The Swan is a three-act comedy written by Ferene Molnar. The production was staged during the 1933-1934 academic year and directed by Miss Marjorie B. McKenzie. For additional information about the production see page 32 of the 1934 Sickle.
Custodial History
See fonds level description for custodial history.
Scope and Content
Photograph of the cast of The Swan. Front Row, second from the left: Archie MacLachlan as Father Hyacinth. Front Row, second from the right: Ruth Wade as Princes Maria Dominica.
See fonds level description for custodial history.
Scope and Content
Photograph of (L to R): Dorothy Webb (?), Dorreene McGuinness and Ruth Wade in costume for the Class of 1933's program in the Literary Shield competition.
See fonds level description for custodial history.
Scope and Content
Photograph of (L to R): Marionne Scott (?), Agnes Lund and Ruth Thornton in costume for the Class of 1933's program in the Literary Shield competition.
See fonds level description for custodial history.
Scope and Content
Photograph of (L to R): Dorothy Webb (?), Dorreene McGuinness and Ruth Wade in costume for the Class of 1933's program in the Literary Shield competition.
See fonds level description for custodial history.
Scope and Content
Photograph of the girls from the Class of 1933 in costume for their program in the Literary Shield competition. Back Row (L to R): Viola Olmstead or Margaret Strachan, Marionne Scott (?), Agnes Lund, Dorothy Webb (?), Ruth Wade, Elenanor McKinnon (?), ? and Dorreene McGuinness. Front Row (L to R): Ruth Thornton, Grace Armstrong, ?, Grace Hopkins and Florence Simpson.
Photograph shows a backhoe digging a sewer hole near the sidewalk between the Brandon College Building and the Citizens' Science Building. The Knowles-Douglas Students' Union Centre, John R. Brodie Science Centre and a portion of the driveway are visible in the background.
View is northwest from the roof of the John R. Brodie Science Centre. Photograph shows the roof of the Knowles Douglas Students' Union Centre, the Citizens' Science Building, and the Brandon College Building and Clark Hall during renovation.
View is north probably from the roof of McMaster Hall. Photograph shows the construction of the new roof on Clark Hall and the Brandon College Building.
View is southeast from Clark Hall. Photograph shows a large crane, building materials and machines and the construction trailer (Bird Construction) on the driveway during the restoration of Clark Hall and the Brandon College Building. Portions of the front lawn, the John R. Brodie Science Centre and the Knowles Douglas Students' Union Centre are also visible. In the distance is Knox United Church.
View is southwest from the roof of Clark Hall. Photograph shows the construction of the foundation and exterior walls of the Clark Hall extension. George T. Richardson Centre and construciton materials in the background.
View is north northwest from the roof of the John R. Brodie Science Centre. Photograph shows the Knowles Douglas Students' Union Building, and the Citizens' Science Building, the Brandon College Building and Clark Hall under restoration, as well as parts of the driveway and front lawn, including the flag pole.
View is northwest from Clark Hall. Photograph shows construction materials in the area between Clark Hall and the A.E. McKenzie Building during winter. The Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium is visible in the upper right hand corner.
View is south southeast from the skywalk. Photograph shows the courtyard in winter full of vehicles, machines and building materials. Also visible are the Development and Physical Plant H-Huts, the Citizens' Science Building, the John R. Brodie Science Centre and McMaster Hall.