Portrait photo of J.E. Robbins with Robbins Library plaque. Library Reading Room (centre) looking east Dr. A. Lloyd Dulmage, President, Robert Campbell (student) - at lecturn, Eileen McFadden, Director of Library Services
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building looking south. Naming of the Library, etc. Many unidentified attendees, including: ?,?,?,?,?,?,?, Bernice Pettypiece, Dick McDonald, L.D. Whitehead, ?, J. Hardy, D. McNamee, ?, T.S. Gonzalez, ?,?,?, Gli Dimoinlangon, ?, Anne Harris, ?,?, Dr. John Lane, ?, Hazel Oakey, ?,?,?,?,?,?, Peggy Robertson, ?,?,?,?,?,?, Gol Aidun, ?