This sub-series is artificially created and contains records that did not fit into any of the preceding series or sub-series.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
The records in this sub-series concern A.E. McKenzie's personal life. It contains a number of documents created by his father, F. B. McKenzie, including land deeds, financial records, and a grant of probate. The sub-series also includes documents concerning the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co., the dissolution of partnership between A.E. McKenzie and George. E. McKenzie, the release of F.B. McKenzie's estate to his son and a copy of A.E. McKenzie's mother's last will and testament.
Also included within the sub-series is a file or correspondence between McKenzie and R.B. Dessert, a former employee of McKenzie Seeds who established his own seed company in California after leaving Brandon. The correspondence is almost entirely personal in nature.
Thank you letters regarding Brandon College and scholarships, as well as minutes from meetings of the Education Advisory Board can also be found within the sub-series.
This sub-series consists of publications that did not fit into any of the preceding series or sub-series.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series includes one copy each of Manitoba Business Top 100 (June 1985), Trade and Commerce Supplement, Brandon (c. 1963) and Manitoba Business (November 1985).
It also includes a Christmas Song book, the book "By Gossip and Myth" by Prof. George MacDowell and a document entitled "Background Information re A.E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd."
The following newspaper clippings have been located in the map case drawer #4 located in the archives reading room:
1. $175,000 Gift Set for College from City Man
2. McKenzie Will Leaves House to Arts Centre
3. The Old Alma Mater is Down on Her Knees
4. How to Help the Alma Mater
5. Good Things are "growing" on at McKenzie Seeds (ad)
6. Fire fails to halt work at McKenzie Seeds
7. McKenzie Seeds: new facilities are first in North America
8. A full-page advertisment for McKenzie Seeds from "The Brandon Sun" (September 24, 1971)
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 6 Miscellaneous
These are the minutes from the meetings of the Arts Banquet committees from 1938 until 1964. They include detailed descriptions of what each banquet would entail.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
The Executive Committee is a standing committee of the Brandon University Board of Governors that meets regularly two weeks prior to the regular Board meeting. Its membership consists of: Chair of the Board of Governors; Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors; President of the University; Secretary of the Board of Governors; Treasurer of the Board of Governors; Student Representative from the Board of Governors; and Senate Representative from the Board of Governors. The Vice-President (Academic and Research) and the Vice-President (Administration and Finace) act as resource persons. Elections for the Executive Committee take place at the Board of Governors' August meeting each year.
Specific responsibilities of the Executive Committee include: setting the agenda for each regular and special meeting of the Board of Governors; reviewing relevant matters coming before the Board of Governors; acting as a consultative body to the President of the University; dealing with matters delegated by the Board of Governors; referring items to appropriate standing committees of the Board of Governors; acting with the full authority of the Board in situations requiring immediate action prior to the next regular meeting of the Board. The Executive Committee also reviews and recommends policies governing university finance and long-range planning. The Executive of the Board reports to the Board of Governors.
Scope and Content
Sub-series consists of records created by the Executive of the Brandon University Board of Governors. It has been divided into three sub sub series: (1) Board Executive Minutes; (2) Board Executive Correspondence; and (3) Board Executive Agendas.
History/Bio information taken from Board of Governors By-law No. 11 - Committees of the Board of Governors, Section III - Executive Committee (revised November 23, 2006).
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 2: Board of Governors
2.2 Board Executive
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
This sub-series consists of one folder containing thank you letters to Prof. George F. MacDowell, Professor of Economics at Brandon University, and a long-time member of the McKenzie Seeds Board for his service to the company.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 1 Board of Directors
Related Material
RG 6 (Brandon University fonds), MG 3 (Brandon University Teaching and Administration), MG 3 1.12 (George MacDowell fonds).
Sub-series consists of records for various committees of the Board of Governors, which were established to expedite matters in certain areas of the Board's jurisdiction. Some committees have a more or less permanent status while others were created to deal with specific questions or mandates. The sub-series has been divided into six sub sub series, including: (1) Nominating Committee; (2) Finance Committee; (3) Presidential Selection Committee; (4) Membership Committee; (5) Fundraising-Liaison Committee; and (6) Athletic Directorate.
