Jane Gibson was crew chief for the Lovstrom locale in 1987. Her field journals contain information about all Block/sites excavated. Pages 9-27 relate to Block E.
Scope and Content
Record of excavation methods, items recovered, features, local environment and weather noted by teaching assistant.
The structure of the Manitoba Pool Elevators from its beginning in 1925 until its restructuring in 1968 placed importance in the principle of democracy. The company was run from the local associations, the central office acting as a hub that facilitated communication between all the locals and between the locals and the selling agencies. The central office was not powerless, but important decisions or by-laws could not be made with out the consent of the majority of the locals.
After the restructuring of MPE in 1968 the central office took on more responsibilities. It became the top of the administrative structure and instead of members belonging to their local elevator, they were now direct members of MPE. This administrative structure continued until the 1998 merger with the Alberta Wheat Pool to form Agricore.
Scope and Content
Series B consists of an artificially assembled collection of Central Office records. It has been divided into the following sub-series: (1) Central Office minute books; (2) Documents; (3) Local Association Minutes; (4) Local association finacial statements; (5) District and Sub-district records; (6) Circulars; (7) Annual reports; (8) Speeches & Addresses; (9) Correspondence; (10) Broadcasts; (11) General Reports; (12) Indexes; (13) Summary of Association Operations; (14) Acquisitions; (15) Inter-provincial Committees; (16) Historical Topics.
Neelin Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1940 - 1969 Organizational meeting, 1 July 1940 Companies Act - membership incompanies agreement, 6 August 1940 Memorandum of Agreement, 6 August 1940 Letter re Memorandum of Agreement, 26 September 1940 Agreement for sale, 18 November 1940 Minutes of the provisional Directors' meeting, 18 November 1940 Minutes of first general meeting of members, 18 November 1940 By-law to approve and confirm purchase of elevator, 18 November 1940 By-law authorizing granting of signatory powers, 18 November 1940 By-law amending general By-laws, 18 November 1940 Letter re 3 above By-laws, 24 March 1941 By-law no. 5, 3 November 1941 Operating agreement, 13 March 1944 By-law no. 6, 15 July 1947 By-law no. 7, 13 June 1949 General By-laws and letter, 8 January 1953 By-law no. 8, 16 October 1956 Agreement between Neelin CEA and MPE schedule A, 1 August 1957 Agreement between MPE and Neelin CEA, 1 May 1958 Letter re Operating and Sale agreements, 23 April 1959 By-law no. 1961-148, 1961-149, 1961-150, 1961-151, 12 October 1961 Directors' resolution, 18 October 1961 Transfer agreement, 17 June 1969 By-law no. 74, no date Letter re closure, 26 September 1978 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 8 October 1940 - volume 5, 28 June 1978 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1943 - 1965 (11 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1940 - 1955 (15 reports) Final statements, 1941 - 1952 (11 reports) Auditors' reports, 1941 - 1968 (25 reports) Analysis of Operating results, 1951 - 1963 (11 reports) Detail of grain earnings, 1964 - 1968 (4 reports) Monthly reports to Board of Directors, 1965 - 1978 (49 reports) Analysis of Operating results summary, 1951 - 1952 Correspondence, 1940 - 1977 (originals and copies) Membership list, 1946 - 1976 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, 1946 - 1978 (21 reports) Annual meetings, 1972 - 1977 (4 reports) Retention of Snowflake line, no date Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Argyle
The Manitoba Wheat Pool and Manitoba Pool Elevators kept and preserved a chronological record of the meetings of the MPE Board of Directors and annual delegate meetings. The minutes were typed and bound, then placed in the MPE reference library so that employees and members could access them.
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of minutes of organizational meetings and later meetings held by the Central Office of the Manitoba Wheat Co-operative Producers, Ltd (later known as the Manitoba Wheat Pool) from 1923 until it went under in 1934, and of meetings held by the central office of Manitoba Pool Elevators from 1925 until 1997.
A copy of a Local Associations (later the Local Pool Committees) would be sent to the Central Office, where it was stored until a microfilm copy could be made. Records were only transferred to microfilm until 1957.
Custodial History
Local Association records recieved by the Central Office dating from 1925 to 1957 are on microfilm. Records subsequent to 1957 are hardcopies.
Scope and Content
Sub-series MPE B.3 consists of Local Association records from the formation of the association until 1993 or said association's closure. See Box level entries for B.3 for detailed contents of records.
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2009). Records contained in Series B.3 on microfilm or in hardcopy may also be contained in Series A.
Box contains bound volumes of Manitoba Wheat Pool and Manitoba Pool Elevators central office meeting minutes. Volumes in this box include:
Manitoba Wheat Co-operative Producers, Ltd. July 1923 – May 1929; Manitoba Wheat Pool June 1929 – June 1934
MPE Minute Book May 1925 – July 1937
MPE Minute Book Sept 1953 – July 1959
MPE Minute Book August 1946 – July 1953
Box contains bound volumes of Manitoba Pool Elevators central office meeting minutes. Volumes in this box include:
MPE Minute Book Sept 1953 – July 1959
MPE Minute Book Oct 1959 – July 1964
MPE Minute Book Oct 1964 – Oct 1968
MPE Minute Book Oct 1968 – July 1971
Box contains unbound Manitoba Pool Elevators central office meeting minutes including MPE Board of Directors minutes January 15-16,1985 to July 17,1996.
Box contains unbound Manitoba Pool Elevators central office meeting minutes. Folders in this box include: unbound minutes of MPE Annual and Special Meetings 1976-98; Prospectus Nov 28 1997; MPE Annual Meeting Minutes 1990 and 1991; MPE Delegates Meetings 1989-1998; MPE Board of Directors Meetings July 16 1997 – May 19 1998; MPE Board of Directors Meetings August 20 1996 - June 18 1997; Agricore / AWP / MPE Board of Directors Meetings June 12 1998 – Oct 30 1998.