the Inter-Provincial Exhibition, the PEM, and the MEA until c1986 when they were transferred to the S.J. McKee Archives at Brandon University.
Scope and Content
The series includes financial records, proposals for an arena complex, financial statements, economic evaluations, annual reports, and a ledger with names and wages in it.
Part of RG2SF4. Inventory of documents in the series is available in the printed finding aid.
Storage Location
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
RG2SF4 Miscellaneous
This series was created by a committee attached to the Board of Directors of the winter fair.
Custodial History
See sous-fonds RG2SF2 for custodial history.
Scope and Content
The series contains financial statements from 1925 and 1926, as well as financial records from the 1930s to 1969. There is also a transfer ledger from the years 1939 to 1953. There is a box with the statement of prizes won from 1972 to 1977.
Inventory of the documents in the series is available in the printed finding aid.
Storage Location
RG 2 Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Association fonds
RG2SF2 Manitoba Winter Fair
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series is comprised of various documents, agreements and contracts generated by A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. Among the documents are by-laws, letters of patents, land deeds, leases, transfers of property, grants of probate, trademark documents, certificates of title, incorporation documents, bills of sale, assets and liabilities, licenses to do business, loan documents, tax statements/certificates, insurance documents, memorandums, declarations, estate documents, releases, settlements, mortgages, and bill 87.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of one folder containing thank you letters to Prof. George F. MacDowell, Professor of Economics at Brandon University, and a long-time member of the McKenzie Seeds Board for his service to the company.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
Related Material
RG 6 (Brandon University fonds), MG 3 (Brandon University Teaching and Administration), MG 3 1.12 (George MacDowell fonds).
The A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. has had a Board of Directors since its incorporation in 1906. The first Board consisted of A. E. McKenzie, S. A. Bedford, the director of the Experimental Farm, H. L. Patmore and W. A. McCracken. Following A.E. McKenzie’s death, the government of Manitoba appointed the members of the Board under the arrangements made with the establishment of the A.E. Mckenzie Foundation.
According to the general by-laws (c. 1960) of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd., the Board of Directors annually, or more often if required, elected from among themselves a President, a Vice-President and a General Manager. They were also responsible for appointing an Assistant General Manager, and a Secretary and a Treasurer. If needed, they would also appoint an Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer. A majority vote of the Board was required for the election or appointment of the above officers. Those individuals elected or appointed to their offices by the Board could be removed at the pleasure of the Board. The Board also had the power to fix the salaries of all of the officers of the Company. By resolution, it could pass this responsibility to the General Manager.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This series consists of Board minutes/meetings, management consultant reports, financial records, documents and miscellaneous records.
It has been divided into five sub-series, including: (1) Documents; (2) Minutes/Meetings; (3) Management Consultant Reports; (4) Miscellaneous; and (5) Financial Records.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series includes minutes of the Board of Directors of McKenzie Seeds, extracts from minutes of the Board of Directors, information on shareholders of the company, notices of Board meetings, suggested meeting agendas, the President's annual report for 1967, and memos regarding Board meetings/business.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
Related Material
Additional minutes for the meetings of the Board of Directors of McKenzie
Seeds, dating from the mid 1930's, are held in the Provincial Archives of Manitoba.
Minute excerpts for the Board of Directors are located in the Document sub-series in the file titled By-Laws for 1940-1985.
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series includes reports from three management consultants: Harbridge House, Urwick, Currie & Partners Ltd., and Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg. As well, the sub-series contains correspondence between the President and Comptroller of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd. and Harbridge House regarding the implementation of a management training program and plans to combat the weak field seed market. The Urwick, Currie reports deal with improvement in company operations and improvements in packet seed processing. The Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg report is entitled 'Implementing a Strategic Planning Process.' Each of the reports completed for the company deal with improving the business operations of McKenzie Seeds.
Harbridge House – this record is a management-training program designed to address a weak field seed market.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
The “Act to Incorporate Brandon College” was assented to on June 1, 1900 and specified that the Board of Directors would consist of 21 members. The Board was to control all financial matters of the College, though all decisions had to meet the approval of the Baptist Convention.
The first officers of the Board were a Chairman, a Treasurer and a Secretary. The minutes also refer to a “President,” separate from the Principal, but does not define the President’s duties. The Principal was a member ex-officio of the Board. The first duty of the Board was to create an executive consisting of all Brandon members of the Board. The main function of the executive was the operation of the College and transaction of all business arising between Board meetings.