Storage Location
RG 6 Brandon University fonds
Series 2: Board of Governors
2.5 Board of Governors' committees
At present (July 2007) all Board Committee files are in one box. As more records are received, the individual committees will be placed into their own boxes.
Sub-series Brandon College track and field programs for 1920 and 1922; two copies of Brandon College songs and yells, along with a typed copy of the class song for the class of 1929; a copy of the Brandon College students' directory for 1914-1915; and a donations pamphlet for the Brandon College Students' Memorial Gymnasium ca. 1918.
Located on the front page of the Memorial Gymnasium pamphlet is a proposed campus development plan showing the site of the proposed gymnasium, with other additional facilities including: a science building, a library/chapel, a conservatory, and a new women's residence.
At the front of the Brandon College songs and yells is a copy of the Brandon College Students' Association constitution.
The students' directory contains the constitution of the Literary Society, and a newspaper clipping regarding the death of Dorothy Nelson (nee Werthembach), former Dean of Women at Brandon College 1934-1935.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 12: Brandon College publications
The Brandon College and Brandon University Art Exhibition Committee was active from 1960 to 1972. The Committee was established to promote the visual arts in Brandon through education and to sponsor exhibitions featuring the work of local artists.
Custodial History
The records were assembled by Robert Inch of the Brandon University Extension Office and Professor D.V. Reilly, who taught art through the Faculty of Education at Brandon University. They were donated to the McKee Archives in 1997.
Scope and Content
The sub-series contains records of past exhibitions, minutes and correspondence of the Brandon University Art Exhibition Committee. Sub-series also contains personal files on some artists consisting of correspondence and information pertaining to exhibitions of their work. There are also extensive files on past exhibits including advertising, correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications and files concerning local affiliated art clubs, such as the Student Camera Club at Brandon University.
Sub-series has been divided into the following sub sub series: (1) Curriculum and Academic Standards (CAS) Committee; (2) Senate Planning Committee; (3) Scholarships, Bursaries, Medals and Awards Committee; (4) Bachelor of General Studies Committee; and (5) Senate Committee of Student Affairs.
This committee was in charge of deciding which students would be allowed to join extra-mural clubs and committees based on satisfactory schoolwork. The committee consisted of the President, faculty and students.
Scope and Content
This file contains minutes from the meetings of the Functions Committee.
Storage Location
RG 1 Brandon College fonds
Series 8: Brandon College Students Association
Block D was wooded with oak and an understory of saskatoon and hazelnut with a thick ground cover of poison ivy and sarsaparilla. Root and rodent disturbance was extensive.
Based on the recoveries from Test Unit 22 during the survey, further excavations were carried out. Two units 87 and 93 were excavated in 1987. A further four units were excavated in 1988. There appears to be a pre contact occupation and a protohistoric feature within the block.
Diagnostic lithics included a chert Plains Side-notch projectile point, and a large Woodland side-notched point. The lithic materials from Block D are primarily local cherts followed in abundance by Knife River Flint and Tongue River Silicified Sediment – both of which are exotics imported from the southwest. Faunal remains were primarily bison.
Thin-walled obliterated fabric impressed pottery with grit temper was recovered in all units. Diagnostic ceramics included two rims, one with a fabric impressed exterior and the lip notched with dowel impressions, and a second thick walled rim was fabric impressed to the lip. The ceramic wares appear to be essentially a Woodland complex with overtones of Plains influence.
RC date: 230/90 BP.
Scope and Content
Sub-series has been divided into sub sub series including: Lovstrom Block D 1987 and Lovstrom Block D 1988.
In addition to working as a journalist, editor, and publisher, Fred McGuinness worked as a freelance writer or “wordsmith” as he identified himself on his business cards. Throughout his career, McGuinness would write/publish about a topic in a variety of forums and would continually re-work manuscripts. The last piece of freelance writing the S.J. McKee Archives appears to have is a un-proofed draft manuscript titled “Tommy Douglas and Me” printed on October 2, 2010.
