Taking oneself in hand.--Plan of campaign.--Manipulatin of the memory.--Nature of study and thinking.--Mode of study.--Reading.--Text-books and books of reference.--Listening and note-making.--Constructive study in translation and essay-writing.--Examinations
Hard places in grammar made easy, with a large number of carefully selected sentences and passages for practice : for the use of teachers and students of the high schools and of the public school leaving and continuation classes
A primer of map geography : for pupils preparing for promotion examinations; pupils preparing for entrance examinations; pupils preparing for intermediate examinations; students preparing for teacher's certificates, and all offical examinations with recent departmental examination papers from the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia
Henrietta Hancock taught visual arts at BU from approx.1906-1912 on the 4th floor of Clark Hall/Original Building. Her husband was on faculty and when money got tight the wives resigned. Arts moved into the community and was carried on as the Brandon Arts Club; probably initiated by Henrietta. (1996 inventory)
Inscription: Charles Whitfield Clark, M.D. b. 1845 in New Brunswick; d.1939 in Toronto. Educated in Ontario, and in American Universities. Practiced Homeopathy in Aylmer, Ontario, 1866-82; in Winnipeg, 1883-1912, then in Toronto. An active Baptist layman and advocate of higher education for women, hence Clark Hall. Portrait by Henrietta Hancock.
This series contains five sub-series: I: Up to 1945, II: 1945-60, III: 1961-70, IV: 1971-80, V: 1981-2000. All sub-series consist of random shots of students at Brandon College and University, participating in various activities such as graduation banquets, dances, winter carnivals, and Shinerama, or just relaxing together. This series also contains a large photo album donated to the McKee Archives by Lenore (Gusdal) Dinsdale.