This commission was appointed in late 1944 and made it's reports and recommendations in late 1945. The commission's tasks were the following: (1) give a legal opinion on existing taxation legislation affecting co-operatives, (2) reccomend taxation legislation in respect to co-operatives, with due regard to current tax burdens on privately owned busniess, (3) provide a picture of the actual structure of co-operative enterprise in Canada, its growth, and the effects of taxation upon it.
The commission's findings were, briefly: (1) Section 4, paragraph (p) of the Income War Tax Act is so ambiguous as to justify its repeal, (2) commission reccomended legislation permitting both co-operative and joint stock companies to deduct patronage dividends in computing taxes, whether paid out or available on demand, (3) appendicies of research staff findings that provide statistical and historical information on the origin, growth and distribution of co-operatives in Canada.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series contains volumes 1 - 31 of the Royal Commission on Co-operatives, the brief and report on the Commission, an outline of argument on behalf of certain co-operative organizations.
As the Manitoba Pool Elevators grew as a co-operative organizations and later a corporation, it aquired subsidiary companies and became involved with other co-operative organizations. These various companies were usually acquired or formed to either reach out to other types of producers in Manitoba or to assist Pool members. MPE was also involved with larger umbrella or subsidiary co-operative organizations.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This series has been divided into nine sub-series, including: (1) Border Fertilizer Ltd., (2) Co-enerco, (3) CSP Foods, (4) Co-op Farm Implements, (5) Co-operative Life Insurance Co. & Pool Insurance Ltd., (6) Livestock Co-operative Division, (7) Poultry and Dairy Pools, (8) The Wasagaming Foundation, (9) North Cypress-Langford Weed Control Districts
The Pool livestock advisory boards and livestock markets were organized under the MPE when MPE merger with the Manitoba Co-operative Livestock Producers Ltd in 1948. The livestock pools operated in much the same way the grain pools did. The MPE Livestock Division was overseen by the Canadian Livestock Co-operative (Western) Limited (known as the C.L.C.). Local shipping associations shipped livestock to a central selling agency in St. Boniface, although this changed with the development of the rural highway system in Manitoba and the founding of Pool Packers.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of Livestock Division records, Virden Auction Market records, Brandon Livestock Advisory Committee records, Elkhorn Co-operative Livestock records, and Swan River Livestock Association Ltd.
Co-enerco was a co-operative energy company that resulted from the Co-operative Resources Project.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of records pertaining to the formation of Co-enerco.
Co-op Farm Implements was a subsidiary company designed to serve Pool members in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of general documents and photographs.
Minitonas Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1926 - 1953 Minutes of the provisional Directors' meeting, 30 June 1926 Minutes of first permanent Directors' meeting, 30 June 1926 Minutes of first General Shareholders' meeting, 30 June 1926 Lease between MPEL and Minitonas CEAL, 1 August 1928 Shareholders meeting, 21 July 1931 Directors meeting, 21 July 1931 By-laws no. 12 and 13, 21 July 1931 Agreement between Minitonas CEAL, MPEL, Manitoba Wheat Pool and The King, 1 August 1931 Agreement between Minitonas CEAL and MPEL, 1 February 1933 Minutes of special meeting of the Board of Directors, 10 February 1933 Agreement between Minitonas CEAL and MPEL, 15 October 1936 Letter re above, 19 June 1944 Agreement between Minitonas CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1951 Agreement, 1 August 1953 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 6 August 1926 - volume 5, 15 November 1983 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1928 - 1967 (7 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1946 - 1947 (1 reports) Auditors' reports, 1928 - 1967 (37 reports) Correspondence, 1946 - 1967 Membership list, 1929 - 1966 Miscellaneous Speech - Hon. T.A Crerar Replies, 26 August 192(?) Directors Reports, 1962 - 1966 (3 reports) Minitonas Wheat Pool minutes, 1929 - 1931 Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Minitonas
As a co-operative company, the Manitoba Wheat Pool and later the Manitoba Pool Elevators was member controlled. In order to run the company successfully members needed to be educated and kept updated about the companies financial and organizational situation. Annual reports were one of the many ways the Pool tried to do this. See fonds level description of RG 4 for complete history/bio of MPE.
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.7 consists of annual reports. There are two complete sets of annual reports, one for archival storage and one for use by researchers. Neither set contains a report for 1931. Reports from 1926 until 1928 are Manitoba Co-operative Wheat Producers, Ltd. Reports, 1929 - 1930 are Manitoba Wheat Pool Reports. All reports subsequent to 1931 are Manitoba Pool Elevators.
Archival set: (1) Bound Copies, MPE Annual Reports Vol. 1 1926 - 1949; MPE Annual Reports Vol. 2 1950 - 1959; MPE Annual Reports 1960 - 1969; (2) Individual MPE Annual Reports 1970 - 1998
Reserch set: Individual MPE Annual Reports 1926 - 1930, 1932 - 1998