See fonds level description of the Alexander MacPhail collection.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series consists of miscellaneous publications/curriculum materials collected by the members of the MacPhail family and John Armstrong. It includes copies of "The Manitoba School Trustee" (1956-1963); "The Manitoba Teacher (May-June 1942)"; "Canadian Agriculture and the War (1941-1942)"; Canadian Girls in Training (C.G.I.T.) pamphlets; "Answer Book for Basic Achievement Tests (Manitoba) grades 2-7"; "The Manitoba Arithmetic for Elementary Grade VI"; "Arithmetic Answers, grade VI"; newsclippings; "Nature Study Self-Taught: Junior Work-Book, grades III & IV (Manitoba schools)"; Manitoba Provincial Board of Health pamphlets; senior high school boys' physical training, grade X & XI; outline of arithmetic, grade VI & VII; and sheet music and lyrics for "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall."
The sub sub series also consists of Manitoba, Department of Education examination papers for the following years and subjects:
1915 Entrance Examinations: Elementary agriculture; Arithmetic; Book-keeping; Composition; Drawing, Grade IX; Drawing; Geometry; Geography; Gramma; Canadian history & civics; History; Writing.
1921 Examinations: Literature.
1925 Entrance Examinations: History.
1926 Examinations: Industrial arts; Metal work.
1928 Entrance Examinations: Agriculture; History; Drawing; Grammar; Geography; Mathematics; Compostion.
1929 Examinations Grade XI: Algebra; Chemistry; Composition; French authors; French grammar; French literature & composition; Geometry; German authors; German grammar; History; home economics; Household science option; Latin authors; Latin grammar; Music option: first year, second year, third year, fourth year, fifth year, sixth year, seventh year; Spelling; Practical arts: arithmetic, household art, household science, industrial arts: mechanical drawing, metal work, woodworking & patternmaking, household arts option.
1931 Examinations Grade XI: French authors; French grammar.
Sub-series consists of teaching and related school materials that belonged to Alex MacPhail, Marion MacPhail, Iain MacPhail and John Armstrong. It includes the following sub sub series: (1) Manitoba Correspondence College; (2) Iain MacPhail; (3) Marion MacPhail; and (4) Miscellaneous publications and curriculum materials.
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of one folder containing thank you letters to Prof. George F. MacDowell, Professor of Economics at Brandon University, and a long-time member of the McKenzie Seeds Board for his service to the company.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
Related Material
RG 6 (Brandon University fonds), MG 3 (Brandon University Teaching and Administration), MG 3 1.12 (George MacDowell fonds).
In addition to his personal library, Fred McGuinness maintained extensive files on numerous topics/subjects containing newspapers clippings, magazine and journal articles, letters of correspondence, photographs, pamphlets, etc. He accumulated his local history materials by personally collecting newspaper, books, and magazine articles; by readers’ forwarding materials for his interest; and from workshop participants submitting memoirs and personal narratives for his interest, review and feedback. McGuinness continued to add to his “topic” files throughout his lifetime.
Usually McGuinness kept his research materials and communications together for his respective writing assignments, however, he would often use the same research materials to write on similar topics that appeared in a number of different publications. McGuinness likely used his local history research materials for his Brandon Sun Sunbeams and Diary columns, his monographs, and possibly for his Local History Style Guide (1984), as well as in his memoir writing workshops. For his column writing, particularly for Neighborly News, McGuinness created file folders on particular topics. These held newspaper clippings collected from the prairie weeklies and once a folder was full, he wrote about the subject.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The series consists of records created and collected by Fred McGuinness during his time as a journalist, editor, and freelance writer. The series has been divided into two subseries, including: (1) Local history research and (2) Newspaper clippings.
Local history materials consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, biographical documents and memoirs, obituaries, and manuscript drafts on Brandon (Manitoba) topics including: origins, anniversaries, centennial, reunions, early pioneers/families, historic buildings and streets, businesses, museums, local newspapers, prominent citizens, military units, and politicians. McGuinness also maintain files on the local history of surrounding communities, including: Birtle, Beresford, Camp Hughes, Hartney, Kemnay, Russell, and Souris.
Information in the history/biography was taken from Neighborly News column (#934, November 10, 1997). Items dating to the 1880s are photocopies and transcripts of original materials
In the file level inventories, square brackets at the end of file names reference the original location of the file in the unprocessed Fred McGuinness collection. The original location is also noted on the front of each file folder
Language Note
NNC = Neighborly News Column
Finding Aid
File level inventories for each subseries are available. See
individual subseries’ descriptions
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
John Everitt collection
Clarence Hopkin collection
Provincial Exhibition Association of Manitoba fonds
Lawrence Stuckey collection
Jack Stothard collection
William Wallace papers
Fred McGuinness would write/publish about a topic in a number of forums. Therefore, it is possible work and correspondence pertaining to his research materials may be found in the Fred McGuinness collection Monograph series (McG 5) and subseries: Correspondence (McG 1.2), Brandon Sun (McG 2.2), Neighborly News (McG 2.3), Miscellaneous freelance (McG 3.2), Talks and workshops (McG 6.3). McGuinness also “filed” many clippings between the pages of his books in his personal library (see McG 8 Library series)
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Series has been re-arranged according to publication period
McG 4 McGuinness research
McG 4.1 Local history research materials
McG 4.2 Newspaper clippings
Stuckey left a variety of materials in his collection in an unsorted state. Rather than allocate those materials to one of the existing sub-series, the McKee Archives chose to artificially create this sub-series, which has been designated "unsorted materials."
For history/bio information for Lawrence Stuckey see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Custodial History
For custodial history see the collection level description of the Lawrence Stuckey collection.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of photographic prints, photograph albums, postcards and negatives covering a variety of subjects including Brandon, ships, boats, threshermens' reunions, and rural Manitoba. Some of the prints correspond with negatives held in other sub-series in the Stuckey collection. If possible, the connection between the print and negative has been made at the item level. Some of the items are original and quite rare.
The dates given for many of the prints in this sub-series refer to the date the photograph was taken and not the date the print was made from the original negative.
Unidentifiable photographs not taken by Lawrence Stuckey and redundant prints were culled.
Repro Restriction
The McKee Archives is the copyright holder for the Stuckey materials.