The Pool livestock advisory boards and livestock markets were organized under the MPE when MPE merger with the Manitoba Co-operative Livestock Producers Ltd in 1948. The livestock pools operated in much the same way the grain pools did. The MPE Livestock Division was overseen by the Canadian Livestock Co-operative (Western) Limited (known as the C.L.C.). Local shipping associations shipped livestock to a central selling agency in St. Boniface, although this changed with the development of the rural highway system in Manitoba and the founding of Pool Packers.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of Livestock Division records, Virden Auction Market records, Brandon Livestock Advisory Committee records, Elkhorn Co-operative Livestock records, and Swan River Livestock Association Ltd.
Manitoba Pool Elevators was a part of and associated with many other producer co-operatives in Manitoba.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series consists of records from the following co-operative organizations: Canadian Poultry Pool Ltd, Canadian Poutry Sales, Manitoba Co-operative Poultry Marketing Association, Manitoba Dairy and Poultry Co-operative Ltd, The Co-operative Promotion Board, Manitoba Fish Products, Pool Co-operative Seed Association, XCAN Grain Pool
Records for the above organizations may include but do not necessarily include the following: financial records, minutes, correpondence, reports, addresses, and memoranda.
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2010)
Original order in this sub-series was rearranged by Eileen McFadden. The order established by her has been left intact.
The Grain Growers' record, 1906 to 1943 : an abridged history of Grain Growers' Grain Company, 1906 to 1917, Alberta Farmers Co-operative Elevator Company, 1913 to 1917 [and] United Grain Growers Limited, 1917 to 1943
Winnipeg, Man. : University of Manitoba, Faculty of Agriculture and Home Economics
Physical Description
65 leaves
"Seminar for co-operative personnel organized by Department of Agricultural Economics University of Manitoba with assistance from the co-operative organizations of Western Canada"
Series A is comprised of the records of the local co-operative elevator association as established in the period 1925 - 1968 under the Co-operative Associations Act. Until 1968 the local associations were the main administrative unit of Manitoba Pool Elevators. Subsequent to 1968 Pool Elevators became a direct membership top down organization. The central office was at the top, and the province was divided into seven administrative districts, which were in turn each divided into six sub-districts. Each sub-district would usually contain approximately five "locals". Please note that local associations were not obliged to become part of the new structure of Manitoba Pool Elevators, and as late as 1975 there were still 29 locals that did not belong to a sub-district. The records of each local within the Series may, but do not necessarily, contain the following: organizational papers, minutes of executive board, minutes of shareholders annual meeting, financial statements, correspondence, membership lists, miscellaneous. Series has been divided into 233 sub-series.
This series contains records for both local associations and for sub-districts. Item number does not correspond to sub-district number, so an item number and sub-district number may be the same and correspond to two seperate records.
Co-enerco was a co-operative energy company that resulted from the Co-operative Resources Project.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of records pertaining to the formation of Co-enerco.
The structure of the Manitoba Pool Elevators from its beginning in 1925 until its restructuring in 1968 placed importance in the principle of democracy. The company was run from the local associations, the central office acting as a hub that facilitated communication between all the locals and between the locals and the selling agencies. The central office was not powerless, but important decisions or by-laws could not be made with out the consent of the majority of the locals.
After the restructuring of MPE in 1968 the central office took on more responsibilities. It became the top of the administrative structure and instead of members belonging to their local elevator, they were now direct members of MPE. This administrative structure continued until the 1998 merger with the Alberta Wheat Pool to form Agricore.
Scope and Content
Series B consists of an artificially assembled collection of Central Office records. It has been divided into the following sub-series: (1) Central Office minute books; (2) Documents; (3) Local Association Minutes; (4) Local association finacial statements; (5) District and Sub-district records; (6) Circulars; (7) Annual reports; (8) Speeches & Addresses; (9) Correspondence; (10) Broadcasts; (11) General Reports; (12) Indexes; (13) Summary of Association Operations; (14) Acquisitions; (15) Inter-provincial Committees; (16) Historical Topics.
Co-op Farm Implements was a subsidiary company designed to serve Pool members in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of general documents and photographs.
This commission was appointed in late 1944 and made it's reports and recommendations in late 1945. The commission's tasks were the following: (1) give a legal opinion on existing taxation legislation affecting co-operatives, (2) reccomend taxation legislation in respect to co-operatives, with due regard to current tax burdens on privately owned busniess, (3) provide a picture of the actual structure of co-operative enterprise in Canada, its growth, and the effects of taxation upon it.
The commission's findings were, briefly: (1) Section 4, paragraph (p) of the Income War Tax Act is so ambiguous as to justify its repeal, (2) commission reccomended legislation permitting both co-operative and joint stock companies to deduct patronage dividends in computing taxes, whether paid out or available on demand, (3) appendicies of research staff findings that provide statistical and historical information on the origin, growth and distribution of co-operatives in Canada.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This sub-series contains volumes 1 - 31 of the Royal Commission on Co-operatives, the brief and report on the Commission, an outline of argument on behalf of certain co-operative organizations.