Standard up-to-date practical letter writer : a comprehensive and practical guide to correspondence, showing the structure, composition, formalities and uses of the various kinds of letters, notes and cards
Donated to Fred McGuinness by Mrs. Marian Gray of Brandon, September 13, 1978.
Scope and Content
Postcard shows the West End Park (also known as Stanley Park) and Park School. The school was situated on the southwest corner of Lorne Avenue. A couple of residences surround the school. Walking paths, a park bench, and a gazebo/grandstand can be seen in the park.
Front of postcard reads: Published for Christie's Book Store, Brandon, Man., 6350. Back of postcard reads: Canadian Souvenir Post Card, Warwick Brothers & Rutter, Limited, Printers, Toronto. The postcard is addressed to Miss Isabella Heastwell of Broderick, Saskatchewan, and is dated July 14, 1910.
Postcard has graphite smudge on the top right corner of image
History / Biographical
Wheat City Business College was established in 1904, when J.W. Beveridge and F.E. Werry resigned from the Commercial Department of Brandon College to establish the Wheat City Business College. It was located originally on the top floor of the Commercial Building at 143-10th Street, owned by Hughes and Co. Wheat City Business College continued to operate until the later 1960s. In 1911, the Henderson's Brandon City Directory lists the following teachers on staff: Mamie J. Macdougall, John B. Sample, John H. Snyder, Nettie M. Werry, and F.A. Wood (principal).
Custodial History
Donated to Fred McGuinness by Allena Strath (nee Coombs).
Scope and Content
Postcard depicts the 1911 class of the Wheat City Business College. Students include: O. Mutrie, E. Mailey, J.W. Belcher, S. Downey, H.R. Dustan, G. Greaves, D. Burden, C.J. Howey, M. Madder, A. Mills, E. Ballantyne, E. Lang, A. Binnie, L. Trent, M. Clark, E. Robertson, T. Ortenburg, A. Barnes, W.B. Grainger, V. Sanderson, H. Smith, E. Horror, M. Deacon, J. Smith, S. Gardiner, C.D. McMillan, N. Barss, E.J. Scott, M. McEwen, A. Scott, W. Naser, J. Cope, M. Trotman, J. Jackson, M. Gurr, P. McChesney, A.H. Andrews, M. Agnew, R.N. Truman, L. Cameron, T.C. Taylor, G. McClement, A. Armour, M. Drake, D. Chambers, M. Bourke, W.M. McGregor, Miss. McIlmoyle, J. Tendeck, G. McChesney, J.B. Stephens, O. Thornborough, A. Connor, H. Teale, E. Karr, P. Borland, J. Middleton, M. McIlmoyle, F.A. Wood, Principal D. Chambers, M.I. McGregor, B. McDougall, M. Maxwell, W. Crane, M. Vandeau, A. Lee, A. Hargreaves, H. Gimby, J. English, A. Coombes, H.J. McAnerin, M.C. Green, A.M. McGuinness, A.E. Shingfield, R. Blanshard, C. Goldstone, R. Heyden, Q. Oliver, N. Sterling, E. Cohen, V.E. Potter, H. Bellamy, Miss Pattison, Miss N. Werry, Miss. McQuarrie, J.H. Snyder, Miss M. MacDougall, Mr. J.S. Sample, Miss Lowry, A. Standal, G. Kennedy, C. Stojanosski, J. Elliott, M. Stnartk, R. Rewand, J. Mcneill, A. Kirchner, E. Green, E. Barnett, C.H. Howey, W. Main, M. Trew, M. Livingstone, B. Donaldson, A. Miller, J. Irwin, P. Brooks, R. Frank, S.A. Brown, B. Isman, M. Spearin, S. Thorsteinson, Miss Watson, J.A. McDonald, E. Zachary,S. Baglole, C. O'Brien, M. Thompson, F. Bockus, J. Hudama, E. Thompson, F. Shanks, M. Morrison, E. Cookman, ?.S. Wedderburn, E. Robinovitch, M. Maskew, C.A. Sharpe, M. Dack, M. Cossar, L. Grassie, I. Porteous, L. Markell, G. Burden, O. Paget, L. Cunningham, H.P. Hilton, F. Neilly, M.C. Feedman, E.F. Dixon
Back of postcard reads: A HAPPY XMAS./ and A very propersous / NEW YEAR / F.A. Wood [Principal of the Wheat City Business College]. Postcard is addressed to Miss Allena Coombs, Box 628, City, and has a cancelled one cent green King George stamp postmarked December 23, 1911, Brandon, Man.
