File consists of: photocopied score and parts to first movement of Beethoven Trio, Op. 70 no. 1, 1808.
Publisher Info: Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1862-1890.
Reprinted: Munchen-Duisberg: G. Henle Verlag, 1955.
Original score of Beethoven Romanze, Op. 40, arr. for violin and piano
Publisher info: Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1862-1890. Plate 8933
Reprinted: Leipzig: C. F. Peters, n.d.
Arranger: August Wilhelm
Original viola part for Beethoven String Quartets 127, 130, 133, 135. Volume 3 of three-volume set. Monogrammed.
Publisher info: Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d. Plate 8868
Reprinted: Leipzig: C. F. Peters, n.d.
Original parts for Beethoven String Quartets, Op. 18 Nos. 1-6, 1799-1800.
Publisher info: Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1862. Plate 8157
Reprinted: Leipzig: C. F. Peters, n.d.
Arranger: Andreas Moser
Storage Range
MG 3 Brandon University Teaching and Administration
1.20 Francis Chaplin
Sub-series consits of programs and related documents from Brandon College and Brandon University convocation services, baccalaureate services, banquets, building openings/dedications, award ceremonies, installations and anniversaries.
Box 1 contains records for the years 1910 to 1967.
Box 2 contains records for the years 1969-2009, as well as the 1975 and 1977 "Convocation Chronicle."
Sub-series also includes one sub sub series: (1) Honorary Degree Recipients
The files for 1923, 1924 and 1925 contain annual class lists stipulating degrees confirmed from McMaster University. These lists include Brandon College students under the heading of Brandon College. The Brandon College listing appears as the last section of the class list.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 6: Senate Office
W.M.C.A.Convocation 71-75(?). L. to R. Dr. Lightbody, McNeely, T., Klassen, P.G., McFadden, E., Gonzales, Pat., ?, ?, ?. foreground: Vidal, H., graduates (?)
W.M.C.A.Convocation (fall '75). L to R W. Wong, L. Watson, R. Pippert, J. Tyman, M. Blanar, L. Dulmage, S. Knowles, L.H. Perron, H. Hawthorn, D.L. Johannson, ?, H. Burmeister, background: ?,?, Elwood Gorrie (Mayor), H.V. Vidal
W.M.C.A.Convocation (Spring '76) Stanley Knowles (standing), L to R: ?,?,?, W. Lorimer, Dept. Min., H. Tolton, Lld., L. Dulmage, M. Blanar, A. Miller, R. Pippert background: E. Pepper, Chris Kennedy (University Registrar) , A. Loveridge, A.C.C., ?,?, R.F.B. King