See fonds level description of RG 4 for history/bio of MPE
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of MPE's involvement in four different inter-provincial committees: Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers, Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd, Inter-provincial Pool Board, and Canadian Pool Agencies. The records include the following:
Box 1:
Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers Minute Book 1924-1944
Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers / Prairie Pools Minute Book 1945-1983
1a. Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd. 1966-1979
1b. Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd. 1965-1979
1c. Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd. meeting in Toronto Sept 25 1979
1d. Inter-provincial Co-operative Ltd. By-laws 1960-1963
2a. Inter-provincial Pool Board Minutes 1971-1983
2b. Inter-provincial Pool Board Minutes & By-laws 1971-1983
2c. Inter-provincial Co-operative Limited Board and Annual Meeting Minutes 1980, 1982
3a. Co-operative Union of Manitoba Organizing Documents and Minutes 1953-1964
3b. Co-operative Union of Manitoba Minutes March 31 1959 - June 16 1966
4. POS Pilot Plant 1973 - 1975
Box 2:
Inter-provincial Pool Board Minute Book 1945-1984
Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers Limited / Canadian Pool Agencies Limited Minute Book 1924-1944
Canadian Pool Agencies Limited Minute Book 1945-1980
5. Co-operative Crop Development Group Constitution and Annual Reports 1984-1993
6. Prairie Pools Inc. Directors Reports 1985-1986
Description by Jillian Sutherland (2009)
Documents for the Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers can be found in MPE B.2
File consists of correspondence, minutes, capital and ongoing budgets for the Day Care Centre for Brandon, a presentation for the City Council of Brandon from the Committee for a Day Care Centre for Brandon.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 4: Office of the Vice-President
4.2 Office of the Vice-President (Administration & Finance)
Box 7
The Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee of Senate consists of the Dean of each Faculty/School, the Dean of Students, one representative elected by and from each Faculty or School, two students appointed by the BUSU Council and the Coordinator of the B.G.S. Programme. The University Registrar is to act as Secretary.
The responsibilites of the CAS Committe are to: recommend admission standards; recommend, but not initiate, adoption of new courses, revision of experimental courses to regular courses and deletions of current courses, as well as substantive changes to curriculum and departmental programs, including degree requirements for majors and minors; recommend regulations for the conduct of courses such as course outlines, duration, participation and evaluation procedures; recommend policies for the scheduling and conduct of examinations; recommend policies for the evaluation of new undergrduate degrees, new departments and new departmental majors and minors; recommend regulations on required grade point averages, academic suspension and re-admission of students; recommend candidates for graduation; make recommendations on any other mater pertaining to academic standards and student records; hear undergraduage appeals relating to the academic regulations of the University and make decisions as appropriate.
Custodial History
The records were transfered to the McKee Archives by the Senate Office, Brandon University on February 3, 1998.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series consists of the minutes and related materials for the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee, a standing committee of the University Senate, for the years September 1968 to September 1987. In addition, these papers contain the minutes of the Admissions Sub-Committee 1968-1976, 1984-1987.
Box 1: Admissions Sub-Committee 1968-1976, CAS Committee September 1968 - April 8, 1974
Box 2: CAS Committee minutes April 15, 1974 - November 18, 1976.
Box 3: CAS Committee minutes November 25, 1976 - August 3, 1978
Box 4: CAS Committee minutes August 22, 1978 - December 21, 1979
Box 5: CAS Committee minutes January 11, 1980 - October 13, 1981
Box 6: CAS Committee minutes October 19, 1981 - May 26, 1983
Box 7: CAS Committee minutes July 4, 1983 - February 8, 1985
Box 8: CAS Committee minutes June 13, 1986 - September 10, 1987
Box 9: CAS Committee minutes Admission Sub-Committee June 20, 1984 - August 18, 1987, CAS Committee minutes March 8, 1985 - May 15, 1986.
Information in the History/Bio field was taken from the Brandon University Senate Bylaws - Section VIII Committees of Senate.
Further accruals expected.
Access Restriction
Closed session material, including closed session minutes of the CAS Committee and the records of the Admissions sub-committee may be used only with the permission of the University Archivist.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 6: Brandon University Senate
6.2 Committees of Senate
Within each box files are arranged chronologically by meeting date.
The Senate Planning Committee conists of: the President or designate, who is Chair; the Vice-President (Academic & Research); the Dean of each Faculty/School; one representative elected by and from each Faculty/School; the University Librarian; and two students appointed by the BUSU Council.
The responsibilities of this Committee are to make recommendations to Senate relating to: academic program priorities; support programs for the academic functions; and the establishement of additional departments faculties, schools and institutes.
In 1985 the Senate Planning Committee was replaced by the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee. The composition and terms of reference for this committee are included in the Senate by-laws from 1985. In 2000 the Senate Planning and priorities committee was disbanded. Its functions were assumed by the Senate Executive Committee until the senate Planning Committee was re-established in 2003.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series consists of agendas and minutes of the Brandon University Senate Planning Committee 1967-1985 and various files from the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee relating to external reviews of programs and areas within the University in the years 1985-1995, as well as a number of miscellaneous file some dating from the era before 1985. .
