The Canadian Union of Public Employees came into existence in September 1963, during a convention in Winnipeg when The National Union of Public Employees and the National Union of Public Service Employees merged. In 1964, the Manitoba Division of CUPE (now CUPE Manitoba) held its founding convention in The Pas. At that time, there were 12 affiliated local unions and a total membership of 1,300. The Canadian Union of Public Employees is Canada's largest union. Public service employees formed CUPE to protect their rights, to negotiate wages and working conditions, and to achieve dignity in the workplace.
Custodial History
Fonds was in the possesssion of the Brandon CUPE Office until its donation to the S.J. McKee Archives in 1995.
Scope and Content
Fonds contains general administrative files of the CUPE including agreements, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and convention records. In addition, fonds includes records for many CUPE locals in southwestern and north-central Manitoba. These includes files for each local containing agreements, lists of officials, correspondence and financial records. An extensive body of records dating from 1956 exists for CUPE local #69. This local began its existence as the Brandon Civic Employees Federal Union formed in April 1919.
Information on archaeological materials in this locale first came to the attention of Dr. Nicholson through Doug Jackson, a local artifact collector from Souris. Doug had observed archaeological materials that included bone, ceramics and lithic material that had been exposed by municipal road building activity, northwest of Lauder Manitoba
The Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale is located among stabilized sand dunes in the Lauder Sandhills in Southwestern Manitoba, northwest of the village of Lauder. The area is a mosaic of medium grass prairie and copses of aspen poplar and aspen-oak, together with intermittent sedge grass marshes and small ponds. These wetlands are bordered with balsam poplar, water birch, willows and red osier dogwood.
The well-drained upland forest also contains saskatoon, chokecherry, wild current, hazelnut bushes and occasional wild plums. Lowland areas have nannyberries and high-bush cranberry. Wild strawberries grow in lightly shaded areas along trail margins and in open patches in aspen forest.
History of Excavations
The Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale is a virtual "island" of forest and marshlands in a vast expanse of mixed grass prairie. This archaeologically and environmentally rich area was given the Dakota name Makotchi-Ded Dontipi, meaning "the place where we live".
Prior to European settlement, the area was a rich environment for hunter-gatherer people. Archaeological investigations from 1992 to 2002 have revealed numerous sites within the locale. Some of these sites have been extensively excavated while others have been identified or tested.
Seven sites that have been identified in this locale range in age from the historic through protohistoric periods and extend into the middle precontact period. The major sites are the initial Middle Missouri Duthie site, the late precontact Jackson, Bradshaw sites and the protohistoric Twin Fawns, Schuddemat and Hollow B sites. The multi-component Vera site includes historic Métis, late precontact Vickers Focus, and middle precontact Besant, Pelican Lake, McKean Complex and Oxbow occupations. Over 230 units were excavated as well as numerous test pits and several extensive surveys.
Scope and Content
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into seven sub-series, including (1) Duthie site (2) Jackson site (3) Twin Fawns site (4) Vera site (5) Schuddemat site (6) Bradshaw site (7) Hollow B site.
The Duthie site is the first site identified in the Makotchi-Ded Dontipi locale. It was reported to Dr. Bev Nicholson by Doug Jackson, a local collector who had observed archaeological materials that had been exposed during the construction of Maple Hill Road northwest of Lauder. The site is named after the landowner, Randy Duthie.
The initial inspection of the exposed materials indicated that the eastern half of the site had been severely impacted by raising a road grade using an elevating grader. However, an undetermined amount of the site remained to the west, flanked by a low sand dune. Testing and preliminary excavations were conducted in 1992-93. In 1994 a field school added to the excavated sample. The undisturbed portion of the site, west of Maple Hill Road was situated at the base of a low sand dune and had an aspen and willow forest cover. The water table was approximately one meter below surface at the time of excavation. A rising water table has since prevented further excavations.