McGuinness wrote promotional pieces for businesses such as McKenzie Seeds, The Keystone Centre, possibly Patmore’s Nursery, and Westman Communications Group. He wrote for industry magazines and newsletters such as CP Trucking News, BC Business Journal, TV Times, and Western People. He also contributed memoirs to the Manitoba History Journal. He was invited to submit contributions to the World Book Encyclopedia (1977) and Encyclopedia of Manitoba (2007).
In the 1990s, McGuinness was a consultant with the WESTARC Group, the non-profit Western Training and Applied Research Centre affiliated with Brandon University. The group was concerned with the project management, research, training, and economic development of communities and organizations in Western Canada. McGuinness would be involved in a number of economic development workshops and rural forums through his work with WESTARC.
Additional freelance work was contracted by the Manitoba government to write business profiles about Manitoban entrepreneurs; these stories/profiles were published as booklets for distribution titled: Bootstrap Two (1989), Bootstrap Three (1994), and Bootstrap Four (1995).
McGuinness’ interests in rural development lead to writing assignments for the Community Futures Program and Western Diversification Series. He accepted a five-year writing assignment for Industry Canada (1996 – 2000) and the Community Access Program, which focused on introducing the internet into rural communities.
Custodial History
Accession 1-2015 contains records created and collected over the course of McGuinness’ career as a newspaper journalist and freelance writer. The Estate of Fred McGuinness donated the materials to the SJ McKee Archives circa 2011. The Archives accessioned the records in 2015.
Scope and Content
The subseries contains records created and collected by Fred McGuinness during his time as a journalist, editor, and freelance writer in Manitoba. The records consist of research materials (e.g., newspaper clippings, copies of articles and book chapters, brochures, pamphlets), notes, drafts, copies of articles and reports, and correspondence.
Information in the history/biography was taken from documents in the Miscellaneous freelance subseries (McG 3.2)
In the file level inventories, square brackets at the end of file names reference the original location of the file in the unprocessed Fred McGuinness collection. The original location is also noted on the front of each file folder
Finding Aid
A file level inventory is available
Storage Location
2015 accessions
Related Material
Fred McGuinness would write/publish about a topic in a number of forums. Therefore, it is possible research materials pertaining to this subseries may be found in the Fred McGuinness collection subseries: Correspondence (McG 1.2), Brandon Sun (McG 2.2), Neighborly News (McG 2.3), The Reader’s Digest (McG 3.1), Local history research (McG 4.1), and Talks and workshops (McG 6.3)
Arrangement was artificially created by the Archives. Subseries has been re-arranged according to publication period
This artificially created sub-series consists of records related to the office of the President/General Manager that did not fit into any of the preceding sub-series.
Custodial History
See fonds level description of custodial history of A. E. McKenzie Seed Co. Ltd.
Scope and Content
The sub-series includes photocopies of articles on A.E. McKenzie and Keith Guelpa, Pat Kelleher's resignation as President of McKenzie Seeds (1975), as well as correspondence from Bill Moore's term as President.