In pursuit of a separate university charter, the Board reorganized its affairs in 1910, appointing an investment committee, a Bursar and a Registrar. The Principal was renamed “President,” and was appointed Chairman of the Executive. The university charter was denied, leading the Board to seek affiliation with McMaster University. The Board of Directors during this time was forced to take a more active role in directing college affairs. In November 1910, the Board moved: ...that the officers of the Board be authorized to make such application for such amendments to the Charter as seem necessary and advisable.
This decision led the Board to draw up the Act to Amend An Act to Incorporate Brandon College which, by 1915, granted the Board authority over all College affairs, following the stated direction of the Baptist Convention.
On May 5, 1916 a nominating committee was struck to name the persons and mandate of all new committees.
During the existence of the Board prior to 1967 the following committees were created:
In 1918, the Board defined the functions of the Executive Committee as:
The Board of Brandon College shall at its organization meeting each year appoint from among its members an Executive of not less than seven in number. The Executive shall be responsible to the Board and shall exercise all the powers usually incidental to an Executive other than those delegated to the Finance Committee and Endowment Fund Committee, which two Committees shall also be responsible to the Board direct.
The Finance Committee was to consist of no fewer than seven members which:
...shall be responsible to the Board and shall under the Board have the general oversight and control of the financial policy of the College insofar as the raising of funds is concerned. The Finance Committee shall not have the power to make any expenditures except such as it may deem necessary to incur in connection with its efforts in raising funds. The Finance Committee shall report to the Board of the College at each meeting of the Board and for the purpose of keeping the Executive in close touch with its activities and of enabling the two committees to work in closest cooperation shall transmit to the Executive a copy of the minutes of each of its meetings to be read at the regular meetings of the Executive and shall give account of the progress made by the Finance Committee and generally of its plans for the future. Members of the Finance Committee shall not all necessarily be members of the Board.
The Endowment Fund Committee was created by the following resolution:
The Board of Brandon College shall at its Organization Meeting each year appoint an Endowment Fund Committee which shall under the Board manage the Endowment Fund and direct the re-investment of its principal. The Endowment Fund Committee shall consist of not less than three members who shall not all necessarily be members of the Board.
The creation of the latter two committees was significant because it was the first time that Brandon citizens, not necessarily Baptists, were brought into the administration.
By 1936, however, all Committees were abandoned as Brandon College struggled for its financial survival. After the Baptist Convention withdrew all of its support in 1938, a Provisional Board was established through the Brandon Board of Trade to negotiate with the government for the transfer of Brandon College to the Government of Manitoba. The provisional board succeeded in gathering the needed support for government intervention, and resurrected the College under “An Act to Incorporate Brandon College Incorporated.”
The new Board of Directors was appointed October 11, 1939 during a general shareholders meeting. The officers of the Board were a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. There were also six new standing committees appointed, with mandates listed under clause 16 of by-law 1:
... whose duty it shall be to oversee the finances of the Corporation and make recommendations to the Board as to investments of Monies received for endowment or scholarship purposes, and to prepare and submit the annual budget.
... who shall have general supervision of the real and personal property of the Corporation.
... whose duty shall be to obtain a student body for the College, to co-operate with the President and Faculty for such purpose and report to the Board as may be required from time to time.
... whose duty shall be to make preliminary arrangements for the engagement of teachers and who shall make recommendations to the Board for consideration in the engagement of such teachers.
... whose duty shall be to maintain the membership of the Corporation and see that proper records of the same are maintained.
... whose duty shall be to obtain endowments for the future operation of the College and to obtain gifts for scholarship purposes.
In 1942 the Public Relations and Progress Committee was established and a Public Relations Officer was hired. A Consultant Committee was appointed in 1948 with the sole purpose of overseeing the transfer of McKenzie Seeds to the provincial government for financial support through the McKenzie Foundation.
Scope and Content
Series consists mainly of minutes of meetings and correspondence between various Board members and the College. It is a very detailed and descriptive compilation of the decision-making processes at a higher education institution. There are copies of minutes from the Executive Committee in amongst the general Board Minutes. Series also contains a copy of an appraisment of Brandon College Inc. by the General Appraisal Company Ltd. (Vancouver) completed in 1957.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 1: Board of Directors
Series has been divided into one sub-series: (1) Minutes of General Board Meetings.
New Dining Room (?) Board of Directors Activities. l-r: Wilfred F.McGregor, Chairman, Board of Directors receiving cheque from Hon. Stewart McLean, Minister of Education.
File consists of the Brandon College Faculty Association treasurer's annual report for 1966/67, and a brief to the Manitoba Government with respect to problems at Brandon University.
Invoices and reciepts culled (CMH).
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series XV: BUFA
Box 7