A primer of map geography : for pupils preparing for promotion examinations; pupils preparing for entrance examinations; pupils preparing for intermediate examinations; students preparing for teacher's certificates, and all offical examinations with recent departmental examination papers from the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia
Sitting Bull made only one tour with the Wild West Show, declining other invitations feeling his presence was needed by his followers at the Standing Rock Agency. This photograph was known to have been taken by David Notman, son of the premier Canadian photographer William Notman, during the summer of 1885. Barry likely obtained this copy of the negative from Notman himself. (Harbaugh, P., 1982)
15 X 10.5 cm
Size Overall
51 X 41 cm
Black and white photograph
Severe bowing back of both vertical edges away from mat.
Following the travesty at Wounded Knee and the killing of Sitting Bull, Bull's followers and family found themselves outcasts within their own tribe as others feared the possible repercussions for collaborating with those who had refused to submit to the white man. This photograph shows one of the few ways Bull's family could now find to support themselves, a form of degrading prostitution performed before the camera. Bull's two surviving widows have cut their hair short as an expression of sorrow and grief in his death. (Harbaugh, P., 1982)
23 X 18.5 cm
Size Overall
51 X 41 cm
Black and white photograph
"Severe bowing back of both vertical edges away from mat. The tension holders on the back, which keep the back board snug, are coming loose."
Hard places in grammar made easy, with a large number of carefully selected sentences and passages for practice : for the use of teachers and students of the high schools and of the public school leaving and continuation classes
Taking oneself in hand.--Plan of campaign.--Manipulatin of the memory.--Nature of study and thinking.--Mode of study.--Reading.--Text-books and books of reference.--Listening and note-making.--Constructive study in translation and essay-writing.--Examinations