Library Reading Room, looking north, 2nd floor McKenzie Building. Naming of the Library (foreground) L to R: Robert Campbell (student),; Stanley Knowles, M.P & Chancellor
Library Reading Room looking North, 2nd floor McKenzie Building. Naming of the Robbins Library and opening of the Lightbody reading area. L-R: Stanley Knowles, M.P. Chancellor, Dr. D. N. Wheeler, Chairman of the Faculty Library Committee, Georgia (Lightbody) Whitman, Dr. John E. Robbins, Dr. A. L. Dulmage
Initial layout of Lightbody Reading Area showing Oxford calendars. Library Reading Room, McKenzie Building, looking north Gary Brawn; alumnus, with scissors.
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor, McKenzie Building. Naming of the Library, etc.Dr. D.N. Wheeler, Chairman of the Senate Library Committee, Georgia Lightbody Whitman, Stanley Knowles, M.P., Chancellor, Dr. A.L. Dulmage, President
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building. Naming of the Library, etc. L to R Dr. D.N. Wheeler, Georgia Lightbody Whitman, Dr. A.L. Dulmage, Stanley Knowles, M.P.
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building looking south Naming of the Library, etc.L to R ?, Dr. M.V. Naidu, Dr. W.H.M. Hargreaves-Mauwdsley, G.P. Sutherland, ?, c. Kennedy, Michael Angel, ?,?,?,?, Dick MacDonald, ?,?, L.D. Whitehead, J. Hardy, D. McNamee, P. Constans, ?, T.S. Gonzalez, ?,?,?,?, Mrs. Sutherland, Gli Dimoinlongan, ?,?,?,?,?, Anne Harris, ?, Ella Mae Perdue, H.S. Perdue, ?, W. Entz, Hazel Oakey, Gerald R. Brown, Mary Hume, Molly Vance, Alice Londry, ?,?,?
Karsh portrait of J.E. Robbins, plaque, Clark Hall Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building. Naming of the Library, etc.Georgia Lightbody Whitman (?) Dr. J.E. Robbins, Dr. A.L. Dulmage, Glen P. Sutherland, alumnus and Co-Chairman 75th Anniversary Committee
McKenzie Building, 2nd Floor, Library Reading Room. Naming Ceremonies: John E. Robbins Library. Front Row L-R: A. L. Dulmage, John Robbins, Mrs. Georgina Lightbody Whitman, -, Dr. D. N. Wheeler (standing), W. H. N. Hargreaves - Mawdsley (Top of Head), M. V. Naidu, Glenn Sutherland (Alumnus), C. Kennedy, M. Angel (Pres. Man. Library Association), Dick McDonald (Alumnus), ?, L. D. Whitehead (Publisher-Brandon Sun) Background: H. V. Vidal, Cathy Robbins, R. B. Inch, Jos Hardy
Naming Ceremonies: John E. Robbins Library.L-R. Foreground: J. Knowles, L. Dulmage, J. E. Robbins, Georgina Lightbody, -, Michael Angel (Pres. Man. Library Association), W. H. N. Hargreaves, Mawdsley, M. V. Naidu, Glenn Sutherland, C. Kennedy, ?, ?, ?, T. S. Gonzales, ? Back: Dr. J. Lane, Anne Harris (Rivers), Hazel Oakley (Rivers), ?, ?, ?Background: Mrs. J. E. Robbins, ?, Bernice Pellyprod (Boissevain), ?, L. P. Whitehead, Jim Blanchard (?) alumnus, ?, P. Constans, Dr. W. Enty, Gerald Brown (alumnus), Prof P. M. Glaser, ?, ?
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building looking south. Naming of the Library, etc. Many unidentified attendees, including: ?,?,?,?,?,?,?, Bernice Pettypiece, Dick McDonald, L.D. Whitehead, ?, J. Hardy, D. McNamee, ?, T.S. Gonzalez, ?,?,?, Gli Dimoinlangon, ?, Anne Harris, ?,?, Dr. John Lane, ?, Hazel Oakey, ?,?,?,?,?,?, Peggy Robertson, ?,?,?,?,?,?, Gol Aidun, ?
Lightbody photo and plaque. Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building. Naming of the Lightbody Reading Room, Professor W. Leland Clark, History Department, Brandon University.
Prof. Clark was a student of Lightbody's at the University of Saskatchewan.