Two dates on bone collagen were obtained during excavations. These were 880+/-80 B.P. (Beta 62705) and 970+/-40 B.P. cal. 1030 A.D. (TO 13366). These dates are consistent with an Initial Middle Missouri cultural assignment. The site occupation is identified by the distinctive ceramics found there. Ceramics at the Duthie Site are tool impressed with incising and lip modeling with fabric impressions on most vessels. Jill Taylor analysed the ceramics from the site for a Specialist thesis, Brandon University (1994) and a Masters of Arts degree from the University of Saskatchewan. (Taylor 1995).
Analysis of residue from Duthie site pottery by Matthew Boyd recovered corn (Zea mays) phytoliths and bean (Phaseolus sp.) starch grains indicating consumption of these domesticates at the Duthie site. (Boyd 2006)
The occupation of this site indicates a migration of people from the south who were well acquainted with horticultural farming. These people had previously migrated to South Dakota following river valleys into the central plains from the eastern woodlands during late Hopewell times. It appears that they later migrated well to the north into southern Manitoba but there is no evidence that they remained there for more than a single year.
Boyd, M., C. Surette and B.A. Nicholson. 2006 Archaeobotanical Evidence of Prehistoric Maize (Zea mays) Consumption at the Northern Edge of the Great Plains. Journal of Archaeological Science 33: 1129-1140.
Taylor, J. 1994 An analysis of the ceramics recovered during 1992 and 1993 at the Precontact Duthie Site (DiMe-16). Specialist thesis, Brandon University.
Scope and Content
The Series has been divided into seven sub-series, including (1) Duthie site (2) Jackson site (3) Twin Fawns site (4) Vera site (5) Schuddemat site (6) Bradshaw site (7) Hollow B site.
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files.
History / Biographical
The Crepeele site was excavated in 2003 as Crepeele 3. Standard archaeological methods were used to excavate the units. Excavation units were initially numbered as units 10, 11, 12 & 13. These numbers have been changed on the catalogue to XU 110 – 113, due to duplication in 2005. Corresponding documents have been changed to reflect the amended excavation unit numbers, however the field journals may contain the initial numbers.
Scope and Content
Record of daily observations at the site including: excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather.
Archaeological testing began in the Crepeele locale in May 2003. The Casselman survey in the Crepeele locale was directed by Bev Nicholson and James Graham supervised the crew. Crew members were Sarah Graham, Jollana Bishop, Lisa Sonnenburg, Todd Kristensen, Michael Evans, and Emily Ansell.
Scope and Content
The director, field supervisor and some field crew kept daily journals of activities during the survey including: excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather are noted.
Field journals were scanned in their entirety as one multi-page PDF. However, each journal may contain information that relates to multiple sites or individuals. The entire PDF journal is linked to each file level description with the relevant page numbers indicated in the Scope and Content note.
Artifact catalogue containing 636 records from Crepeele site 2003.
Scope and Content
Spreadsheet containing information about the artifacts recovered, including: unit, level, artifact number, catalogue number, depth, co-ordinates, entry date, date recovered,count, weight, UTM co-ordinates, notes(excavators initials and comments) and artifact identification.
Pages 1-9 consist of Field Director, Bev Nicholson's field journal. Pages contain information about the site in general and coordinates for the survey.
Edwin Association Minutes 1928-1981; Sub-district #101 Minutes Oct 6 1969-July 18 1978; Agent's Letters Dec 24 1928-July 15 1947; Cirrculars Spet 19 1969-August 15 1978; Correspondence Nov 7 1960-Sept 8 1978; Memo of Association and By-laws 1928-1953; Member Certificates 1947-1953; Newsletters Jan 1976-August 1978; Attendance records 1946-1962; Financial 1929-1983; Miscellaneous (correspondance, Grain Handling Commission, Crop Development and Seed Clubs, publications) 1951-1978; Membership Lists 1955-1978
Description by Jill Sutherland (2010)
The records for Edwin Association are unique in that more that just minute books were sent to the McKee archives
Forrest Association Minutes 1927-1991; Circulars April 21 1965-Oct 19 1981; Correspondance May 22 1927-May 25 1981; Documents Feb 11 1927-July 31 1969; Financial 1928-1968; Membership 1948-1969; Miscellaneous 1952-1980
Description by Jill Sutherland (2010)
The records for Forrest Association are unique in that more that just minute books were sent to the McKee archives