These records were created by the Director of Library Services from the year 1957 until 1963. It is mainly business correspondence and memorandums. The files include correspondence between the Director of Library Services and various people regarding the library. There are also memorandums to the faculty.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 14: Brandon College Library
Related Material
RG 6 (Brandon University fonds), sub-series 8.1 (Director of Library Services).
Consists of the BCSA constitution, electoral procedure documents, nomination forms, the Brandon College Crests and Awards Board constitution, the Brandon College Finance Board constitution, the Brandon College Athletic Board/Athletic Council constitution, the Brandon College Board of Publications constitution, the Brandon College Literary Board constitution, the Sigma Mu constitution, and BCSA statistical summary of Committee meetings.
The sub-series contains the minutes from Library Committee meetings. There are also minutes from the meetings of various sub-committees such as the Open Shelf Sub-Committee and the Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Library Funds. Includes minute books and files.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 14: Brandon College Library
From the very beginning, Brandon College has maintained library services for its students. A professor was put in charge of the library, although in the beginning it was little more than an empty shelf in a cabinet. As it grew, there became more of a need for an administrative body. A Library Committee was created in order to keep the library running smoothly. With the construction of the A.E. McKenzie Building in 1960 came a permanent resting place for the Brandon College Library.
Scope and Content
The records include a 3 cm book of Library of Congress Card Orders of Recent Publications from 1957 to 1960. As well, there are applications for employment, minutes from the Library Committee and Sub Committees. There is also correspondence from the Director of Library Services and accession records.
Series has been divided into three sub-series, including: (1) Minutes; (2) Director of Library Services; and (3) Library Accession Records.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 15: Brandon College Library
Related Material
RG 6 (Brandon University fonds), series 8 (Brandon University Library Services).
The building pictured was built in 1906-1907. Prior to its use as the Public Library, the building housed the Merchants Bank of Canada. The Library left this location in 1984 when it moved to the former Co-op store on 7th Street & Princess Avenue. This building subsequently became the Brandon Chamber of Commerce building in September of 1985. According to Stuckey, the façade of the building is to remain as heritage building, with interior renovations undertaken with government financing.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Brandon Public Library [branch of Western Manitoba Regional Library].
The building pictured was built in 1906-1907. Prior to its use as the Public Library, the building housed the Merchants Bank of Canada. The Library left this location in 1984 when it moved to the former Co-op store on 7th Street & Princess Avenue. This building subsequently became the Brandon Chamber of Commerce building in September of 1985. According to Stuckey, the façade of the building is to remain as heritage building, with interior renovations undertaken with government financing.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Brandon Public Library [branch of Western Manitoba Regional Library].
File consists of memos, correspondence, information on workshops, information on faculty and departmental library funds, a copy of the Brandon University Library general policy statement and guide to the resources and services of the library, regional and national averages from the Canadian Association of College and University Libraires salary and budget survey, and a copy of the Library's annual report.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 4: Office of the Vice-President
4.2 Office of the Vice-President (Administration & Finance)
Box 8
A series of five blueprints containing plans for the library addition c. 1991. Blueprints include main floor of addition including existing foyer, second floor including existing arts building and the mezzanine floor of the existing library and arts building.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 2: Board of Governors
2.1 Documents
For biographical information onf Angus McPherson and Mrs. (Ella) Johnston McPherson see the description for Box 6 of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection. For biographical information on Thomas and Annie Pentland see the descrption for Box 10 of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.
Scope and Content
Contains the following files:
14.1 Account books [1906-1916]
14.2 Farmers pocket ledger [1935]
14.3 Mrs. Johnston McPherson - field book [1921-1944]
14.4 Account day book 1913-1915
14.5 Annie I. Pentland - miscellaneous records and accounts 1916-1934
14.6 Thomas Pentland account book 1917-1932
14.7 Thomas Pentland blacksmith account book 1882-1883
14.8 Angus McPherson account book 1916-1941
Part of the Alfred Angus Murray McPherson collection.