Series VI: Faculty Activities: This series contains eleven sub-series which consist of the various faculties at Brandon University such as sub-series I: Arts Activity, sub-series V: Education Activities, and sub-series VIII: Science Activity. These photos mainly consist of activities that deal with one specific faculty, for example, field trips taken by the science departments. There are also pictures of students and faculty members working in the classroom.
Series VII: Special Events: This series contains ten sub-series which highlight special events at Brandon University. For example, there are sub-series with photos from Brandon University’s 75th Anniversary, Bicycle Races, and Installations. There is also a very large sub-series called “Other” which includes almost 200 pictures of various special events, such as Prime Minister Chretien’s visit to the university, and Montreal Massacre Vigils held at the university.
Series X: Scholarships and Awards: This series contains three sub-series: Outlines, Colour Presentations, and Other. This series consists of pictures of scholarship and award winners, as well as pictures of awards ceremonies and presentations.
Retirements: This is a very small series consisting of only six photographs, mostly taken at the retirement parties for Lucy Kennedy and Bertha Watkin.
Series XII: Other University Activities: This series contains five sub-series: Alumni Activities, Baccalaureate Services, Board of Directors Activities, Drama, and W.U.S. Activities. This sub-series contains numerous photos of various activities from the Class of ’34 Reunion, and Homecoming ’95, ’96, and ’97.