"Sanctioned by the Council of Public Instruction, Quebec, for the elementary and model schools, protestant and Catholic and as a general English reader in French schools"
A collection of forms of practice and pleading in actions, whether for legal or equitable relief : and in special proceedings : prepared with reference to the code of procedure of the State of New York, and adapted to the present practice in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Missouri, Kentucky, and Alabama, and the island of Newfoundland
Modern school geography and atlas : authorized by the councils of Public Instruction for the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
The elements of pedagogy : a manual for teachers, normal schools, normal institutes, teachers' reading circles, and all persons interested in school education
The Fabian Society, session 1886-1887 ; Fabian Society [information pamphlet] ; Fabian conference admission ticket ; Manifesto in connection with the proposed Birmingham Branch of the Fabian (Socialist) Society ; Fabian education group 1908-9 syllabus of lectures
"For pupils preparing for promotion examinations ... entrance examinations ... public school leaving examinations ... junior and senior leaving examinations, students preparing for teachers' certificates, and all other official examinations"