The human body / : a beginner's text-book of anatomy, physiology and hygiene with directions for illustrating important facts of man's anatomy from that of the lower animals, and with special references to the effects of alcoholic and other stimulants, and of narcotics
A practical system of book-keeping by single and double entry : containing forms of books and practical exercises, adapted to the use of the farmer, mechanic, merchant, and professional man
Primary exercises in arithmetic : no. 5 : fourth year, first half : exercises on the simple rules : multiplication by factors and two figures : division by factors without remainders : sight exercises on the tables of time, length, etc. : notation and numeration up to six places : abundance of sight work
Primary exercises in arithmetic : no. 6 : fourth year, second half : simple rules : multiplication by two and three figures : division by factors with remainders : long division : notation and numerotation up to nine places : sight work
Standard up-to-date practical letter writer : a comprehensive and practical guide to correspondence, showing the structure, composition, formalities and uses of the various kinds of letters, notes and cards