Taking oneself in hand.--Plan of campaign.--Manipulatin of the memory.--Nature of study and thinking.--Mode of study.--Reading.--Text-books and books of reference.--Listening and note-making.--Constructive study in translation and essay-writing.--Examinations
How to read : a drill book for the cultivation of the speaking voice, and for correct and expressive reading : adapted for the use of schools, and for private instruction
Standard up-to-date practical letter writer : a comprehensive and practical guide to correspondence, showing the structure, composition, formalities and uses of the various kinds of letters, notes and cards
Live and learn : a guide for all who wish to speak and write correctly, particularly intended as a book of reference for the solution of difficulties connected with grammar, composition, punctuation, etc., etc
Word expositor and spelling guide : school manual exhibiting the spelling, pronunciation, meaning, and derivation of all the important and peculiar words in the English language : with copious exercises for examination and dictation
The Manitoba Department of Education presents : young Manitoba listens : a schedule and guide book of School Broadcasts which will be repesented in co-operation with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, October-May 1956-57