Photograph includes members of the Lodge including (listed on reverse of photograph) Joe Irwin, Bob Hastings, Dr. Dickson, Johnny Montgomery, Joe Robinson, John A. MacDonald, P.C. Duncan, A.B. Mcleod, Baptist Minister?[sic], Dr. McDiarmid, Lisle Christie, Rev. Flewelling, Mr.[sic] Burns.
Prince Edward Hotel Dining Room. Student Activity: Brandon College Arts Banquet. D. Walker, L.M. Finlay, K.L. Kidgell, B.L Bole, M. Doyle, E. Bowen, H. C. Stark, H. Shaw, O. Gardiner, J. Bradd, A. McKillop, H. J. Hyson
Brandon College Orchestra. Back Row-L to R: Professor Fox, Hawkins, Professor Vining, Farrer, Fraser (Leader). Front Row-L to R: Dickson, ?, ?, E.S. Hopper, A.L.P Hunter, (possibly Mrs. McDiarmid, pianist)
The Class of 1940 at the Arts Banquet. Back Row-L to R: Clare Pentland, Jack Wood, Tom McLeod, Iven Galvin. Middle Row-L to R: Jim Smith, Stan Leaming, Frank Goodwin, Marj Kirk, Jean Wedderburn, Bertha Davis, Ross Williamson, Ormand Williams, Don Lee. Front Row-L to R: Kay Drake, Florence Trent, Marg Hickling, Jean Hutchinson, Gwen Dobbie, Marion Stone
Students from the Class of 1919. Back row-L to R: John Grant, Don Forsythe, LeslieYlinz, Ray Sinole, Campbell McIntyre. Front row-L to R: Frances Wolverton, Madge Struthers, Isabel Cummings, Zoe Hough
Brandon College. Students from the Class of 1919. Standing-L to R: Zoe Allen Margerrison Hough, Rae Sinole, Isobel Cummings, Leslie Glinz, Frances Wolverton, Don Forsythe. Sitting-L to R: Madge Struthers (probably), Campbell McIntyre, John Grant
Brandon College. Students from the Class of 1921. Boys-L to R: Algernon, Runeman, Joe Wicklund, Victor Warner, Leslie O. Harris, Kelly Stone, Jim Smith, Chris Riley, Evan Whidden, Norman McDonald, Glen Clark, John Hart. Girls-L to R: Jennie M. Turnbull – Hon. Class Pres. – Staff, Edna McVeety, Tena Turnbull, Hattie Hall, Hazel Dunseith, Bea Clendenning, Lizzie Greig, M.A., Jessie Venables
Brandon College Students of the Class of 1921. Front-L to R: Glen Clark, Vic Warner, Leslie O. Harris, Joe Wicklund, Evan Whidden, Chris Riley, Norman McDonald, Kelly Stone. Standing-L to R: Bea Clendenning, Jim Smith, Jennie (Jane) Turnbull, Edna McVittie (McVitty), Elizabeth Hall, Hazel Dunseith, Tena Turnbull, Jessie Venables