Information in the History/Bio field was take from the Brandon University Senate By-laws - Section VIII Committees of Senate.
Finding Aid
A file level inventory for the records of the Planning and Priorities Committee prepared by Alison McNeill Hordern is available with the records.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 6: Brandon University Senate
6.2 Committees of Senate
Related Material
Senate Planning Committee minutes for 1970-1973 are located in RG 6 Brandon University fonds, series 6 Brandon University Senate, sub-series 6.1 Senate minutes.
The Scholarships, Bursaries, Medals and Awards Committee of Senate consists of one member and one alternate elected by and from each Faculty/School, one member and one alternate elected by and from the Seante, and the BGS Coordinator or designate. Only in the absence of the elected members shall the alternates have full powers to participate as the regular member. The University Registrar is the Secretary.
The responsibilities of this committee are to: make decisions on the awarding of the various scholarships, bursaries, medals and awards of Brandon University and forward decisions to Senate for information; make recommendations concerning the addition of new schoarships, bursaries, medals and awards; make recommendations concerning the terms of reference under which scholarships, bursaries, medals and awards are to be offered and to ensure that these terms are adhered to in accordance with the donor's wishes; and to make recommendations concerning the monitoring of trust accounts related to scholarships, bursaries and awards.
Custodial History
Records transfered to the McKee Archives from the Senate Office, Brandon University on March 1, 1998.
Scope and Content
Sub sub series consists of minutes of the Scholarships, Bursaries, Medals and Awards Committee, including reports to Senate and decisions to award scholarships; files detailing the details of scholarships previoulsy awarded by the University but currently not awarded; records concerning the awarding of Board of Governors Entrance scholarships; and records concerning various "awards nights" and "awards programs."
Box 1: Scholarship Committee minutes 1963-1967, March 1969 - May 1972
Box 2: Scholarship Committee minutes May 1972 - October 1974
Box 3: Scholarship Committee minutes November 19, 1974 - September 22, 1976
Box 4: Scholarship Committee minutes October 20, 1976 - April 30, 1979
Box 5: Scholarship Committee minutes June 6, 1979 - May 1, 1981
Box 6: Scholarship Committee minutes June 4, 1981 - May 4, 1983
Box 7: Scholarship Committee minutes June 21, 1983 - October 18, 1984
Box 8: Scholarship Committee minutes November 22, 1984 - December 11, 1985
Box 9: Scholarship Committee minutes January 28, 1986 - Nobember 25, 1986
Box 10: Scholarship Committee minutes January 15, 1987 - July 28, 1987
Box 11: Scholarship Committee minutes September 8, 1987 - Nobember 27, 1987
Box 12: General scholarship files 1959-1971, correspondence concerning Entrance Scholarships 1958-1967, 1971-1974
Box 13: Recipients - Brandon College and Brandon University Entrance Scholarships 1966-1967, 1974-1982
Box 14: Scholarship Committee files pertaining to scholarships and awards previoulsy offered but no longer active.
Box 15: Scholarshipe Committee files pertaining to scholarships and awards perviously offered but no longer active.
Information in the History/Bio field was taken from the Brandon University Senate Bylaws - Section VIII Committees of Senate.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 6: Brandon University Senate
6.2 Committees of Senate
Files within each box are arranged chronologically.
This committee was in charge of deciding which students would be allowed to join extra-mural clubs and committees based on satisfactory schoolwork. The committee consisted of the President, faculty and students.
Scope and Content
This file contains minutes from the meetings of the Functions Committee.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
These are the minutes from the meetings of the Arts Banquet committees from 1938 until 1964. They include detailed descriptions of what each banquet would entail.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
These are minutes from meetings of the Publications Committee from 1965 to 1968. The Publications Committee was in charge of the operation of The Quill, The Sickle, and the Student Handbook.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
The Ministerial Committe was created with the purpose of discovering prospective students for the Baptist ministry. To become recognized as a student in Theology, a student had to be examined by the Ministerial Committee. The committee looked at the student’s intellectual, moral and spiritual fitness for the work of the ministry. He was then graded on his chances at entering the ministry. The committee could tell him that he was not suitable for ministerial work, or they could put him on the “encouraged” list. After repeated meetings with the Committee, a student could be voted as “accepted” as a prospective Baptist ministerial student.
Scope and Content
These records consist of a book from the Ministerial Committee. It contains the records of prospective theological students, including comments on their spirituality, morality and intellect. It records which students were rejected, encouraged and accepted into the program. Some notable students interviewed in this collection are: J.R.C. Evans, John Hart, Charles Stone, H. Friend, J. Church, and Tommy Douglas.
File consists of minutes, notices, briefs, revisions, financial information (including budget), constitutional amendments, grievance procedures, proposed guidelines concerning reductions in academic appointments for budgetary reasons, revised statement re grants for tuition and fees and memos/correspondence.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series XV: BUFA
Box 2