Sub-series has been divided into the following sub sub series: (1) Curriculum and Academic Standards (CAS) Committee; (2) Senate Planning Committee; (3) Scholarships, Bursaries, Medals and Awards Committee; (4) Bachelor of General Studies Committee; and (5) Senate Committee of Student Affairs.
This is an artificially created series containing records retained by Manitoba Pool Elevators of official commissions, committee and inquiries that dealt directly with the organization and it's interests. Subjects include commission investigation as well and committee and inquiries into government policy and bills.
See also fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
.This series has been divided into seven sub-series, including: (1) Royal Commission on Co-operatives, (2) Royal Commission on Manitoba Pool Elevators, (3) Transportation Commissions and Inquiries, (4) Box Car Inquiry, (5) Grain Commissions and Inquiries, (6) Agricultural Commissions and Policy, (7) Miscellaneous Committes, Commissions and Inquiries