Storage Location
RG 3 A.E. McKenzie Company fonds
McS 2 Office of the President/General Manager
MPE Holland Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1927 - 1967 Petition, 1927 Certificate of incorporation, 1927 Memorandum of Association, 1927 Minutes of the Provisional Directors' meeting, 26 May 1927 Minutes of the Permanent Directors' meeting, 26 May 1927 Minutes of the Shareholders' meeting, 26 May 1927 First elevator lease, 1 August 1927 Letter, 30 January 1930 By-law authorizing new lease, 30 January 1930 Lease for new elevator, 30 January 1930 Letter, 14 July 1931 Application for share, 24 July 1931 Shareholder's meeting, 24 July 1931 Draft Director's minutes, 24 July 1931 By-law nos. 12 and 13, 24 July 1931 Agenda - shareholder's meeting, 24 July 1931 Agreement between Government, Manitoba Wheat Pool, MPE and CEA, 24 July 1931 Memorandum re: elevator membership and agreement, 24 July 1931 Memorandum re: Platform shippers questions and answers at conference, 24 July 1931 Department of Education and Publicity, Memorandum re: terminals credential forms, 24 July 1931 Agreement between Holland CEA and MPE, 1 August 1931 By-law no. 14, 4 November 1931 One share, 1 December 1931 Confirmation of share allotment, 14 January 1932 Supplementary agreement between Holland CEA and MPE and covering letter, 1 February 1933 Amending supplementary agreement and covering letter, 15 October 1936 By-law no. 16, 31 October 1939 By-law cancelling share capital, 29 October 1940 By-law nos. 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, 29 October 1941 Letter re: General By-laws and By-laws 18, 19 and 20, 6 August 1942 1945-46 Officers and Directors, November 1945 Agreement between Holland CEA and MPE, 1 August 1951 Directors' Resolution, 18 October 1961 Agreement between Holland CEA and MPE, 15 December 1966 By-law no. 26, 3 April 1967 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 4 June 1927 - volume 8, 24 November 1969 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1929 - 1969 (22 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1938 - 1944 (6 reports) Final statements, 1930 - 1952 (20 reports) Auditors' reports, 1928 - 1968 (25 reports) Correspondence, 1927 - 1980 Membership list, 1927 - 1969 Miscellaneous Directors' attendance lists, no date (2 reports) Blueprint for elevator and area, no date. Group Meetings of Local elevator Associations, Boards and Agents notebook March 29, no year. Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Victoria.
Elphinstone Co-operative Elevator Association Limited Organizational papers: 1927 - 1978 Memorandum of Association and General By-laws, 11 August 1927 Certificate of incorporation, 17 August 1927 Minutes of first general meeting of shareholders, 18 January 1928 Minutes of first permanent Directors' meeting, 18 January 1928 Memorandum of Agreement, By-laws 8, 9, 10 and 11, 12 November 1929 Minutes of the Shareholders' meeting, 25 July 1931 Directors meeting minutes, 25 July 1931 ECEAL By-law no. 12 \& 13, 25 July 1931 Agreement between Elphinstone CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1931 Letter re Supplementary Agreement, 16 November 1933 Agreement between Elphinstone CEAL and MPEL, 2 February 1933 Letter, 28 June 1944 Agreement between Elphinstone CEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1937 Ageement between Elphinstone CEAL and MPEL, 1 November 1937 ECEAL By-law no. 16, 4 November 1939 Letter re By-law no. 16, 24 March 1941 ECEAL By-law to authorize cancellation of share capital, 2 November 1940 Letter, 24 March 1941 ECEAL By-laws 18, 19, 20 and General By-laws, 15 July 1941 MPE General By-laws, 23 October 1941 ECEAL By-law no. 21, 7 November 1947 Letter re By-law no.21, 27 August 1948 Letter re amendment to General By-laws, 6 May 1949 ECEAL By-law no. 22, 20 June 1949 MPEL By-law amending the general By-laws of the Co., 7 March 1950 Agreement between ECEAL and MPEL, 1 August 1951 ECEAL By-law no. 23, 21 November 1921 MPEL By-law no. 1961-148, 12 October 1961 Directors' resolution, 18 October 1961 Agreement between MPEL and ECEAL, 15 December 1966 ECEAL By-law no. 26, 4 April 1967 Letter re Pioneer Grain Co., 23 February 1978 Minutes of Executive Board meetings, volume 1, 4 February 1928 - volume 7, 13 November 1980 Minutes of Shareholders Annual meetings, 1929 - 1968 (37 reports) Financial records and statistics Statement of surplus, 1937 - 1955 (18 reports) Final statements, 1931 - 1952 (24 reports) Auditors' reports, 1929 - 1967 (26 reports) Analysis of operating results, 1951 - 1963 (11 reports) Detail of grain earnings, 1963 - 1967 (4 reports) Capital loan summary, 31 July 1951 Correspondence, 1929 - 1969 Membership list, 1929 - 1930, 1978 Corporate Name: Rural Municipality of Strathclair
File numbering is not congruous between sub-series arranged prior to 2009 and sub-series arranged or added to after 2009. This will be corrected in the future