v. 1. Introduction, acknowledgments and minority reports -- v. 2. The use of the tax system to achieve economic and social objectives -- v. 3. Taxation of income: pt. A; Taxation of individuals and families -- v. 4. Taxation of income: pt. B; Taxation of income flowing through intermediaries. pt. C; Determination of business income. pt. D; International -- v. 5. Sales taxes and general tax administration -- v. 6. Implications of the proposed tax reforms -- v. 7. Consolidated index
no. 1. The scope and character of the investigation -- no. 2. Mechanization and farm costs -- no. 3. Agricultural credit -- no. 4. Rural roads and local government -- no. 5. Land tenure -- no. 6. Rural education -- no. 7. Movement of farm people -- no. 8. Agricultural markets and prices -- no. 9. Crop insurance -- no. 10. The Home and family in rural Saskatchewan -- no. 11. Farm electrification -- no. 12. Service centers -- no. 13. Farm Income -- no. 14. A Program of improvement