Rebuttal submission on Canadian National Railways to the Commission on the cost of transporting grain by rail on behalf of Canadian National Railways, 21 June 1976, Regina, Saskatchewan
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference of Agricultural Economists, held at the University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 21-30 August 1967 : The economist and farm people in a rapidly changing world
The human body / : a beginner's text-book of anatomy, physiology and hygiene with directions for illustrating important facts of man's anatomy from that of the lower animals, and with special references to the effects of alcoholic and other stimulants, and of narcotics
Gage's health series for primary classes / : with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stiumulants, and narcotics upon the human system. part 1
A high-school astronomy : in which the descriptive, physical, and practical are combined with special reference to the wants of academies and seminaries of learning
A collection of forms of practice and pleading in actions, whether for legal or equitable relief : and in special proceedings : prepared with reference to the code of procedure of the State of New York, and adapted to the present practice in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Missouri, Kentucky, and Alabama, and the island of Newfoundland
Block B consisted of 20 contiguous 1m2 units excavated to 30 cm below surface. (except unit 58 which was excavated to 35 cm bs to obtain extended soil profile). The block is situated in recent oak and poplar forest at the head of a ravine leading to Jock’s Creek, adjacent to an area cleared for market gardening. As was the case with Block A, the understory is heavily overgrown with hazelnut, chokecherry, saskatoon, and a poison ivy/sarsaparilla ground cover.
The soil levels below the sod in Block B consisted of a black, silty, and gritty loam layer from 5 cm to 23 cm below surface, a yellow and sandy clay from 23 cm to 30 cm below surface, and glacial till at 30 cm below surface. As in Block A, limestone cobbles were found throughout the occupation level around the bone. It is evident that bioturbation – primarily tree roots and rodent burrowing – have significantly altered patterns of original deposition of lithics, ceramics and small bone.
The faunal layer lay close to the surface, situated entirely in the black loam 5 cm – 23 cm below surface. The 23 cm depth also marked the end of the dark silty loam. At 10 cm below surface, a discernible patterning of the bone appeared. Concentrations of bone in narrow rows ran in an irregular pattern from the northwest to the southeast part of the block. This pattern was most apparent in the north end of the block which is the highest point in the block. In the same 1m2 unit, patches of weathered, very poorly preserved bone would be found lying close to patches of well preserved bone. It is believed that this variability in preservation results from uneven rates of burial due to taphic activities of pocket gophers or other agents of bioturbation. The same pattern of uneven preservation occurs over much of the locale but is most evident in Block B.
Diagnostic lithics included eleven projectile points that were predominantly Plains or Prairie Side-notch types, but included two unnotched triangular points. Cord-wrapped impressed rim sherds and body sherds were recovered. The ceramics are variants of the Woodland Blackduck horizon.
RC dates: XU49 – 675/80 BP XU 59 – 705/75BP.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position; Field journals are daily records of recoveries, features and activities at the site; Site records include excavation level and unit summaries, feature sheets, profiles; sample records and maps; Artifact catalogues are lists and identifications of all artifacts recovered; Photographs are of excavation units, features, the landscape and personnel.
Field journals have been scanned in multi-page PDF files. Artifact catalogues are PDF files in spreadsheet format. Photographs are in jpeg format.
History / Biographical
Large scale excavations of five block sites took place in 1987 under the direction of Bev Nicholson with Jane Gibson as crew chief. Block B consisted of 21 excavation units.
Scope and Content
Sub-sub-sub series contains: Summary information of field methology, number and co-ordinates of excavations, personnel and their staff position.