Portrait: J.E. Robbins; Library Reading Room, Library and Arts Building. Naming of the Library, etc. Dr. D.N. Wheeler, Chairman Faculty Library Committee, Georgia Lightbody Whitman, Dr. J.E. Robbins, Dr. A.L. Dulmage, President, Michael Angel, President, Manitoba Library Association
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building looking south. Naming of the Library, etc. Many unidentified attendees, including: ?,?,?,?,?,?,?, Bernice Pettypiece, Dick McDonald, L.D. Whitehead, ?, J. Hardy, D. McNamee, ?, T.S. Gonzalez, ?,?,?, Gli Dimoinlangon, ?, Anne Harris, ?,?, Dr. John Lane, ?, Hazel Oakey, ?,?,?,?,?,?, Peggy Robertson, ?,?,?,?,?,?, Gol Aidun, ?
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor, McKenzie Building. Naming of the Library, etc.Dr. D.N. Wheeler, Chairman of the Senate Library Committee, Georgia Lightbody Whitman, Stanley Knowles, M.P., Chancellor, Dr. A.L. Dulmage, President
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building. Naming of the Library, etc. L to R Dr. D.N. Wheeler, Georgia Lightbody Whitman, Dr. A.L. Dulmage, Stanley Knowles, M.P.
Library Reading Room, 2nd floor McKenzie Building looking south Naming of the Library, etc.L to R ?, Dr. M.V. Naidu, Dr. W.H.M. Hargreaves-Mauwdsley, G.P. Sutherland, ?, c. Kennedy, Michael Angel, ?,?,?,?, Dick MacDonald, ?,?, L.D. Whitehead, J. Hardy, D. McNamee, P. Constans, ?, T.S. Gonzalez, ?,?,?,?, Mrs. Sutherland, Gli Dimoinlongan, ?,?,?,?,?, Anne Harris, ?, Ella Mae Perdue, H.S. Perdue, ?, W. Entz, Hazel Oakey, Gerald R. Brown, Mary Hume, Molly Vance, Alice Londry, ?,?,?