Unauthorized reprint of the work which originally appeared under title: "George Stanley; or, Life in the woods ... ed. by John C. Geikie," London, 1864
Photograph shows the Brandon Wheat Market along Pacific Avenue on November 30, 1885. Farmers can be seen driving wagon teams loaded with bags of grain in line on Pacific Avenue from 10 Street to at least 7th Street. On the north side of Pacific Avenue the CPR Land Office and grain elevators are pictured. On the south side of Pacific Avenue, the general merchant/hardware store Bower, Blackburn, Mundell & Porter is situated on the corner of Pacific Avenue and 10th Street. A 10th Street sign is affixed to the merchants' store. On the east side of the general store, Edie House, the Grand View Hotel, and a Farmers' boarding and lodging house can be seen. Most of the buildings appear to be woodframed except for the Grand View, which is constructed of brick. Sidewalks appear to be in place on the south side of Pacific and snow dusts the streets. A baby swathed in winter clothing sits in a pram/baby carriage in front of the general store.
Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Novemeber 30th, 1885, Brandon Wheat Market