Primary exercises in arithmetic : no. 6 : fourth year, second half : simple rules : multiplication by two and three figures : division by factors with remainders : long division : notation and numerotation up to nine places : sight work
Julian's interest tables, : containing an accurate calculation of interest, at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 per cent., both simple and compound on all sums from 1 cent to $10,000, and from one day to six years
Record of site excavation unit 6 at the Sarah site 2003.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 91 at Lovstrom Block D.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.
Record of site excavation unit 6 at Graham site 2005.
Scope and Content
Site records of excavation units may include: level summaries, floor plans, feature sheets, wall profiles, unit summaries and any other additional information relating to the unit.