William McGuinness, Fred's father, raised and bred chickens with N.W. Kerr. The General Haig won first place in the Cornish Cock category at the Manitoba Poultry Show in March 1917.
Scope and Content
Postcard is a portrait of a chicken, breed is a General Haig.
Writing on the front of the postcard reads: Gen. Haig; 1st Cornish Cock; Man. Poultry Show Mar. 1917; Kerr & McGuinness; Brandon, Man.
Postcard is of a combine bailing hay in the north end of Brandon at the junction of First Street and Veterans' Way. The Brandon city skyline is in the background and the orange Pioneer Grain elevator can be seen on the left side of the postcard.
Writing on the front of the postcard reads: Brandon, The Wheat City. Back of the postcard reads: Brandon the Agricultural and Industrial center for southwestern Manitoba; Photo by Sandy Black; Printed in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, by Leech Printing Ltd.
Postcard is of buildings at Brandon University, including Clark Hall and the Original Building prior to the renovations, McMasater Hall, and the Q.E.II School of Music building.
Writing on the front of the postcard reads: Brandon University. Back of the postcard reads: (Top Left) Brandon University original building (Administration Center.), Bottom Left) Queen Elizabeth II Music Building, (Right) McMaster Hall Residence; Photo by Sandy Black; Printed in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, by Leech Printing Ltd.
Postcard is an advertisement for the Brandon Winter Fair. Image is of two dogs, with a caption below them.
Writing on the front of the postcard reads: "If you expect to be among those present, Florine, you'll have to have yours bobbed"/ Fools may rush in where Angles fear to tread./ The Winter Fair, Brandon, March 13 - March 17, 1933 / is good for either, yet is really better for the pople who are / neither, but, like ourselves, are somewhere between the two.
Postcard shows an aerial view of the city of Brandon
Writing on the back of the postcard reads: No. 10. Brandon, Manitoba, Canada / Aerial View of Brandon / Distributed by Clements Drug Store / Brandon, Manitoba, Canada / Photos by: R.J. "Bob" Snazel. / Printed by: D.W. Friesen & Sons Ltd. Altona, Manitoba, Canada. The postcard is addressed to Mr. F.A. Rosser and is postmarked Brandon 30 May 1970. A 6-cent Queen Elizabeth red postage stamp portraying various modes of the transportation. The stamp has been cancelled with a postmark that reads "Help Retarded Children."
Postcard shows an exterior view of the Twin Pines Motel
Writing on the back of the postcard reads: Twin Pines Motel & Restaurant / Brandon, Manitoba, Canada / Located at 10th Street & Queens Avenue / 40 Fully modern units with bath & showers, T. / Kichenettes, winter plug-ins, Ample parking. / For reservations call.... / 30717-C Color Photo by Joe Fartak / Color Productions Ltd., Box 1243, Regina, Sask.
The postcard is addressed to Mr. F.A. Rosser and is postmarked Brandon 06 June 1970. A 6-cent Queen Elizabeth red postage stamp portraying various modes of the transportation.
Photograph shows exterior views of five Brandon churches: Baptist Church, Presbyterian Church, St. Matthew's Church, Catholic Church and Monastery, and Methodist Church.
Part of "Christie's Brandon Series of Six Colored Picture Postcards of Brandon, Manitoba, The Crown Series, Published by Christie's Bookstore, Brandon, Man." [note: missing sixth postcard]. Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Baptist Church, Presbyterian Church Brandon Man., St. Matthew's Church, Catholic Church and Monastery, Methodist Church.
Photograph shows residential area of Lorne Avenue from 14th Street facing east.
Part of "Christie's Brandon Series of Six Colored Picture Postcards of Brandon, Manitoba, The Crown Series, Published by Christie's Bookstore, Brandon, Man." [note: missing sixth postcard]. Writing on the front of the photograph reads: Residential, Brandon, Man. Looking East.