The united and much admired system of arithmetic and mental calculations of Doctor Willcolkes and Messrs. T. and T.W. Fryer : being the result of many years' study
A muck manual for farmers : a treatise on the physical and chemical properties of soils; the chemistry of manures; including also the subjects of composts, artificial manures and irrigation
A practical system of book-keeping by single and double entry : containing forms of books and practical exercises, adapted to the use of the farmer, mechanic, merchant, and professional man
A collection of forms of practice and pleading in actions, whether for legal or equitable relief : and in special proceedings : prepared with reference to the code of procedure of the State of New York, and adapted to the present practice in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Missouri, Kentucky, and Alabama, and the island of Newfoundland
The Fabian Society, session 1886-1887 ; Fabian Society [information pamphlet] ; Fabian conference admission ticket ; Manifesto in connection with the proposed Birmingham Branch of the Fabian (Socialist) Society ; Fabian education group 1908-9 syllabus of lectures
Facts for Londoners : an exhaustive collection of statistical and other facts relating to the metropolis ; with suggestions for reform on socialist principles