The English reader : or, Pieces in prose and poetry, selected from the best writers, designed to assist young persons to read with propriety and effect, to improve their language and sentiments, and to inculcate some of the most important principles of piety and virtue, with a few preliminary observations on the principles of good reading
A compendium of modern geography : with remarks on the physical peculiarities, productions, commerce, and government of the various countries; questions for examination at the end of each division and descriptive tables in which are give the pronunciation, and a concise account of every place of importance throughout the world
A course of elementary reading in science and literature, compiled from popular writers : to which is added, a copious list of the Latin and Greek primitives which enter into the composition of the English language
The year-book of facts in the Great Exhibition of 1851 : its origin and progress, constructive details of the building, the most remarkable articles and objects exhibited, etc.
New university arithmetic : embracing the science of numbers, and their applications according to the most improved methods of analysis and cancellation
The first part of Jacobs' Latin reader : adapted to Bullions' Latin grammar; with an introduction, on the idioms of the latin language; an improved vocabulary; and exercises in Latin prose composition, on a new plan
File consists of: photocopied score to Beethoven String Quartet no. 10, opus 74 in E-flat major.
Publisher info: Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1863. Plate B.670
Reprinted: Milan, IT: G. Ricordi & C., nd.
hardcover parts (violin 1, violin 2, cello) for Beethoven String Quartets op. 127, 130-133 & 135.
Publisher info: Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1863. Plate B.8868
Reprinted: New York, NY: CF Peters Corporation, nd.
original score of Beethoven: Two Romances, op. 40 and 50 for violin and piano.
Publisher info: Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1862-1890. Plate 2720.
Reprinted: New York, NY: International Music Company, 1974.
Arranger: Zino Francescatti
File also consists of: original score of Kenneth Leighton trio for violin, cello and piano.
Publisher info: London, UK: Novello & Co. Ltd., 1968. Plate 19680a
Some bowings, articulations, other markings added to all scores and parts.
File also consists of: poster for International Violin Competition of Indianapolis.
Storage Range
MG 3 Brandon University Teaching and Administration
1.20 Francis Chaplin
A practical system of book-keeping by single and double entry : containing forms of books and practical exercises, adapted to the use of the farmer, mechanic, merchant, and professional man
First lessons in composition : in which the principles of the art are developed in connection with the principles of grammar; embracing full directions on the subject of punctuation, with copious exercises